By: Tolu Olorunda
Staff Writer - YourBlackWorld.com
We've witnessed this scenario before: A Vice-President who not only overshadows his running mate, but dominates the field of play. From JFK-LBJ, to George Bush-Dick Cheney, and even Jimmy Carter-Zbigniew Brzezinski (not a running mate, but a National Security Advisor whose role was expanded beyond comprehension). Many have queried Obama's obsession with the presidency of JFK, and its unmistakable impact upon the Obama campaign and it's decision-making. With this selection of Sen. Joe Biden - the long-winded and often incendiary counterpart - it does appear rather ironic that Sen. Obama would, just as JFK did in 1960 with Lyndon Baines Johnson, choose a running mate whose rhetoric and record is diametrically misaligned to that of the presidential candidate. In 1960, there was no quarrel over the stark contrast in the personalities, proposals and positions of John Fitzgerald Kennedy vis-à-vis Lyndon B. Johnson. As it was in 1960, so it is now. Barack Obama is well aware of the apparent contradiction this selection makes, especially with his claim to being 'Washington-free,' and as a result, most fit to represent the suffering masses. Sen. Biden, a 6-term Congressman, and one who was first elected to the Senate in 1972, cannot possibly pass the smell-test on being 'non-Washingtonian.' With this reality in the bag, it comes as no surprise that Barack Obama would be willing to overwrite his staunch-rhetoric against Washington-insiders, in favor of winning the presidency.
In 1960, JFK selected LBJ for the sole-reason of amassing the southern vote. JFK was willing to overlook Johnson's numerous imperfections and anti-democratic stances. JFK, a Roman Catholic, seems to have not taken Jesus’ prophetic words seriously: "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul"? Lyndon Baines Jonson would - after the untimely death of JFK - proceed to escalate the troop-force in Vietnam from 16,000 to 550,000(dying at a rate of 1000 a month), grudgingly sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law, disinvite Dr. King from the White House and later remark, "That goddamn nigger preacher may drive me out of the White House" -- as a result of Dr. King's opposition to the Vietnam War. JFK must have anticipated this possibility, but nevertheless, have viewed the presidency as an "all or nothing" ball-game.
Dick Cheney, infamous for the nickname, "Darth Vader," has without a doubt, played the supreme role in the Bush Administration's foreign-policy and decision-making. It should be alarming to no one, to suggest that George Bush is not the "decider," as he once proclaimed to be. One of the perks of having a Vice-President who has a more comprehensive military record than the actual president is to be completely in the backseat on most - if not all - issues of national security. As a result of this, all progressives, for or against Obama, must begin the interrogation process of Obama's selection, and put maximum pressure upon his pick -- if the last 8 yrs. are to be avoided in the future. Believe it or not, Barack Obama, being naive and young, can be easily manipulated into servicing the will of the Lords of Capital -- all in the name of National Security.
Barack Obama claims to have chosen Biden, because he wants someone who can be "a good president if anything happened to me" (there's that JFK scenario raising its head again). He also stated the need for a "good adviser and counsel to me and tell me where he or she thinks I'm wrong, not just on national security policy but on domestic policy as well" (perhaps the sort of relationship developed between Zbigniew Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter). Above every other factor, Obama expressed his utter-refusal of a V.P. who serves the role of a "Yes man." The failure to acknowledge the insinuations being made by Sen. Obama vis-à-vis his own inexperience, would drive voters to polling stations on November 4th, without any articulable conviction for voting in favor of the Obama-Biden ticket? Obama chose a guy, who, reflecting on Sen. Obama's meteoric rise to the pedestal of political-fame, stated, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy; I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” A transparent insult upon the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, James Baldwin, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Cornel West, Michael Eric Dyson, Henry Louis Gates Jr. Bell Hooks and Rev. Jesse Jackson, was unable to prevent the one-term senator from defending the utterer of such despicable proclamations. Obama, in a Democratic-primary debate, shielded his buddy from any criticism, stating, "I have absolutely no doubt about what is in his heart and the commitment he's made to racial equality in this country." This was 'no doubt' a strategy, later picked up by Tiger Woods, in a moment bearing a similar dilemma. Whether this ticket is a success or not, Obama's dedication to the Black Community should be radically called into question, as he has, knowingly or unknowingly, suggested that Black politicians are unworthy of any serious consideration for the upper echelons of political-office.
When Cynthia McKinney, Green Party Presidential Nominee, was selecting a Vice Preisdent, she made clear what her specific demand was: Someone who had a detailed record of fighting tirelessly for the everyday person. With such a complex requisition, it astounded no one, when McKinney selected long-time activist and journalist, Rosa Clemente as her running mate. Perhaps Sen. Obama can learn a few lessons from McKinney's example, and provide tangible and substantiated evidence as to why he will be the candidate he professes to be. Rhetoric is NOT Reality.
1 comment:
Another Non-Big- Picture brother. Biden got one of the biggest responses and outpouring that he has ever gotten because he was picked by Obama, not the other way around. Obama is the draw not Biden. Didn't Biden's run for President on his own prove anything to this brother? Obama is the man of the hour with no help. Even Hillary was never as popular with Bill on the stump. Yet the RNC, McCain Campaign want to call Obama a celebrity, in-experience, because people want to come out and hear him IN BIG CROWDS. What is Obama suppose to do, say no?
I call people who want to take the time and come out see and hear a Candidate INFORMED VOTERS!!
Did this brother remember the 2000/2004 election and current speaking in front of people of the last few years? Did Bush or Cheney ever get anything (like the people showing up for Obama) other than the handpicked prove -you -are- a- Republican- audience to get in to hear us speak; AND only speak in front of a captured- Military audience? McCain, could not attract a crowd if his life depended on it. He too, is mostly speaking in front of a hand-picked crowd.
Big Question: Did Mr. Orlorunda stop to think that Obama got this far on his own. For a while all he had out there was himself and Michelle (a non-politician). So for this gentleman to think that he needs Biden to be his brain is totally ridiculous. Hillary had Bill, Mr. Ex President, doing more than 1/2 of the heavy lifting and Obama still beat her. Even the Journalists in the NY Times. stated that Obama needed more heavyweights in the DNC to step up and help him. In spite of all that Obama soldiered on and still won the Nomination. So far Obama has proved he does have a brain. In case the brother missed this one, All of the pundits and Talking Heads are saying, win or lose, Obama has put together one of the best run Political Machines that have ever seen, while trying to run a positive Campaign.
If the Republicans beat him, they will have had help from some of us, the distorted mud slinging and lies, the Clintons, the entitled white women, and those bigots out there who would not vote for a Black man even if he were to go to the City Center and poured gasoline on himself and set himself on fire.
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