Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rev. Jesse Jackson Issues Statement to Dr. Boyce Watkins about the Settlement in the Sean Bell Shooting


To hear what other black public figures had to say, please click here.


The family of Sean Bell has stood tall during this tragic and difficult ordeal and for that they should be commended.  Rev. Sharpton and the National Action Network should also be commended as well for their continuous pursuit to seek justice.  I continue to pray for the families of Sean Bell, Joseph Guzmen and Trent Benefield.

The pattern of police shooting unarmed innocent black men is becoming all too common.  However, it magnifies symptoms of a deeper problem of insensitivity and detachment within police departments across the country.   

Today it is clearer than ever that we need vigorous action by local and state authorities and the U.S. Department of Justice to enforce civil rights laws, EEOC, contract compliance and affirmative action. I hope the President and his administration will address these issues head-on to deal with issues surrounding equal protection under the law for all Americans.

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