Friday, January 14, 2011

Tucson Shootings and Hate-Filled Diatribe

by Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III

While conducting a town hall meeting in Tucson, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in the head Saturday.  She struggles for her life in an Arizona hospital.  Giffords was among 13 people wounded in the melee that killed six, including Arizona's chief federal judge, a 9-year-old girl and an aide for the Democratic lawmaker. The country prays for the recovery of the individuals who were wounded and morns the loss of those who have died.

It has been reported that the attack was carried out by 22 year old Jared Loughner.  His motivations are unclear at this time.  Officials are looking at his MySpace page, YouTube videos, and other web postings looking for a motive.  Some postings indicate Loughner is a very troubled individual.  He posted the following on YouTube, "I know who's listening: Government Officials, and the People…Nearly all the people, who don't know this accurate information of a new currency, aren't aware of mind control and brainwash methods ..."


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