Saturday, October 22, 2011

Actor Says Life is Easy for Him Because He’s a White Man

Your Black World reports

Vincent Kartheiser has an interesting way of getting his point across.  The actor made it clear that being a white man comes with a huge set of advantages that are not afforded to most people throughout the world. 

"It's pretty easy. I'm a white America," Kartheiser said. "We're all kind of born with a silver spoon in our mouth. We're all much luckier than people born in Bolivia or West Africa."

To further his point, the actor went into the history of the western hemisphere, citing colonization, slavery and all the other terrible things that they don't always teach you in history class.  His conclusion is that were it not for all of these factors, he would not have the advantages that he possesses today. 

"I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I would love it if you would put this in your magazine," he said to Vulture Magazine. "I realize that my career is 99 percent luck, if not 99.9 percent luck. The fact that I'm born in America, and America has control over all these other colonies, and enslaved all these other countries -- I mean, there are so many things that have happened in my life that make me so lucky."

We don't suspect that he was being cocky by saying this.  It sounds like he's making a good point about white privilege.  At least somebody is noticing the obvious. 



He's just saying what we as Black folk already know. Keep moving folks nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

Actually its admirable of him saying this, he probably just lost out on some movie roles!

Thank you and keep spreading the awareness!

JEANNE said...

He should have shut his mouth, never heard of him before and would not watch anything he was in now.

corbin56 said...

He has only stated what is already known to be the truth.

affordable-resumes-writer said...

He's a brilliant actor from Mad Men, on AMC. He's actually very politically aware and is a bit eccentric by normal standards. He lives his politics. He won't have kids because he thinks the world is already overpopulated, and he's making a statement about race in America: white is right. He's not rubbing it in anyone's face to gloat over; rather, I think he's making a statement that it is rough to be anything but white in this country that honors whiteness more than anything else. Polls have been taken that confirm that most of America would rather be any race other than Black. And I wouldn't trade my race for anything in the world!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with what he is saying...

Let's see if he will say this when congress is over 90% black...

That's when the playing field will change for all Americans...

Anonymous said...

Dude is speaking the truth! If u doubt what he is saying all u have to do is look at how much media coverage missing and dead white folkes get

Anonymous said...

he's got some guts. when his people hear this they will go completely ballistic because they like to deny it and he is exposing the truth. slavery! hahaha! i hope it goes viral. good for him!

Scarshady said...

im proudly Bolivian but im not insulted at all ;) this silver kid :P is telling half truth , he had his ideas another white pretty guy with mixed capitalist ideas , but need check about Bolivia with Evo Morales leadearship helped by people we change Bolivia in 8 years , analfabetism 0% , telecomunication for all , bonus for kids and old people , USA embassy expelled , CIA and DEA expelled , corporations expelled , , all oil and gas profits for pour people , etc etc and etccccc, let em think he is a smart , Bolivians with ur fight my black politicians , by the way we have a small afroamerican population but have a big power in congress just in new "Plurinational state of Bolivia" best regards , oscar

David2001 said...

I agree with him and I think it takes a certain amount of courage to say it publicly. Most white Americans enjoy the lie that they simply worked harder and or were intellectually superior to people of color. The inconvenient truth is that the moment white immigrants step on the shores of America they were granted privilege status over blacks and other non whites. Not to mention enjoying the freedom of this country thanks to over 400 years of free labor. He will probably take a beatdown from both the white conservative AND so called liberal media for saying what he said. Whenever a white person speaks up about white entitlement and racism they are usually criticized by other whites for doing so.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that white man knows and understands his history and American History. I love when people speak the truth. Only thing is his fellow white people don't like that. They like to keep it a secret and the deception going. He will be fine though. They may get mad at him for a minute but then they will realize hey he is still white and superior..All is Forgiven..Lifetime Membership:-)

RockyMissouri said...

His style is odd....but it is honest and truthful.

Anonymous said...

He is telling the truth about the silver spoon. Everthing my ancester invented, created, and cook, it was taking away from them, so that their children children would not have to work a da#@ in their life. The same attitude and ways the master taught their children children is the same way they are treating today's generation and people of color!!

Anonymous said...

Finally ,another honest white guy ,I am not offened by his statement because this is 100 percent true.this guy is not boasting he is just making true and honest fact's known.for all you people who thnk having corporate jobs,driving fancy car's,having a certain degree from a certain in a certan house or neighborhood,being an entertainer of sports,music otherwise keep dreaming ,however remember money n AMERICA wll never transcend RACE!run in tell that....

Anonymous said...

I'm always impressed when white people like this address the "priviledge issue" with honesty and truth, He is pointing out a glaring reality between privilidge and inequality that has been set in motion to the back drop of race and gender. Truth, honesty, and courage is always a winning combination; I wish more had it!

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that if congress was 90% Black it would make a difference. I doubt it . As long as we have Herman Cain's and Clarence Thomas' and Black folks that don't like themselves it will take much more to come together as a people. We still can't agree on whether we deserve our "forty acres and a mule". Everyone else has gotten their apology.

smartguy said...

ey dont mess with Bolivians , now we have an almost perfect democracy in world , we dont see colours in stupid skin , another american think he is right . common whats happening there

Anonymous said...

White man with silver spoon in mouth speaks the truth. Seriously though, race relations is the biggest problem that our society faces. We judge each other, not by the content of our character as Dr. King so eloquently stated, but by the color of our skin. Unfortunately, that goes both ways. At least this man had the balls to say publicly what most people know to be the truth. With that said, people should support him because there are many in this world who would prefer that statements like this would not be made, especially by people who are given the advantage. One more thing, the race of our Congress has no bearing on what they do as long as the Lobbyist are able to buy off your representation. That's because they don't care about black or white, the important color to them is green.

LarryJ said...

I respect him for being honest and telling the truth about the advantages of being born "White" in America. Most White people will not admit this. And most Whites counter by referring to Equal Opportunity Programs and Affirmative Action as reverse discrimination government programs favoring Blacks over Whites. LarryJ

Anonymous said...

Enjoy it now cause that's gonna change! In about 20 years whites will be the minority!

Anonymous said...

I guess it is a matter of opinion. He can relate cause he is white and I can relate cause I,m black. I can,t see it that he feels he is lucky to be a white man in America as I can recall the white man started slavery, gave the native americans a fatal disease and the white man are inferior to any other race of people that don,t look like them.

Anonymous said...

THis is a very racist comment.
One more white boy sounding superior to other races.

Whites are not creators. Just creatures with no character or conscience. They are a majority only in population.

They are people so low in character and humanity they had to form a Confederacy that corrupted the Judicial. Legislative, and Executive branches of the government at all level with anti-laws against Blacks especially-instituted racism as a practice.

What advantage is there in being despised as a coward and a low life.

I am an African American living in America. What gives me The Advantage is that I do not have to let you people rob me of my dignity-just because you have none.
And the fact that I can celebrate
the fact that I can be black and be Okay. It is well with my Soul.

I do not need or have to be a white boy to have an advantage.
I can be an African American and have the greatest advantage-of trusting and relying on God.

mike f said...

Some respondents here seem to imply that a white man isn't entitled to an opinion on his race.

Why? The guy is calling it as he sees it, and is recognizing that, wrong as it so obviously is, he has been afforded unwarranted and unearned advantages because he has a pinky coloured skin and a roman nose.

What he's trying to get across, and yes, he perhaps could have been a little less oblique in his verbiage, is that he knows it was wrong that he should have had such advantages, but he really wasn't able to change the "system", so all he could do was run with it, and as human nature dictates, take whatever advantage he could.

But he is implying in all of this, that he personally despises the historical cicumstances, events and actions which brought about this horrible injustice and perception.

It does cut both ways though. It may be more understandable (because of history) for a black person to say "I'm better than you because I'm black", but that doesn't make it any more correct.

You have to realize that there are a few (and perhaps more than a few)white people out there who are able to think straight, and who understand that skin colour has absolutely no bearing on anyone's value as a human being.

Anonymous said...


Sorry but Egyptians were the first slave traders on record. Your statement is very vague and lacks focus and a point.

I agree with what the actor said. He's right that he is extremely lucky to have been born here and have a launching pad for his career. Guilt-ridden whites don't want to hear that because they fear that it takes away from their accomplishments.

People today take a lot of pride in what is ultimately circumstance (their race, hometown, physical attributes, etc..). Here's a guy that isn't so caught up in it that his success overrides his ability to reason and see things the way they really are.
Kudos to him.

Concerned said...

You people just don't pay attention. Herman Cain, told you that Race does not play a roll in holding back anyone from becoming successful(Rich). Now, Pay attention,Please.

LarryJ said...

The old blind guy with the lamp finally found an honest white guy.....? LarryJ

LarryJ said...

Is Herman Cain running to sexually harass women or is he running for dog catcher...? In any case, do not leave Sarah Palin alone with Herman in the same room....She may shoot that big bull elephant.....


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