Comedian Chris Rock turned to comedy to express his personal prediction for the second term of the Obama presidency. Rock said that he thinks that President Obama will start doing "gangsta sh*t" in the second term, although he has been passive in the first.
“There’s a f——— art to the first term because you’re always running for a second term the whole time. It’s like Clinton’s first term. You can’t really do your gangsta sh— until your second term. … Even Bush couldn’t really f—- up the world until his second term. That’s when he put the hammer down," said Rock.
Rock expressed some agreement with those who feel that the first term of the Obama presidency has been disappointing. But he says that the best is yet to come.
“I’m like everybody, I want more action. But I understand that he’s trying not to piss off a lot of people. But I believe wholeheartedly if he’s back in, he’s going to do some gangsta sh—.”
Rock elaborated on his point a bit further.
“The last George Bush we had was the first cable TV president we had. And what I mean by that … he was the first president that was only president to the people that voted for him. He did not give a f—- about the people that didn’t vote for him. Obama is actually trying to be president to the whole country and there’s a lot of compromise being president to the whole country. … In a weird way our complaints about Obama is because we miss Bush. We miss hating somebody. We miss the guy who didn’t give a f—-. … Bush didn’t give a f—- about us. He just really, really didn’t. We want revenge; we don’t want justice. That’s the problem with the Democrats. We want revenge.”
I really appreciate Chris Rock's political savvy and comedic superiority, but he must understand that those who actually run this country do not play by the rules and they chose Mr. Obama to be their (House)Negro to serve their nefarious purposes.
The most important thing to realize is that nothing is done in this country without permission from the silent 'Elite'. They are Anglo because they are the descendants of the powermongers of this country. Whenever someone goes against their plans anywhere in the world they suffer grave consequences. This elite "cabal" if you will, controls all of our resources through these puppet government officials. They control other nations through puppet dictators and leaders they either put into place or threaten with 'our' military strength. Whenever any of those leaders try to change the rules they are usurped or murdered and carefully replaced in time.
Mr. Obama is a willing participant in this pseudo patriotic facade that we're plied with, and he knows that as long as he represents these high end 'World Pirates' he will walk away with deep pockets. If he tries to do anything that goes against the elite's wishes he will regret it!
What we will all see in his next term is a serious attack and pillaging of Africa and the African diaspora like never before. We will also see more of our rights and freedoms disappear and a greater toxic environment created by the elite as they tear down safety nets, pillage and suck the very life out of this hemisphere.
We have all been conditioned from an early age to believe the patented lies and we do this despite 'our' past as an abused people. How is this so? Probably because the hype is laid on so thick by the elite's corrupt media machine combined with a blockage of the truths a constant barrage of half truths, and super-thick cover of secrecy, and the outer surfaces of the con 'seemingly' so appropriately legitimate.
The elite know for certain that we are easily prepared to believe in fantasy and fiction. They test that theory from time to time just to make sure!
In the next four years pay close attention to behold the horrors that will be difficult to cover up by the false hope and lies of 'seemingly' accomplished good! While you're hearing about the few so-called "good things" pay attention to the insurmountable number of terrible things!These horrible sociopathic attacks on the welfare of humanity will be less televised than the 'good', but if you are diligent and studied you will see the blatant human abuses and hypocrisies.
All of this information extended, and yet those with preconditioned blocked mindsets will not allow it to register nor will they follow up or pay close attention to the obvious. That is but one of the tragedies of the human condition.
You are 100% right....This is why these repubs are selling their soul to the devil to keep him from being elected again....
Lame duck politicians can do anything they want to do because they finally free from trying to satisfy every Tom Dick and Harry.....
Man you knock this one out of the park....
Chris Rock-Eddie Murphy wanabe and not funny.
Was Martin L King chose to be their (House) Negro to serve their nefarious purposes???
I believe your assessments is totally from the mind of a demon....
Do you believe in God the Father, Jesus the son and God the Holy Spirit......
Who is these silent Elite????Have they convince you to believe in fantasy and fiction...Have they conditioned you from early age to believe the patented lies they tell you.....????
Are all Blacks affected by the silent elite.....and if they suck the life out of this hemisphere wouldn't that harm them and all the other White folks as well.
I concur with what Chris Rocks said.....If Obama get reelected he will be a lame duck president.....He can say and do anything he want to do .....
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