Thursday, January 31, 2008

Barack Obama Slams Clinton in January Fundraising

During the month of January, Senator Barack Obama raised $32 million dollars from donors, the most ever raised during a one month period by a Democratic Presidential candidate. The campaign also announced that they picked up 170,000 new donors, raising the total number to 650,000.

Hillary Clinton's camp did not release its fundraising numbers for the month.

The funds raised by the Obama campaign for January exceed the highest 3 month total for any period in 2007, a remarkable achievement. The funds are also an excellent propelling mechanism for "Super Tuesday", when national ads are going to be purchased by the Obama camp.

"We think that the strength of our financial position and the number of donors does speak to financial sustainability if it ends up going through March and April," stated an advisor to the Obama campaign. "We think we will have the financial resources to conduct vigorous campaigns in the states to come."

On "Super Tuesday", February 5, more than 20 states are going to hold their primaries. Clinton plans to air ads in 12 states, while Obama is going to focus on at least 20 of them.

Obama and Clinton have, together, raised a over $100 million dollars since the campaigns began. Both are considered front runners in the race for the Democratic nomination.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can anybody say Romney v. McCain? Romney has more money than McCain but is still loosing the votes to McCain in the primaries. I know Obama Supporters think that running ads on tv in Latino network, other networks, really sway voters. I don't think so. Voters are alittle bit more sophisticated than you think. They still remember the good times during the Clinton years in 1992-2000 and as the Mayor of Los Angeles commented before the debate, that resonates more with voters. So, it is a nice lead for him. Both of them have over $100M in campaigning, but this is still about the VOTERS in the respective states and who they believe will be the best candidate to lead on day one - not just the one who can inspire them. Plus, it appears that Obama was the most liberal voter in Congress in 2007 and Conservatives will love to make him like a Kerry in 2004 (swiftboat tactic). So, you really thought Pres. Clinton was bad. Wait until Obama (who was probably muslim between 0-26 years age, most liberal voter in Congress) get a nomination. He will suffer the same fate like Kerry eventhough he talks a good game and makes inspiring speeches.