Obama has a friend from Illinois, Antoin "Tony" Rezko who is a little shady. Rezko is being investigated concerning bribery and kickbacks. Obama says he has known Tony for about 15 years. Tony contributed $120,000 to Barack's Senatorial campaign and after Barack was elected, he started looking for a house. Obama, as the story goes, called up Tony and asked his advice. Barack finds a house he likes, and next to the house is a lot owned by the person selling the house that wants to sell both the lot and the house together. Barack can't afford them both so Tony's wife buys the lot next door for $625,000 and Barack buys the house for $1,650,000. Later down the road, Obama buys some of the land next door from Tony's wife for the princely sum of $104,500. As for the campaign contribution, after Tony was officially indicted, Barrack gave $44,000 of the money Tony gave him to charity. This is what I have so far.
Doesn't look great but let's think here. Every transaction, from the donation to the real estate deals, were reported and legal. Some say that Obama got a special deal on the land, but we are not sure how he got it. We don't know how big the property was, or how much he bought, so perhaps the $104,500 is a good deal for that neighborhood. I wouldn't know, I can't afford to walk in that neighborhood so I will have to take their word for it.
Barack has said it was a "bone headed mistake" and he admits he was wrong. Nice change over, Miss "I voted for the war where thousands have died because George told me to and can't take responsibility for my mistakes" Clinton. It isn't as if some of the other candidates don't have shady friends also. He didn't drive his mistress around in police cars and hire illegals to be his domestics. Obama said he knew that Rezko was being investigated, but he hadn't been indicted, so he just tried to keep their dealings above board. He probably didn't give all the contribution money back because most of it was spent. Campaign improprieties are not uncommon for political candidates. The question is how quickly you get the shady people out of your life.
The release of this information seems all too convenient. A couple of days ago, Obama was at the top of the polls in NH and my buddy Bill Clinton was having a meltdown because he said the media was being unfair and not reporting all of Obama's dirt and tricks. Hillary said Edwards and Obama get a "free ride" and all her crying made it seem as though she is the only one under scrutiny. In essence, both Clintons slapped the hands of the media and said they were being too mean to Hill and too nice to Obama. Suddenly, after Hill is back on top, we see the release of this information.
Could it just be the media's way of trying to show they aren't biased in the wake of the Clinton's wrath? Perhaps the media is making sure they don't piss off the Clintons in the event that they get back into The White House. Bottom line: Obama didn't lie about his dealings with Rezko and he is not implicated in Tony's indictment. So now what? Keep digging. Perhaps they will find out that Obama's dog voted for Bush last time. Until then I just think people in glass houses shouldn't throw cigars...or is that stones? Oh well, whatever fits.
Great reporting and great story. I read or heard about this story months ago. To the extent that it was presented in the past "this too shall pass." I would expect this sort of digging and sniffing from the media and the Republican Party. Let see if Hillary and Bill Clinton have the audacity to use this after all that we as a people have done for them.
The Clintons are too greedy for power. President Clinton is the symbol of what is different and great about the Democratic Party. I can’t believe that he is willing to sacrifice the entire party to just to put Hillary on the ticket.
News flash to the Clintons – Bill you served two terms as president of United States of America. Hillary, you are a Senator in the United States Senate. To quote you Hillary this country has given you great opportunities.
Black people in this country have never experienced one of our own in the Oval Office. We have had only two of our people serve in the United States Senate. It is now our moment in time, our chance to test the basis concepts of democracy.
Barack is going to have alot of explaining to do with this one. But he is probably no worse than the Clintons, who have a lot of really shady friends.
Wow. Ali v. Frazier. Obama started it with Walmart. Clinton just finished it with slum landlords in inner city Chicago.
If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Some politics isn't it?
Let's get ready to rumble.
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