African-Americans in Nevada showed overwhelming support for Senator Barack Obama. However, this was not enough for him to defeat Hillary Clinton. Black voters represent 16% of the voting population in Nevada, and 80% of these voters supported Barack Obama.
The same was true in Michigan, where polls say that Obama would have won over 70% of the black vote. Some argue that this predicts a clear victory for Obama in South Carolina, where half of the voting population is African American.
Rather than support Senator Clinton in Michigan (where Obama chose not to participate due to party sanctions), 70% of African-American voters chose to vote "uncommitted". CNN exit polls showed that these voters were in overwhelming support of Barack Obama.
African-Americans have long supported the Clintons, with Bill Clinton having been called "The first black president" by Toni Morrison. The name was also adopted by Hillary Clinton as well. But many have come to question the Clinton commitment to African-Americans, leading to a substantial decline in African-American support for the Clintons.
On the Republican side, Mike Huckabee won the Nevada Caucus. South Carolina's primary serves as an important symbolic win for whichever candidate emerges victorious.
Obama better be careful here. I thought he did not want to be a "black" candidate. He just fell right into the trap. He can't win either the Democratic nomination or Presidency with just the black vote. Inexperience. What in the world was he talking about Reagan as the man? Does he not know he is a Democrat and economically Reagan/Bush years caused the worst recession & inaccess to blacks and all Americans during their tenure. Iran Contra scandal and CIA pumped crack/cocaine into our communities to fund the war. Come on Obama, are you that clueless or did you just get your papers about 2 minutes (or 2 days) before your interview? LOL
What is sad is that if Hillary Clinton had defended Martin Luther King, white voters would reward her for being the sensitive white lady. But if Obama does it, he gets punished. What does that say about the election?
That is US politics. Double/Triple Standard exists for women & blacks. It is what it is. Is it inconsistent? yes. Is it unfair? yes. Can you do something about it? Not really. Politics is like a chess match. You might not be a Queen, King or you might be a pawn. Either way, your objective is to win the game and deal with the pieces you are dealt with. Just be smart and strategic about it. It's called life. Darwinism (strongest will survive).
"My disdain for you Hellary has nothing to do with you supposedly being a woman! I love women and would vote for one for president readily. But, I would never vote for anybody just because of gender: think back to you and Bill's administration, all of the spies, lies, corruption, deaths, smears, immorality, backstabbing, laws broken, drugs, bribes, Chinese spies, payoffs, character assasinations, assasinations, investigations, using dead people, theft, obfescations, stealing china, destruction of public property, threats to bimbos, assaults, rape accusations, sex not sex, asprin factory murders, tyrant coddling, Whitewatering, Rose law firming, missing files, DNA disapearance, Foster bodies, Lies in diaries, lawyers commiting suicide, hidden agendas, payoffs, Luewinskiing, coverups, mismanagements, bodies in the parks, bodies in the cell, bodies in the water, bodies on train tracks, nuclear secrets being sold, FBI files stolen, hiring bouncers to rough up people, blackmailings, travel office scandals, stealing Whitehouse furniture, double talk, cult genocides, document shreading, planes crashing, Ron Brown coverups, document suppressions, (I went on for about five more minutes)..... all with YOU, Hellary right smack dab in the middle either orchestrating, enabling or covering up!"
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