Thursday, January 24, 2008

Former President Clinton and the Race Card

On Sunday January 20, 2008, former President Bill Clinton appeared in the atrium of Ellicott Square in Buffalo, New York. He spoke to approximately 200 loyal democratic Hillary supporters.

During his speech Bill Clinton again inserted the issue of Senator Barack Obama’s race into the 2008 presidential election.

In a video of the event in Buffalo, President Clinton made statements that appeared innocent on face value. The statements to a mostly white audience included a reference that Hillary would understand it if black voters in South Carolina voted for Obama because he is a black man.

It appears that Bill is making a conscious effort to derail Obama’s campaign strategy to run not as a black candidate but as the best person for the highest office in the land. It is my belief that the former president is using the race card in an effort to get out the white vote for Hillary Clinton.

Robert J. McCarthy in an article in The Buffalo News wrote: “Because Obama is already becoming a factor in New York, the former president appealed to his wife’s political base to turn out the vote that will result in the delegates needed to deliver the nomination. ‘You’ve got to stick with her’ he told his enthusiastic audience. ‘We need a big, big, big vote out of New York.’”

President Clinton continues to violate our faith, trust, and previous support for both of the Clintons. On January 23, 2008, Andrea Mitchell reported that former president Clinton isn’t backing down or changing his tactics of inserting the race issue into Senator Clinton’s bid for the White House. To support the above-mentioned fact Mitchell quoted Bill’s statement to reporters “ That having a woman as president is as much of a change as having a black man as president.”

Black people expect the Republicans to use race as a fear tactic to get out the white vote but we do not and should not tolerate Bill Clinton’s continual use of “ race” to defeat Senator Barack Obama during the primary elections.

Prominent and elected black supporters of Senator Clinton, in her quest for the presidency, including congresswoman Shelia Jackson-Lee, Andrew Young, and Charles B.Rangel, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, should voice their outrage that the Clinton’s are engaging in the divisive campaign tactic of race. They should tell Hillary Clinton in no uncertain terms that she risks losing their support if President Clinton continues with his destructive efforts to win the nomination at any cost.

Vera Richardson is the author of “A Case of Racial Discrimination and Retaliation Real or Imagined.”
Bill Clinton Comes to Buffalo - WNY Media Network - Thursday, 24 January 2008
© - WNY Media Network


Anonymous said...


Support Obama if you want. But, please lessen this race comment. It is not helping Obama. Second, Obama (a black man) is not helping himself by trying to attack Hillary (a white woman) or Bill (a white man). They don't tell you this, but that is a no no.

Master don't like it and if you have not yet realized, we as Blacks only represent 10 to 12% of the majority in this Country. Whites still rule.

So, with Obama falling for the trap of commenting on race for MLK's statement even though Hillary talked about LBJ in an accurate historical context, he is going to mess his chances nationally especially in Feb. 5 caucases.

What is sad is what blacks don't realize is like MLK did, you have to take the HIGH road to get things accomplished (e.g. non-violent movement like Gandhi). Not be militant and feel you have to attack. Whites do not like that and he is losing tremendously.

You can't blame Clintons for Obama being foolish enough to fall for the trap. He is too inexperienced to truly win.

You guys need to stop cuddling him and get him to understand like Jesus that you have to acknowledge your adversary and do the opposite of what they do to make headway.

That is what you need to do for Obama.

Vera Richardson said...

I know that politics is a brutal sport. But is it too much to ask President Clinton and the Senator to play the game fairly? After all black people as a race have supported and loved the Clintons through all of their political and personal trials.

Bill Clinton was saved from the disgrace of impeachment by black Congressional leaders. He also was elected for a second term by the overwhelming support of black voters.

Senator Kerry failure to response timely to false attacks by Bush supporters was an invaluable political lesson. Obama must continue to fight and dispute false and misleading statements from President and Senator Clinton.

The whole world knows that Bill Clinton has been less than truthful in the past. President Clinton graduated from Yale Law School and still lied under oath during a deposition.

Americans are sick and tired of not being able to trust our president. If Hillary is elected this country would have 24 or 28 years of the Bushes or Clintons in the Oval Office.

Let’s hope all citizens of this country remember that President Clinton was disbarred for lying under oath. The fact that he makes a statement does not mean that it is the truth.

It is time for Americans to make an informed decision to vote for real change during the 2008 election.

Anonymous said...

Fair politics, are we in America? Didn't they steal this land from the native Americans? Remember the big battle over the Constitution between North and South, Jefferson and Adams, Lincoln and Confederate South, JFK and Democratic party, Powell and his potential nomination in 2000 and recanting for fear of death, and latest unfair politics done to Harold Ford, Jr. where a white woman in a Republican Ad said to him "call me" and winking without clothes on.

Okay, Obama and Clinton and others have to learn to have THICK SKIN. He is a lawyer. Trust me. I am one as well. He should be prepared to handle all types of criticism (e.g. N-word). If he is not, then he better get his butt out of the kitchen because it is going to get hotter and more difficult, not easier.

Clinton had some gray areas, but nothing to the extent of what the Republicans did to Harold Ford, Jr. when he ran for Senator of Tenn. which definitely crossed the line racially and was allowed. Obama has to get tough skin if he is going to be the Democratic nominee. That is the way life is. These other people like Kerry, Clyburn and others whining that the Clintons have gone too far is really ridiculous.

They did not say that when they swiftboat Kerry (by Cheney) on his Vietnam veterans record and wishy washy moves as U.S. Senator. He has got to get TOUGH and able to articulate his stance effectively without whining and crying over someone hurt his feelings (e.g. about MLK not being more favorable over LBJ, etc...).

He is just not use to loosing that is all that is happening. He panicked after Hillary won NH and NV and then wanted to play the "race card" in SC and now it is going to backfire on him nationally.

But, suffering setbacks does make you stronger. Ask the Clintons. You have to be tough. This is a shark eat shark, dog eat dog world as is politics. Only the strong survive so he better suck it up and start using strategy instead of whining to get Whites and Hispanics (not just blacks) to support his cause.

Anonymous said...

This was a terrible thing for Bill Clinton to say. I used to be fan of Bill Clinton, but not anymore.

Anonymous said...

Black America (young and old who get emotional if you perceive a race slight)

Racism (or Sexism) exists no doubt. But, let's define what that means. Racism means that one race believes they are superior to another race (the other race is inferior). Sexism is roughly the same thing but gender is used.

Clinton's statement were FACTS/OPINIONS (e.g. Jackson won S.C. in 1984, 1988; Media's perception of Obama's position (or voting record) from his 2002 speech and how hee voted in the Senate from 2004 on Iraq War bills could be classified as a fairy tale). To think that facts and opinions on those facts is race baiting is truly making a position emotional b/c Obama needed to appeal to Black voters in S.C. It worked in SC but it is backfiring in the rest of the U.S.

However, after people say statements that can be taken out of context, we have to understand that WE CAN'T TAKE THINGS PERSONALLY TO IMPAIR OUR JUDGMENT OF WHAT WE NEED TO DO TO MAKE AMERICA BETTER. People make mistakes, but what you want is someone who acknowledges their wrong and apologizes and then works with you to solve problems.

That is what truly being a Christian is about. Someone might be your enemy today, but can be your ally the next. If you have offended your brother, correct it before proceeding on. Clintons (through Hillary) and Bill took responsibility for the perceived slight. Now, as Christians (or those who believe in some for of deity) we have to forgive them and move on. That is ultimately the lesson for all of us going forward. Because the goal is still to get Bush and Republican Regime out of the White House.