Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hillary's Entitlement Mentality

I listen to the news every morning before I leave for work. Listening to the doom and gloom and the occasional happy story seems to energize me for the day ahead. The last few mornings I have been surprised by Senator Clinton's statements about herself and her opponents. I live in Central NY, and we are used to her haughty, uppity disposition, and the "I will run my campaign the way I see fit" attitude from the steely calculating ice queen who cries for votes.

But we also wait for Bill to come and visit us every year at the New York State Fair and have his Gianelli at the Dinosaur BBQ stand and be the rock star he is. Oh yeah and if he has to, he can bring his wife. It just wasn't as exciting last year when she came alone, while Bill was with Oprah. I love Bill, I tolerate Hillary. I don't think I am alone here. But despite her lack of charisma she is smart and very strong and I would think that she would think before she opened her mouth. But maybe because she is trailing in the polls, her frustration over not being the favorite is coming out and showing her entitlement mentality.

Yesterday I was reading some clips from Senator Clinton's latest speech and in the speech, she was talking about change. Clinton mentioned that having a woman president would definitely be change. Well yes it would Hill, but it would also be a big change having an African American of any gender in the White House considering the legacy of institutionalized racism in our country. Hon, you aren't the only one with the potential to make history here so simma down. I am both Black and a woman and I know I have had more issues in my life because of the color of my skin than I have because I have a uterus. It would be nice to think that she considers herself the only woman up against all these men. Instead it appears to be her against the guys and the Black one over there. Does she think that because she is a woman she should get some extra points? Once she gets a personality, I will give her some points.

In her interview with Diane Sawyer this morning, Senator Clinton said that Obama and Edwards have gotten a "free ride", in the campaign arena. She said she doesn't mind taking all the scrutiny. Oh really? Hillary, she who is running on the popularity of her husband? She who no one would know if she hadn't been the First Lady? She who would not be where she is if it weren't for some of us that might have voted for her because we liked her husband? If anyone is getting a free ride it is her clinging with both hands to her husband's coat tails.

John Edwards is running while his wife is fighting to stay alive. Barack Obama is Black, he has a Muslim name, and he doesn't have a lot of experience. In addition, The Clinton campaign has tried to discredit him at every turn. Does she want to talk scrutiny? Edwards is being criticized for running while his wife is dealing with breast cancer, and Obama has has been hammered about everything in his life from drug use to religion, most of this coming from the Clinton campaign machine. Let's top it off with some nut job threatening Obama's children! Doesn't sound like much of a free ride to me.

Sounds like Hillary is doing her classic lashing out because she thought she was entitled to walk into the White House again unimpeded. Hillary: newsflash....you are not entitled to be our next president simply because you slept with Bill. If that were the case we might have a couple more Presidential hopefuls out there somewhere that have yet to come forward!

Do me a favor Hillary: why don't you stop bashing your competitors and tell us in detail about some of those changes you have made in the last 35 years? I really can't think of any, even though I live in your state. Maybe she is talking about her hair color or her clothes. Give me substance and not barbs. At the NY State Fair just stay home, but please send your husband. He's kinda cute for a chubby good ole boy. I'll buy him a Wine Slushie.


Anonymous said...

How can you say she is entitled? She has worked just as hard as Obama.

Anonymous said...

Massagirl always thinks that she should be the one telling black people what to do. I hate Hillary Clinton!

Anonymous said...

Hillary needs to stop bashing the other candidates, her competitors and do what she "claim" she can do best, for this country. Those tears still don't do anything for me, as I am a woman, but my vote still goes to Obama. As Sheri stated, get both hands off Bill's coattail!

Anonymous said...

All that crying shit was a damn joke. She has never cried on TV, even when her husband was fucking all the interns. The only time she cried was when she was getting fucked by a black man. Stop playing the woman card!

Anonymous said...

I used to love the Clintons. But now, this Obama thing has exposed the Clintons for what they really stand for. If she defeats Obama, I am going to vote for Bloomberg.

Lassposena said...

I am baffled that any black man or woman would even have a discussion as to whom they should vote for when a black person is running against a non-black person - are we completed out of our minds; where is the pride. This is an opportunity to make stand and say I am a black person and I will vote my own flesh and blood before any one else. Any other choice would be a denial of your collective American experience - unrelentless hatred and laughing stock of the white folks. Until America judges me differently, I will show my pride and vote black all the time, whether he is an ex convict or not. I will vote for a non-black person if no black person is running. PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

This entry articulates exactly what I was thinking. I would just add one more thing: Black folks act like we owe her our vote when in reality, THE CLINTONS OWE US. The Black community supported them through the the 90s. We don't owe them anything, they owe us. And I don't hear Hillary making any promises. Until I do, she's talking loud but saying nothing as far as I'm concerned.

Lassposena said...

I see the Hispanics have spoken clearly without and reservations. Inspite the leaderships endorsement of Obama, they still voted for Clinton. That is a wake up call for all black "fair game" players: know thyself and take care of your own, stop being led, lead yourselves, no blind loyalty to white politicians. Politics is about resources and, so far I cannot see what significant resources the Clintons awarded Blacks. Hispanic will vote for any white before they vote for a black person; that is the reality we live in. Wake up and play black all the time!

Anonymous said...

What people have to understand is that Hillary Clinton doesn't care about black people. She only cares about our votes. I have no idea when we decided that we love her so much, it's just stupid.

Anonymous said...

I loved your post Sheri...

What on earth makes us (black folks) continue to believe a grinning, back-slapping, baby kissing, promise you the world and deliver a grain of sand, white politician (male or female) is better for us than a black incumbent who may or may not have the same political agenda? Are we really so blinded by our own inferior self-image that we repeatedly succumb to the notion white’s can do a better job at improving or screwing up the country and should thus so be allowed to?

I never realized until recently how fearful and brain washed blacks have remained in this country, and we can’t blame this on some Willie Lynch, slave retention myth either. http://www.manuampim.com/lynch_hoax1.html

Wake up people! Shake off the fear and grow some nuts—then we just might see some real positive change in this country.