Friday, January 11, 2008

We Must Save Ourselves - The Time in Right Now

We Must Not Forget Katrina

"America can no longer deny the living legacy of racism. A strong racial divide currently exists in this country. Many white people believe that black people unfairly play the race card. Racism for many blacks in America is real and very painful.

This country is ripe for a discussion/debate on race, discrimination, and retaliation. Recent events in this country make this a perfect time for my story and/or book. Those events include the Jena 6 case and the September 20, 2007, march in Jena, LA, the fact that Senator Barack Obama is running for President, police brutality based on racial discrimination still runs rampant in 2007, black women are called ‘nappy headed hoes’ on national television, after a black man enrages a white man, he no longer sees him as a hyphenated American, he sees him as a nigger who fifty years ago would have been upside down with a fork up his ass."

President Barack Obama will have the same resources that were available to President Bush during the Hurricane Katrina disaster. President Hillary Clinton will also have the same resources available at her command. Who do you think will respond to our needs in a timely manner a white woman or a black man?

This is a true statement of fact, I am a living witness that the answer is Barack Obama. I was a victim of racial discrimination and retaliation from 1993 - until my retaliatory termination on November 3, 1998. During that time I wrote several e-mails to Senator Clinton. She did not respond to any of my e-mails.

My four year old grand son has had three open heart surgury. All of his operations were at Children's Hope Hospital. The hospital is located in the Chicago area. Due to my grandson's health issues, I leased an apartment and moved to Rockford, IL.

I contacted

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