Thursday, February 14, 2008

Barack Obama Letter to Tavis Smiley

The Letter that Barack Obama Sent to Tavis Smiley

February 13, 2008

Mr. Tavis Smiley
President and CEO
The Smiley Group
3870 Crenshaw Boulevard
Suite 391
Los Angeles, CA 90008

Dear Tavis,

Thank you for the invitation to participate in the 2008 State of the Black Union forum in New Orleans, Louisiana February 21-23. The exchange of ideas raised at this annual symposium are invaluable as our nation strives to address the critical issues facing not just African Americans, but Americans of every race, background and political party.

I especially commend you for hosting this dialogue in New Orleans. On the eve of the Louisiana primary, I visited this great city for the fifth time since declaring my candidacy to share policy proposals for rebuilding the Gulf Coast so that we never experience another Hurricane Katrina. On February 9, I was deeply humbled to win the Louisiana primary with 86 percent of the African American vote and a 14 point lead among all voters who said they were adversely affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Uniting our country and creating a national constituency for fundamental change is why I am running for President of the United States. We have come a long way in this race, but we still have a long road ahead. In the final stretch, I will be on the campaign trail everyday in states like Ohio, Texas and Wisconsin talking directly with voters about the causes that are at the heart of my campaign and the State of the Black Union forum such as affordable healthcare, housing, economic opportunity, civil rights and foreign policy. I am committed to touching every voter, and working to earn their vote.

That is why with regret, I am not able to attend the forum. I understand that you have declined the campaign’s request to have Michelle Obama speak on my behalf. I ask that you reconsider. Michelle is a powerful voice for the type of real change America is hungry for. No one knows my record or my passion for leading America in a new direction more than Michelle Obama.

Tavis, this is our movement and our time. I look forward to working closely with you throughout this election. Thank you for your continued support.


Barack Obama


Anonymous said...

I think Barack has much work to do. It was really nice of Tavis to invite Barack to his State of the union round table; however Barack has a major goal in mind that he must accomplish. I am rolling with Barack all the way and I want to see him in the white house. Barack is one person rallying for the vote of many. Tavis needs to check himself and understand that life must go on and just because Barack did not attend his event does not mean he don’t care about black people. Barack offered to send Michelle Obama in his place and if Tavis was truly interested in hearing Barack’s plate form he would have allowed Michelle to attend his round table discussion. Just as Bill Clinton attends events in place of Hillary. Barack is doing what he can to reach out to everyone. Texas is a big state and it’s going to take a lot to win the votes of these crackers. How do I know? Because I live in Texas.

Anonymous said...

I think that Mr. Smiley has exxaggerated his importance. He is significant, but not the man he thinks he is.

Anonymous said...

This is so typical of African Americans acting like crabs, trying to pull each other down. That is what the man likes to see happen, black folks turn on each other, can we ever just support with out trying to pull down. I bought Tavis Covenant book last year and what have I heard since that big hype, nothing. Tavis, should embrace the history that is taking place in front of us right now and praise GOD that finally we have made some head way in a world, where even white folks are bidding for Obama!! We truly have a viable candidate. Could it be Tavis is jealous and wanted to be the one Black folks looked up to?? What gives! ~Educated Black Texas Business Owner, 37 year old female (divorced, mom of 3, raising my kids without the Bro!!).

Eric L. Wattree said...

Tavis needs to grow up, stop reading his own press clippings, and as a previous commenter pointed out, start to recognizing the fact that he's suffering from a greatly exaggerated sense of his own importance. Obama is a senator and frontrunner that's deeply involved in a hard-fought campaign for president of the United States. So what, besides a tremendously oversized ego, makes Tavis Smiley think that the senator is suppose drop everything just to come on his t.v. show?

Tavis, my man--you seem like a pretty nice guy, but stop making a fool of yourself. Read my lips. You've done alright for yourself, and I'd like to congratulate you for your achievement, but in the larger scheme of things, you ain't all that. Senator Obama is one man among millions--and that's just in this generation--that doesn't even take into account that he's also unique among the men of generations going back to the very founding of this nation. Now on the hand, look around you at the number of people who have t.v. shows--in just America, then in just you time slot, and then just this season. Are you beginning to get just a small sense of the relative importance between you and Senator Obama?

Brother, you're a mosquito riding on the ass of a brontosaurus. So stop making yourself look ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

I have always respected Tavis and in some ways, I still do. In this particular way, I am beginning to loose all respect for him. He is acting just like Willie Lynch said we would if you continute to divide you can conquer. I have my feelings about Obama being able to understand being a true black man after being raised by a white mother but he married a powerful black woman. But that has since become less of a concern. He has my vote. This is going to be Tavis' lost by not allowing Michal to speak on Senator Obama's behalf. Shame on you Tavis.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the above comments. We all need to stay focus on the prize. As Barrack in essence has said over and over "... Michelle is meaner, leaner, prettier version of me". Tavis, your forum will be blessed to have her participate . . . she does not have the name "closer" for no reason. Tavis - take a break from player hating - you are you ...and Obama is Obama; yet he still puts his pants on the same as you - his gift is today and tomorrow for all of us who believe that a change is coming - YES WE CAN. Query - what does say about you that you personally feel that you, alone, have the right to "dictate" his schedule and measure his "blackness" and/or committment to the cause by his attendance at YOUR forum?? Come on, can't we all get along??

Anonymous said...

Tavis... If you really wanted to let the "people" know what Obama stands for... then it would serve you well to let Michelle Obama come on your show and speak on her husbands behalf....and then you would get more viewers then the 11 people that watch your show anyway.

Like everyone else said stop smelling yourself and get it a man and let his wife help her husband. And if you decide NOT to ain't hurting the Obama's on bit the only one that will suffer is you....GOD don't like ugly... I think even you said that one before.

Anonymous said...

WOW...this is my first and last time coming to this website. I'm not a 30something, 40something, X generation, Y generation or a baby boomer. I am a mother of a strong black young man, whose father is white, the mother in law of a strong black woman, whose mother is white and the proud grandmother of my son's daughter. I read TIME, Essence, Newsweek, and J. California Cooper. I canvas my neighborhood, I caucus and I vote Democrat. I give money to charities and I am a strong supporter of Obama. Tavis, your 4 year old temper tantrum to Obama's reply to keep campaigning is ridiculous. You allowed your overblown ego to rule out a chance to have the best supporter of Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, at the roundtable and is an example of your selfishness and allows me to justifiably denigrate your decision. You are NOT cynosure in this election. He is. I have never understood why we feel the need to criticize someone’s choice to decline an offer. It was an OFFER not a summons or supine that he was compelled to accept. Tavis, you do not make Obama's schedule, you are not running his race and you don't have his sense of purpose from what little I've read about this particular event. Why do you think it's OK for you to be the selfish, overrated, highly paid voice of Black people and then attempt to pull down a Black MAN trying to serve a higher purpose than you are? As my generation say's -your ego is writing a check your behind can't cash! I'm sending this anonymous because I can't open an account at work but I'm not afraid to open a new email so anyone who wants to send me their personal comments can do so! Black Mother in Seattle, Washington.

Anonymous said...

Tavis...You have grossly over-exaggerated your importance in this point in the democratic primary. It past time for us to stop hating on a person who decides that their mind will out weigh the color of their skin. Isn't that what equality is all about? Yes our community needs a sounding board for our people but not at the expensive of another brother or sister. Why do we still feel like a non-black is the only person can lead us to the promised land. If Hillary had said no, you would have accepted her decline. Everything we calim to want in this century is almost at our fingertips. I will be able to show my 11yrs old son that a black man can be president, no longer have to dream of that day.My 8yr old daughter will be able to see and hear a Harvard grad making $200+, as a female and stand by her man and be her kids mom. I as a 36 yr old woman will finally believe that, all of the struggles I have faced in prodominatly white Knoxville,TN was worth it. No longer will our people have an excuse for welfare, five acres and a mule, drug dealing and gang banging. Why? Because he knows and has lived the same type of inequlities that I and others have suffered. Leave him alone, we still need to make a significant inroad in Texas and Ohio. There is a quote that stands out in my mind, "every time God is trying to bring change to the black community, we miscarry to a civil rights movement. Leave Obama alone!!! Sometimes your forum requires vebal comments and sometimes you must be quiet. Wisdome is knowing the when. People this is one of those times, to be quiet and keep our family dysfunctions in the house!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can someone help me to understand how anyone running for the presidentcy of the United States of America can have a unique focus or agenda for a specific demographic? Are there forums exclusive to seniors, gays, handicap, etc. that may seemingly disenfranchise the so-called mainstream that seems to be rallying behind obama...what is the expected outcome of this forum? There can be no quick fixes for what we have not even been able to pinpoint a true root cause. Is there an expectation that the candidates will address why Ray-Ray is breaking in our houses, on drugs and dropping out of school. These are our family members victimizing us and we are pretty much powerless within our own neighborhoods. I do not see anyone, not even our first black president, resolving the majority of issues being experienced by the average, black american. We in the village, are in the best position to deliver ourselves...It's nice to raise an awareness, but don't get the thang twisted. Obama, or any of the others being there serves to validate Tavis's platform more than anything else!

Wilma said...

I am so surprised at the comments toward Tavis and the negative critique. It is very interesting to that the critique given to Tavis is not given to Obama. I am not surprised he turned down an invitation to address a forum where the subject is about Black people. Obama has distanced himself from race (Black) at the very inception of campaign for president. If you all we recall, he told his pastor he could not come and do the invocation at his announcement because his church was to "Afrocentric." That was a telling moment. The man was greatly assisted his campaign for senator was asked not to participate. Somewhere, we must ask, why would Obama twice distance himself from his own blackness? By being present at black centered function, does not mean you cannot be inclusive of other races and use the Tavis forum for some kind of new dialogue and change, which he is so adamant about. While Michelle Obama may indeed be a good speaker, she is NOT the person campaigning for president. She will never be responsible for any decisions he makes, if he is the Democratic candidate for presidency? The world does not need Michelle Obama to recount her husband history in politics; it is all on his website. Are not the people who will attend the Tavis event voters who would probably be more affirmed in their choice for Obama.
I am afraid that we have allowed ourselves to be hynotized into not thinking what Obama has to offer.

Hopefully, in the political matrix, we all can remember all candidates put themselves into the position of being questioned and critiqued. We can still love Obama support his bid for president, and critique his policies, such as ramping up military and continuing the presidential legacy of using war as an instrument of foreign policy. Although he opposes the war in Iraq, Obama refuses to vote against its funding.

While Obama supports health care for all Americans, he does not embrace a universal single-payer system that would effectively undermine private corporate interests. At the same time that he bemoans the loss of jobs and expansion of global poverty, Obama fails to denounce free trade agreements and extols the virtues economic globalization. See, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill - February 6, 2008 at

It would have been good for Obama to make a way to attend the forum, then we could of understood better what he means by "change agent" and how he can be a candidate for president for the people without corporate sponsorship. Black people deserve answers from anyone who desires to set policy for our lives, just as other races.

Unknown said...

Tavis is not just embarrassing himself but he is making Black people look very bad. Many Black people love and support Tavis and he has a forum and which his voice reaches maybe millions so when he speaks it seems as if many of us are speaking. It makes many of us look like crabs in a barrel, not just Tavis. I don’t know why he cant see that the people Tavis claims to love and support so much seem to understand what Barrack is doing and support him. Let Barrack take care of his job and Tavis, you take care of yours. Barrack is not running to be President of Black America but the united states of America and his issues are bigger than Tavis’s. Not demeaning or understating Tavis much needed importance but, it is the duty of the very important school teacher to handle the issue of the fourth grade class bully and not the chief of police. And believe me we need both to do their very important jobs correctly. You are both serving the people and have your authority due to the love and support you get from the people through votes, listeners, viewers, attendees, ect.. You loose the people you loose your job.

Anonymous said...

I am very disappointed that the conversation of Barack Obama not being able to meet Tavist Smiley's needs at the Union Address.This is conversation outsiders love to thrive on and I'm sure it could have been handled in more personable manner.
I can see the reason for not being able to attend being most valid on behalf of Barack Obama and should of been received as such. I am saddened that Michelle was denied participation. What more of a woman and her relation to Obama could you ask for? Unless there was going to be a spontaneous debate; I can't see why Michelle wasn't welcomed.

I believe this request and outburst made open to the public was Media motivated. What a disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Comment to Wilma:
For the first time in a long history, all of America, particulary black America, are presented with a "hope" choice. It is always fascinating to me that we as "black folk" always seem to have a different standard for our own. (Why is Tavis throwing a "hissy fit" that Obama has "other work to do". To the point, white candidates have never been required to prove their loyalty to a "black only" agenda for our votes. White candidates are not roundly criticized for exercising their personal judgment when it comes to their campaign strategy. Why are you and others holding a bar for Obama to leap - query - underlying your comments is a veiled complaint and/or threat - Obama needs to prove he is "black" -- and how does he accomplish that -- by attending the Forum at the expense of running his campaign - satisfying you and others (Tavis) that we "own" him because he is black ... must he keep jumping at our commands - Query what is "black enough" and who is the final arbriter of the same? Please vote your choice - really that is why our ancestors died so that we all could exercise that right. And it sounds like Obama is not your choice - and I personally celebrate your right to your decision.

Anonymous said...

Tavis is part of the 10% that may go and vote for the losing Lady. Just leave the other 90% of us alone so that "Yes We Can" Vote Barack Obama!

Anonymous said...

I have liked Tavis until now.

Barack Obama is intelligent, young and could fulfill Martin Luther King's dream of bringing all the races together. That is what this country needs, an end to racism.

Obama has his work cut out for him in Texas. It is one of the most racist states in the USA. Remember we were the last state to free the slaves.

Not having Michelle Obama on his show is an insult to Barack as if his wife is not good enough.

The bottom line is Hillary had 8 yrs w/ Bill to make changes. But they did not send one troup to help in Rowanda.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tavis,

You are 100% right and do not distance yourself from your decision. There are Black people who support you with all our heart.

All the Black people who voted for Obama because of his color should be ashamed of themselves. With this being said there should not be an affirmative action. This program should be ended. It is simply wrong when a person hire someone because of his / her color and when someone vote for someone because of his / her color. Now with this said I want to say that Senator Obama is running for President of the United States and not Michelle Obama. As a man of COLOR speaking before the 2008 State of the Black Union forum should have been one of his highest priorities and a privilege. After all Black people are supporting him without knowing what he is going to do for this country and what he stands for. Senator Obama is great inspirational speaker. He has gotten the tone of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King. I hear great speeches but I don’t With Black people he does not have to have an agenda because his skin color is the only thing that he needs. Now with that said……he is going to continue to distance himself from Black people because he does not want to have the appearance of favoritism regardless of Black people supporting him simply because he’s Black. We want to have the first Black President regardless of what he does or doesn’t stand for. What happened to President Clinton? What happened to the man who stood up for Blacks at a time in which it wasn’t cool to stand up for Black people? President Clinton the man who apologized for slavery and white people lost their mind because they said that they shouldn’t have to apologize for slavery. President Clinton the man who apologized for the Tuskegee Airman Experiment and settled with the men who are still living. President Clinton the man who said that the following:

"The United States government did something that was wrong—deeply, profoundly, morally wrong. It was an outrage to our commitment to integrity and equality for all our citizens... clearly racist."

—President Clinton's apology for the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment to the eight remaining survivors, May 16, 1997.

Black people need to just sit back and listen to Senator Obama and find out what he stands for. Look at his Senate voting record. Look at how he voted against help for Louisiana. Look at his past accomplishments.

Senator Obama is wrong on so many levels for not speaking before 2008 State of the Black Union forum and this is the beginning of distancing himself from Black people.


Black Woman Disappointed In Black People

Anonymous said...

This comment is for Jacqui. You sound almost like an intelligent person. Obama is where he is at right now, not just because of the black votes, but because he has the support of whites, hispanics and other ethnic groups that exist in the US. Sometimes we are so blinded by our own issues we cannot see beyond the blinders that have plague us for so many years. The issues we are facing in this country today is not just a black issue but a global one. We have a chance to elect a man who can see beyond the color of his skin and make changes just not for blacks but for everyone in this country. Obama as president would not be just a victory for blacks but a victory for democracy and a reenforcement of the values that so many people died for. Please give blacks a bit more credit that this. Other black candidates ran for office before and never received such overwhelming support from his own kind. I see Obama has a man with a passion and a promise for change running for president who just happens to be black. Before I vote for someone I do my research and I'm sure other blacks are doing the same. Answer me this. Are other ethnic group supporting Obama becuase he is black? There are much larger issues facing America and our black issues are just a small percentage of that and the role president of the United Stated is to put in place policies that will benefit every group of every color, every race. Sometimes in a lifetime someone comes along that can change the course of history and as Obama said - This is that time, we are the we've been waiting for. Who would MLK endorse if he was alive today? Do you remeber Obama's answer to this question. The other two Republican candidates were also invited and turned down the invitation. Why is there no query about that. Why should Obama be held to a different standard becuase of his race? Be smart, let's take our blinders off that we've being wearing for all these years. Open our minds and see the road ahead and realize that this is not all about us (blacks). If Obama is elected and we don't like what he is doing in office, we have the right again to change things. This is the beauty of Democracy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tavis,

Thank you for the Black Forum, There's alot of information that i get frm you because of it. And I'm really dissapointed that Barrack will not be joining the forum. Now just because it's called a Black Forum I'm sure we are not the only one's who watch or paticapte. I would think that Mr Barrack would jump at the chance to reach an even larger group of everyday people at one time.. This is where everyday people can truly talk with these people who want to make major decision for us all. I'm glad Hillary agreed to come would someone ask why did'nt they send the people in Rowanda help when needed...I understand that Mr Obama wants to get the votes of all the people, thats what this is election is all about, but don't live as though the issue of Black Americans are just in our mines. Like racial profiling, police bruality,unfair loaning practices, just to name a few...Lack of book in our children school substandard living conditions, I don't want to get started I just want to Thank You Mr Smiley for bring our condition to the forfront of Americas eyes not just in their minds. I hope you get your cameras all over New Orleans so the real truth can hit the light...This Country can rebuild other across the water and not it's own back yard. Bless you and all the work u do.

Anonymous said...

can someone help me out here. the day after this was disclosed did anyone hear tavis say on the tom joyner show he did not get the letter, nor did he speak to the obama camp or michelle obama....
because, then it would imply by this letter he is telling a lie. i want to make sure i did not hear him incorrectly, because i heard michelle tell michael baisden she talked to tavis... hmmm.
also what happened yesterday on tom joyners show with the almighty tavis? i was told he sounded a little different....
after obama's nomination i am personally going on a campaign to have his ego-manical, sell out behind removed from all pulic forum. i hope you will join in. next, will be all the sell out black democratics who endorsed hilliary because of her "experience"

Anonymous said...

got another question for you to explain. how is hilliary more experienced to lead this country than obama? question 1.) has she ever governed a state, city, municipality, etc.? 2) when did she balance a national budget or any budget for that matter outside of her personal or campaign finances? 3.)when has she ever deployed a military force to protect our country or send to defend in a time of war or crisis? 4.)What political heads of state has she met to discuss strategy, diplomacy, etc. that would affect the United States of America, and last, when did she veto any legislation? Now I have been out of school for a while, but if I remember these are some of the responsibilities of the President. The only experience Hilliary has is: 1.)Lawyer 2.)Wife of Governor, wife of President, 3.)Failure at health care reform, 4.)Mother of Chelsey and devoted wife of Bill Clinton. i have been asking people about this and can not get a definitive answer. Yes, she has been in Washington longer than Barack, and maybe she did talk to Bill about his agenda, but does that make her more experienced? Experience begins when you place you hand on that bible January 20th and swear your oat the the United States of America. Then when you have served in the capacity of the President of the U.S. you qualify to have experience. If you agree, start spreading the word and asking people out there.. I have been trying to get this question answered from the media, but no one is responding...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am somewhat shocked that many of us have responded the way we have to Tavis. While I do not agree with his tactics, Tavis may be helping us in a manner in which he is not aware. It is time for us to STOP calling blacks that are not uniform sellouts! Are we that simple? It seems so easy to place a "title" on someone when they fall outside of the norm (whatever that is in this case). I think Tavis has a valid point. I support Barack. However, I am not blind. I know that to some degree, he is no different than any other politician (feeding lines and promises that can't be kept). I do believe he will bring a great change to this country and hope that he is the next president. Let's see how many of you call Barack a sellout if he gets elected and makes a comment or expresses a view that is not "uniform". Trust me, it will happen.

Anonymous said...

First I'd like people to really think about what they have said. In particular the person that said Obama has distanced himself from the black race. When I think about your reasoning for saying that, I think you are not a wise person at all.

1. The president should not cater to one color of people in the world, regardless of his or her color, a president should be for all people of the world. Imagine if the only people Obama could get to vote for him were all the blacks in the world, he could not win. Unfortunately, many of us will not come to the polls anyway and the ones that do would not be enough to help him win the presidency.

2. He needs to seperate himself from events that focus on blacks only, unless there is a mixture of races, it is very important at this time because of politics, which does not mean he is against blacks, it means he is smart enough to know that you cannot and should not appear to be the black peoples president. I think it is the only way to the white house and you all should understand that! There is no "black people president," there is the President of the USA, and we should all back Obama if we think he is the vialble candidate and a candidate that will address our issues as Americans.

I am certainly suprised that Tavis cannot see that the Clinton's are doing everything they can to win this race, including using our people against our people to get the job done, and that he would help in the destruction of a viable candidate for president. I would not attend his assembly either if I were running for president, it is more important for Obama to meet the voters, as he does not have the name recognition that the Clinton's have, and you would think that Smiley would understand that.

Smiley, another thought, if you feel so strongly about having Obama there, why did you not rearrange your schedule to fit into his agenda, since his agenda is way more necessary at this time than yours? Why would you refuse to have his wife represent him so that he can do what it takes to become the next president? You are a conceded selfish bastard. Trying to help the Clinton's out during their desperate measures, by making this the news before the most important primaries. You do not speak for me as a black person. If it were Hillary Clinton that did not have the name recognition and she was leading this race, she would not be attending either. She has nothing to lose right now and see this as a path to helping her regain the black vote because of people like you, you are so dumb, yet you continue to present your self as a smart man, this is certainly a dumb move on your part.

You sound like a cry baby that did not get your way, so therefore,you have started to demostrate the same attributes that keep us down as a people, the crab in the barrel mentality, the I want it now, tantdrum, you are totally wrong on this one, and personally, I will not continue to patronize your business and hope others will see you for who you truly are! You are not for blacks as you would have us think, and this certainly shows that, but you want us to believe it is Obama, I don't think so. Obama is smart and knows exactly what he is doing. He is a true stragist, unlike your friend Hillary! You have in fact dissed one of the most intelligent black women in America because you could not have it your way, way to go!

Pompano Beach, Florida

Anonymous said...

For those who say that Obama disagrees the war but supports spending money on the war. Answer this: If you have a president that has started a war that you did not approve of initially, would you not allow that president to send money to the troops on the ground, regardless of whether you believe it is wrong or right. Would you allow the troops to go without important artillary, weapons, food, etc? I would like to know because one thing for sure is that those fighting the war deserves our support, even if we do not agree with the war.

SO what would you have him do?

Anonymous said...

i guess i am just flabbergasted by the response to this issue. The State of the Black Union is becoming a major event for African-American academics, business people, politicians, and thinkers. If any of the presidential candidates were invited to speak before the say, a national Insurance company convention or the NRA or any number of other gatherings of AMERICAN citizens and voters, I guarantee you they would all be there. To denigrate ourselves in the fashion that I have read in so many of these comments, which in essence are saying, "hey we're not important enough" or " he has to appeal to all Americans...well, correct me if I'm wrong, we are Americans! Michele Obama is not the candidate, Bill Clinton is not the candidate, nor is McClain's wife or Huckabee's. One of the things that makes a gathering such as the State of the Black Union so important is the fact that it is not a dog-and-pony show. Issues are met and discussed head on and frankly. There is no dodging at this gathering. Does Obama deserve my support simply because he is Black? I suppose but then according to that line of thinking so does Ward Connerly who is also Black. Do I as an african-American, have commonalities of interest with my fellow Amercians of European descent? Obviously. But as a community, African-Americans have other issues that the majority race does not face from the same standpoint that we do. Do not support anybody blindly.

Anonymous said...

Comment to Jacqui:
Pull up are way off! First of all Tavis had 5 opportunities to have Barack at his "Round Table" yet he chose to wait til Barack was in the middle of one of the most memorable Primarys this country has seen in a long time. Second did you really expect Bill Clinton to have anything good to say about Barack? Bill is married to Hillary...duh. Third You seem to think Bill is overly supportive of blacks. If thats the case then I'm betting that tho he supports Hillary publicly he will do just like me when he goes to the polls...he'll vote for Barack!

Anonymous said...

I happen to listen to Tavis Smiley commentary on a weekly basis on the Tom Joyner Show and at times find it interesting, educational, and uplifting. Problem is that at times I also find it very egotistic. I was very disturbed like several people I know on the commentary he gave the day after Tom and Sybil spoke to Barack Obama on the phone and during the conversation asked Barack to call Tavis. The following day Tavis took his ego to a different level by what could be viewed as an embarrassment on the air to Tom and Sybil by proclaiming that neither one speaks for him, even though on previous occasions Tom has spoken on his behalf without the unprecedented response of what clearly was a "bruised ego".
I would like to point out the following to Tavis.
You are not the voice of Black Americans! You are an independent business that uses Black issues for your personal gain. In as much as no one speaks for you, you need to check yourself and realize that you also DO NOT SPEAK FOR ANYONE.

Anonymous said...

Not only did you disapprove of Michelle Obama on Saturday but, it
was done on The Tom Joyner Morning Show last week. Barack is running for the president of these United States of America. You say one thing and do another. You stated no politics and Shelia Jackson Lee,
in my thinking was endorsing Hillary. So much said, never again
will I support you. Treat Barack, the ways you want people to treat you. It's not about you.

Anonymous said...

For the first time in my life I'm about see a postive change happen in this country and you want to rain on this parade because he did not come to your party.Shame on you Tavis,yes your state of the union address is a good thing,but what has it done for me and my homeies down on 30st in the hood.You and your guest talk about what we should be doing and you sell your books and you go home to your nice houses and that's that.Well for us it the same old thing,for once were talkng about politics and seeing on of us becoming the President of the United States.It has change the way some of us are thinking now.I have watched his speeches and he has moved me in a way no one has ever before even you(yes).I'm very disappointed in you and that was really wrong how you dogged our First Lady.

Anonymous said...

"A divided house will not stand" people lets stop and on move on to elect this man.Tavis I'm praying for you my brother

Anonymous said...

travis i really don't know you until this insadent came about. from what i read you must be as dumb as bush but only in a differant way (i sure hope not. ) let Obama help all of us not just you and your purpose. get a grip don't try to bring one of our own down. we don't need pepole like you in our world. GET A GRIP.

Anonymous said...

I listen to the Tom Joyner morning show at times, and when Tavis comes on and I realize he is ready to be full of himself, I usually change the station. Don't get me wrong....there are times when he has interesting topics and he has my undivided attention.

I cant seem to understand why he would get bent out of shape, because Senator Barack Obama could not make it to his forum, and then rejected Michelle Obama's invitation. This is not about you Tavis - just be glad that you have a voice on the radio, and you have people who listen to you. Dont think for a minute we agree with everything you say, just because we dont call in to blast you at times on your topics.

I hope this is a humbling moment for you and you realize that one minute you can have us kissing your butt and the next minute we can kick it. We support you the same way soem of us are supporting Obama.

One last thing....dont think for a minute that if Hilary Clinton was doing well in the polls, that she would even acknowledge that you were holding a forum. She would not attend, because she would have been too busy trying to get votes.

Being the gentleman that Barack Obama appears to be, he may still find you a position, if he becomes the next President of the United States. He has shown that he has some characteristics and traits. Maybe you can learn a few things from him..

You go Obama ..... Tavis, we will pray for you because you need it.

Anonymous said...

3 Words...Tavis Grow Up!

Anonymous said...

Tavis, PLEEEASE grow up!!!

Anonymous said...

wow what a dis to obama by reminds me of a being that sent his son to a people to represent himself,and many of the people rejected him,and sent him to be killed.If i sent my best to represent me,as we say my BETTER HALF, and someone dissed her,its worse than dissing me.But i saw a post where someone said it plain and clear,you cant just go to the special interest groups and win the presidency,you gotta reach the masses to get there.then once you get in, you can do whats in your heart to do.People say we dont know what obama will do,well if the truth be told,we dont know what billary will do either,she does say a lot, but votes differently. do we really know who will really do what they say? i am a republican,but i dont see one i would vote for,i do wish allen keys were here in the race.anyway obama seems more definate in his answers,and just maybe we need someone that havent been so polished in the depths of politics that they can have a true fresh prospective,and bring about a real change.maybe it takes a more raw person to have a different perspective,a person that can believe in change for real,and not just do the same old thing with a fresh coat of paint.Tavis the bible states the woman is the mans help-meet,consider this...the only other help-meet the man have is the holy spirit,now in that perspective,you tell me how important a mans wife is?

Anonymous said...

I have been revived this year because of the togetherness African-americans are showing one another. With all that we have been through, we are coming together and supporting a man of integrity of our own race-Barrack Obama. I am also glad to see my brothers and sisters see what Travis did was a disgrace. What outraged me even more is the advertisement behind the podium for Allsate Insurance-one of the companies denying the victims of Katrina the coverage they paid hard earned money to protect their homes. I think Travis let the cat out of the bag-the money and ego bag!

Anonymous said...

Tavis Smiley,I think you are wrong for how you cannot understand why Senator Barrack Obama did not attend "The State of the Black Union". Of all people you should understand that you never look down on a man unless you are picking him up. We supported you all these years to now find out how petty you truly are. DON'T BE THAT WAY. Senator Obama has work to do and if you took time to read his issues and plans you would see and understand the whole picture. That was our lost, the people that watch the 'State of the Black Union" lost because of your conceitness by not inviting Mrs. Obama attend. As a grandmother of three black males at this moment I am totally proud of Senator Obama and ver disappointed in you.

Anonymous said...

Have we all forgotten Justice Clarence Thomas? We have a person of African-American descent on the Highest Court of the Land but he has done any and everything possible to put African-Americans as far back to the rear of the proverbial bus as possible!! Respect must be EARNED not merely given! Particularly when individuals express "distance" or "disregard" for their cultural heritage. If Barack can throw his own pastor of 20 years in the closet for reasons of political expediency, then will he do for African-Americans he do not know?
Every election is about change, shouldn't we (African Americans) be looking for progress that benefits our interests ...

Anonymous said...

Are we that dysfunctional among our selves, (black men and women) to say this race is between a women, and a man. If it was any other nationality, they would pick thier own. Do we really think Hillary represents black women in America? Lets think about it black people.

Unknown said...

I am so disappointed in Wilma’s, Jacqui’s, and all of the other negative comments about Barack not attending tavis’s symposium and not allowing Michelle to sit in his place. Out probably don’t even know the reason why, so let me tell you. First of all, my man is BLACK. Can’t you see or are you eyes as blind as your mind? This is not about BLACK AMERICA, THIS IS ABOUT AMERICA!! But some of you seem to think it all revolves around us. It does not. As Barack says, this is the UNITED States of America, please know and understand that. Do any of you remember Jesse Jackson and his run for the White House, and we all said “Run Jesse Run” we were the only ones saying that, and he did run….right back to Chicago and the rest is history. There is a bigger picture here, winning the Nomination and then the White House and instead of Obama sitting up there on that stage waiting for his turn and tavis playing “BIGSHOT”, riding on his coat-tails trying to promote his book, Obama should have been just where he was, campaigning. A big primary was on the horizon that he needed to win and anyone that says they support him understands that. Shaking hands, kissing babies, knocking on doors, making speeches, stumping, explaining his agenda and what he stood for and foresaw for America, that’s what we expect from and what he gives, that’s why we love and support him. Change is coming and no little man with a big head and a legend in his own mind is going to stop us. Black folk, stop being crabs. The slogan “YES WE CAN” is true, let’s make it so. Together we stand, Divided we fall.

Maggie B.

Unknown said...

BLACK. Can’t you see or are you eyes as blind as your mind? This is not about BLACK AMERICA, THIS IS ABOUT AMERICA!! But some of you seem to think it all revolves around us. It does not. As Barack says, this is the UNITED States of America, please know and understand that. Do any of you remember Jesse Jackson and his run for the White House, and we all said “Run Jesse Run” we were the only ones saying that, and he did run….right back to Chicago and the rest is history. There is a bigger picture here, winning the Nomination and then the White House and instead of Obama sitting up there on that stage waiting for his turn and tavis playing “BIGSHOT”, riding on his coat-tails trying to promote his book, Obama should have been just where he was, campaigning. A big primary was on the horizon that he needed to win and anyone that says they support him understands that. Shaking hands, kissing babies, knocking on doors, making speeches, stumping, explaining his agenda and what he stood for and foresaw for America, that’s what we expect from and what he gives, that’s why we love and support him. Change is coming and no little man with a big head and a legend in his own mind is going to stop us. Black folk, stop being crabs. The slogan “YES WE CAN” is true, let’s make it so. Together we stand, Divided we fall.

Maggie B.