Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tavis Smiley and Barack Obama: Dr. Boyce Watkins Speaks

by Dr. Boyce Watkins

I received alot of mainstream media requests about the situation between Senator Barack Obama and Tavis Smiley. Some interpreted my commentary to imply that I somehow wanted to take sides on this issue. I also received calls from some close friends of Tavis Smiley (but nothing personally from Tavis, who may be angry with me right now), who were concerned that I felt that Tavis was wrong for doing what he did.

I will now set the record straight.

I make it my primary objective to speak with complete honesty. I also found the situation between Barack Obama and Tavis Smiley to be disturbing. However, I do not consider either individual to be worthy of any form of persecution from the American public. I refused to do any mainstream media appearances to discuss this issue, because there are some things that black people need to discuss among themselves. I have a good relationship with the people at The Tom Joyner Morning Show and Black America Web, and it is my goal to keep it that way.

Tavis Smiley is a good man and a respectable brother. I want to see Barack Obama win this election, and Mr. Smiley has stated that he too celebrates Obama's success. It would never be in my plans to disrupt Obama's path to the White House, nor is it to add to the stress Tavis Smiley is clearly feeling right now. Did I take Tavis Smiley to task on what he said? A little bit, yes. But I only made my comments because I felt that some things needed to be said.

It is my personal opinion that while Tavis Smiley has no problem seeing Senator Obama jeopardize his race to The White House in order to appear at the State of the Black Union, I wouldn't expect Tavis to be willing to jeopardize one of his many corporate sponsorship deals to appear at someone else's forum. Also, if people were to accuse him of being anti-black for refusing to give up his sponsors, that would be wrong. While Smiley has proclaimed himself to be a tireless freedom fighter for the black community, I have never once seen him take Walmart to task for the way this company has consistently pillaged poor people and those of color. It would not be in Mr. Smiley's interest to do so, but yet the broader community would certainly benefit from such a commentary. Thus, like the rest of us, Tavis does sacrifice a little freedom for a little "me-dom" every now and then.

So, for those who are fans of Tavis Smiley, Tom Joyner or Barack Obama, please understand that my goal is to be fair, not to take sides. Tavis should have invited Barack to his conference, but for him to assume that anyone who is anyone in Black America should be attending the State of the Black Union.....well, that's just wrong. There are many forums in Black America that allow individuals to express their blackness, and his convention is just one of them.

Sorry to be honest brother, but I've got to tell the truth. I've had alot of people compare me to Tavis and we have alot of mutual friends. I will always respect you.

My video statement is below. A special thanks to the production crew for putting it together. For those who don't like the hip hop in the commentary, I'm sorry, but that's just me being Dr. Boyce.

Respect and Love:

Boyce Watkins


Anonymous said...

From BLACKS 4 BARACK ! Share This !

Sen. Barack Obama's letter
to Tavis Smiley

The following letter dated February 13, was sent to Tavis Smiley asking him to reconsider his decision not to let Michelle Obama stand in for her husband at the 2008 State of the Black Union forum in New Orleans.

February 13, 2008
Mr. Tavis Smiley
President and CEO
The Smiley Group

Dear Tavis,

Thank you for the invitation to participate in the 2008 State of the Black Union forum in New Orleans, Louisiana February 21-23. The exchange of ideas raised at this annual symposium are invaluable as our nation strives to address the critical issues facing not just African Americans, but Americans of every race, background and political party.

I especially commend you for hosting this dialogue in New Orleans. On the eve of the Louisiana primary, I visited this great city for the fifth time since declaring my candidacy to share policy proposals for rebuilding the Gulf Coast so that we never experience another Hurricane Katrina. On February 9, I was deeply humbled to win the Louisiana primary with 86 percent of the African American vote and a 14 point lead among all voters who said they were adversely affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Uniting our country and creating a national constituency for fundamental change is why I am running for President of the United States. We have come a long way in this race, but we still have a long road ahead. In the final stretch, I will be on the campaign trail everyday in states like Ohio, Texas and Wisconsin talking directly with voters about the causes that are at the heart of my campaign and the State of the Black Union forum such as affordable healthcare, housing, economic opportunity, civil rights and foreign policy. I am committed to touching every voter, and working to earn their vote.

That is why with regret, I am not able to attend the forum. I understand that you have declined the campaign’s request to have Michelle Obama speak on my behalf. I ask that you reconsider. Michelle is a powerful voice for the type of real change America is hungry for. No one knows my record or my passion for leading America in a new direction more than Michelle Obama.

Tavis, this is our movement and our time. I look forward to working closely with you throughout this election. Thank you for your continued support.

Barack Obama
NOTE: Sure would be nice to see Michelle and Hillary discussing the issues. Is Hillary afraid of Michelle ? Bet Tavis would let Bill fill-in for Hill in a sad.

Visit: Official Site (A multi-racial organization)

Anonymous said...

Well I am taking Mr. Smiley to task. I recall the State of The Black Union in Atlanta a few years ago. I was all ready to pitch in, donate, roll up my sleeves, and then all that came from it was a book??? Tavis, are you freaking kidding me? I have contributed enough to the wealth of black entertainers and book wirters. My wealth-building aim has switched to those more in need of my support. As for the black forum Mr. Smiley has set up, I guess it has become an annual event now and Mr. Smiley wants to take any black person who doesn't accept his invitation to task? I say shame, shame, shame. Tavis, this is such a selfish stance, especially in the light of what Mr. Obama is doing, and his track record in Chicago.

I recall during the Atlanta meeting, Minister Farrakhan urging the panel to meet behind closed doors, out of the watchful eyes of C-Span. I thought the Minister was right in his assertion that more could be done in private than on that stage. The problem with Smiley, Jackson, Sharpton and others is that they don't realize that they don't speak for the American Black culture anymore. Their rhetoric is old and tired, and polarizes them from not only whites, but more progressive-leaning blacks as well. Dr. Watkins, you do right to bring Mr. Smiley's selfishness in question as his hands are certainly not clean -- although this is not to detract from the good things he has done. But to have the audacity to try to impede the progress of a black man who has the support of more blacks -- and other cultures for that matter -- than anyone else has since Dr. King, is unbelievably reckless.

I had to come to terms with my sons last summer about my never being able to beat Tiger Woods at Golf. Fathers are probably supposed to tell sons that they can beat anybody, do anything...but the truth is, Tiger is performing at a level that I will never perform at in golf.

Mr. Smiley, you are Tim O'Neal, Obama is Tiger Woods. You are Ruben Carter, Obama is Ali. You are Tavis Smiley, he is Barrack Obama. You will never be him, will never move as many people as he, and never garner as much support as he has....and neither will I. This does not diminish me, nor does it cause me to want to make him smaller. Why do you?

Time will tell whether Tavis is right for not wholeheartedly supporting Mr. Obama. I can't imagine fence-riders and pro-Clintonites who are politicians, or civil rights activists/journalists will fair well with the black collective post-election 2008. We will see, my whole vote is cast with Mr. Obama. My hands are much cleaner, and my heart less burdened because of it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with many that this is a shame to see Tavis' actions at this point in our history.

Webb said...

This is a very hot topic in my gym in Houston. Because Tavist does not have a spouse, he does not under that Michelle Obama would have been great, "she is her husbands help mate". Tavist shame on you for hating on your brother, you are speaking for yourself not black America.


Anonymous said...

Amen and Amen.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Boyce Watkins,
Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know what Mr. Smiley was thinking, oh yeah he is not thinking! He of all people know this man BARACK OBAMA is in the fight of his life. Mr. Obama who I am supporting is for the better good of american people. I AM SO SICK AND TRIED OF THE CLINTON BUNCH I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! GO SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE!

Dr. Boyce Watkins well done!

Anonymous said...



Can.t take what you dish out.?


Anonymous said...

If the "so called" speakers for black folks endorsed Mr. Obama, I would have second thoughts. I find the conference an insult because it is being held in New Orleans and I bet no folks who experienced the horrors of Katrina, the failings of Mayor Nagins and the Bush Administration have been sought out or invited to view and listen to "The Solvers of Their Problems".

Anonymous said...

It is time we take all the panelists of the SOBU to task on exactly what their solutions are for the "black community". Each participant should have a solution and follow-through which they will head themselves with results by next year February. These Negroes on parade do nothing but "talk". If the SOBU did not happen - so what? Nothing has happened since it was started and nothing will happen.

Travis is a self-promoting, ego-manical race-baiter. Those supposed "threats" are from people who sent their children to the "leadership academy" and want their $500.00 back! Those "threats" are from people who donated money but never received a receipt for tax purposes. Those "threats" are from people Travis conned into believing that he is for the "black community" when he is really for himself. Thank you Travis for showing your true self. I now have places like to come to for real intelligent thinking.

Anonymous said...

I too was at the State of The Black Union in Atlanta a few years ago. All that came out of that was a book and money for Mr. Smiley!!!

Tavis, your promotion of what Americans should do, specially Black Americans, seem to be all talk and for the purposes of your own self-recongnition. How dare you try to impede the success of the first credible man of color that is running for the highest office in this land and pout because he doesn't have time "right now" to be on your show/agenda. How incrediable selfish and immature of you. You should be honored and humbled to have Michelle Obama in his place.

Thank you Dr. Watkins for taking Mr. Smiley to task!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Tavis Smiley. This is a brother who has been in the forefront of exposing the issues that face African Americans before we even heard of Barack Obama. Though I am an Obama supperter (simply because I believe his wife will steer him in the right direction)he too needs to be held accountable. I am so sick and tired of us behaving like our oppressors, i.e. support someone simply because they look like us rather than looking beyond skin color. We are quick to bring up Dr. King's color blind society but only when it seeks to benefit us? Tavis gave Mr. Obama an invitation to attend a forum in La. where if anyplace; any event demonstrated that race does matter, the events in this State shows that it does. Had Hillary Clinton declined this invitation, Dr. Watkins and his supporters would be all over her! Let's be perfectly honest on that. I do understand that Mr. Obama is walking a tight rope and must cater to white America to some extent. But, by God when does he stand up for once on issues dear to us? When do we stop giving him a bye? I am interested in who will do the best for my children and me and by extension the black comunity. Sure, it would be great to have someone finally in the white house that looks like my sons but Clarence Thomas, Collin Powell, Steele, Ford Jr look like my sons and have done little for
them other than some form of symbolism. Obama may win the Democratic nomination. He certainly has my support but I have to say, my support is slipping everyday with his lack of message to me and mine. "Race does'nt matter" rings hallow after a while.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dr. Watkins for saying what most want to say about Tavis. He is arrogant and feels that anyone who is black should come to his forum. Is his forum helping the less fortunate? No. Is it truly supporting our race as a whole? No. Is it dealing with the issues of the economy, healthcare and affordable hosing in our community? No. Get off of Mr. Obama's back. He is trying to make a difference for all Americans. If he couldn't make it, then Mrs. Obama should have been received with open arms. The forum is for black people with a strong voice, a stong commitment to our struggles and strong views, who better to speak for Barak Obama than Michelle Obama?

Shame on you Tavis. Shame, shame, shame!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Watkins,
You have said everything that the majority of Black America has been trying convey to Mr. Smiley over the past weeks. Sen. Obama's bid for President is challenging the black community to "get up" and become engaged in this country. Sen. Obama has shown us that anything is possible if we break out of our own little world and assert ourselves into the mainstream of this country. We are not guest of this country; this is our home and we have to start acting like it by demanding who we want to speak on our behalf and who we do not want to speak on our behalf. We have to stop elevating these self-proclaimed black leaders who want to tell us how to think for their how selfish gain. Sen. Obama's vision is to unite this country - bring the forgotten out of the shadows and become engaged with the rest of the world. As long as we continue to act like we don't have a seat at the table, we won't. As an African American woman Barack speaks to me every time he emphasizes his desire to bring about unity in this country. A desire that MLK gave his life for. I don't need him to make me a promise from one black to another at the cost of alienating the rest of the country. This man is running for a job that is inclusive of all people - blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, etc. In light of this historical moment we need to go back and review Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech in its entirety. That includes Mr. Tavis Smiley. I HAVE A DREAM

Anonymous said...

SHAME,SHAME, Tavis Smiley.
I am so very disappointed. You are not wearing this very well, Mr. Smiley, Mr. Black himself! Mr. Down for the Cause!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOPE, I am sorry you are out of place my brother. I am here in New Orleans, and guess what I have not seen oh Hillary Clinton, Mr. Obama has been to the city five or more times. I have not seen her yet! Bill came on her behalf Oh, now there's something! she send Bill on her behalf. well, I am sure she will thank you for the free media time. BUT, AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WHOLE WE WILL BE SUPPORTING PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA!

Travis, I am so DISAPPOINTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When are we as a people going to realize that we can disagree and there is still LOVE? I think everyone has forgotten the fact that Mr. Smiley has NEVER endorsed another candidate. During the Bush/Gore election he encouraged us to look at the issues. He even challenged us on not voting along the party lines. He did the same thing during the Bush/Kerry election. He has always encouraged us to hold the candidates accountable. If he changes his position now, I think then he has moved from activist to racist. I am a proud supporter Senator Obama, but I also respect Mr. Smiley. As Senator Obama points out in his letter, their agenda is the same. We have to remember that to choose one, does not mean to beat down the other. They both have a job to do. If they are willing to respect each other's position, why can't we?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dr Boyce,
You told Tavis. He (as in Tavis) must be losing his mind!!!

Anonymous said...

Whats sad in the bandwagon jumpers. Tavis NEVER said he DID NOT support Barack. Are you people serious? Tavis is merely saying look at the issues. Whats so hard to understand that? Tavis invited Barack, NOT his wife. His wife is not running for president. You people kill me, ready to jump on anything. "we gonna make history, lets vote fo' a brotha", all history isn't good history. Think for yourselves, not for what you think "looks" good...and stop posting anonymously...cowards

Jay said...

I'm thinking that we are missing a great opportunity to see and hear what Michelle Obama has to say at this forum. I wish that Tavis would reconsider. Rules are made to be broken, especially if your the rule maker. Tavis you are missing out on a great opportunity to be a part of making history. THIS IS OUR TIME!!! OBAMA08

nosanka said...

This is an opportunity that goes beyond blah blah and blah. Through whatever twist of fate(and I bet they will be trying to figure it out for years)Obama is about to be elected president. It is thrilling.

Anonymous said...

There is a larger picture here, that has not been addressed. Someone needs to let Tavis and Al Sharpton know that we are not even 15% of the population. Obama is half white, could we let the brother play up his heritage and unite America. We know where he stands look at his wife and his family. His life has demonstrated his commitment our cause. Tavis is out order and needs to get on the bandwagon or he will begin to sound like a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tavis,
I am disappointed that you have lost the soul that you started with years ago, when we all supported you with letters and phone calls. At that time, your moal balance was good, but since then, since your success, your ego has taken over and you now only represent yourself.

Tis a shame you have refused to let Sister Obama speak at the conference in New Orleans; she is intelligent, educated, and can clearly represent our females as well as her husband at this crucial time. Why are you afraid to invite her? Is your ego in the way? Do you feel you are more important than this young man, Mr. Obama, who has had the courage to dream and to try for the presidency (a kind of courage my old friend, General Colin Powell, did not have). Certainly, Mr. Obama realizes the risks if he gets the nomination or becomes president, he would be a mark for some madman or political foe--he would possibly be in danger, but he is willing to take that chance for our country. Would you thus deny him this chance to do the greater good, just because of your own ego? For shame, Tavis; get back to who you were when you knew what was right and what was wrong--if you need help, read all the Holy Books, from the Bible to the Qur'an to the Bhagavad Gita--they'll tell you what to do.

With hope for your awakening,
Brother Hajj

Anonymous said...

Tavis: Son, apparently you didn't get the memo that went out to every post-slavery victim and every weary, hope deprived citizen, here, in the U.S., and by extension, around the world, so, Tavis, here's the deal--

In 2008, a group of whites and a few blacks in Iowa held a sit-in called a caucaus and said "we're tired of the divisiveness, we're tired of the lobbies, we're tired of the entitled telling us, the un-entitled that we must wait our turn, in separate stalls, while they divey up our share of the 'American Dream'-- and, they, the ruling Oligarchy, earn hundreds of millions and even billions in national and multi-national wealth-- on our labor." The memo continued stating that this group of new forefathers said "there is a new player on stage who says we can change all of that. We can come out of our stalls and join hands and become as one--United states of America." Then, they stood up and voted for the only person promising that and the only one who came to us uncommitted to any one other than "We the People", and so, Tavis, a new day was born.

Tavis, you like the rest of us now have a right to make your plans, and set your sights for the good of yourself, your loved ones and your community. What you no longer have, along with the other lobbyists is the right to speak for all of us. We can plan, and dream and make real those dreams for ourselves, now, "Yes We Can!" And, you know, I believe that by our faith, as well as our acts, we will make Barrack Obama a grander, greater leader than even he knew.

One final word of advice-- Bill Clinton set out to save Hilary and lost his own legacy among us. You still have a place in our hearts-- don't blow it!

Anonymous said...

To ObamaSupporter and other heartthrobs:

Your commentary is a classic example of the irrationality of Black folks, including Obama. Because we Black folks love Black folks, anything a Black person does short of murder (and even that can be excused based on the Black reaction to OJ)must be supported, or the opposing Black person is labelled a shame, an Uncle Tom, or some other put-down. Tavis Smiley has said he is not accepting any Presidential candidate's spouse and we should respect that. Just recently the Black hearthrobs, probably you included, were complaining about Bill Clinton's substituting for Hillary on the campaign trail. But these same heartthrobs insist that Obama be given special treatment because he is a "brother," and that Tavis should accept Obama's wife to sit in for him.
But the biggest indication of Black folks' continuing and unchangeable irrationality is the almost insane belief that Obama, or any Black man or woman, will be elected President in this racist, anti-Black country. All one has to do to verify this is to look at the Democratic Party primary results to see that while Obama is getting the overwhelming majority of Black votes, Hillary is getting a less overwhelming, but still overwhelming majority of white votes. When Republicans are added to the mix in the general election, should the implausible miraculously happen and Obama wins the Democratic nomination, this pattern will be even more evident and Obama will lose by a Dukakis-like landslide. Therefore, you irrational, love-crazed Obama heartthrobs, in supporting Obama, are doing nothing but supporting a Democratic candidate who, if he is nominated, will assure the election of John McCain who will be just as bad, if not worse, for the country and especially for Black people, as George W. Bush. As they say, love is great, but it doesn't pay the bills.
So, irrational Black hearthrobs, get ready for the big heartbreak that is surely coming when the Black Obama loses to either the white Hillary or the superwhite John McCain. You deserve it.

doneoj said...

In regards to Dr. Boyce's comments: You are on point with this! Dr. Boyce has covered all of the bases and angles in addressing Bro. Smiley. Tavis, you are respected and celebrated as a freedom fighter. You are loved by many of us activist for your continuous fight in the struggle. Without you, I believe, as bad as things are with our people they would be perhaps 50times worst. Not withstanding, you should be careful not to appear self-righteous when commenting on Sen. Obama's denial to appear at the Black State of the Union conference. Many of us agree in his strategy and the bigger picture in his campaign for the White House, and don't take it personal that he won't be at the B.S.O.T.U. We also understand that many blacks have an negative opinion about Walmarts, but know that they are one of your major sponsors. Activist don't get paid to do what they love to do but you do and many of us UNDERSTAND,it aint easy. I also, after hearing Michelle Obama speak, think that you should rethink your hard and fast rule to not have the spouse of the candidate come and participate in the B.S.O.T.U. conference, I heard you on the TJMS share your response and it seems abit legalistic. If the only reason you don't do it is you don't do it, it may seem fair to you but it seems selfish also. I may be wrong, Im just sharing my thoughts on this. These comments do not take away the immense respect I love and have for you and your contribution Afro-Americans and America. Soilder on brother, Respectfully...

Anonymous said...

First of all, Obama is still in the race for the White House. I'm not saying that the Conference isn't important, but Obama has to stay focused to take advantage of this great opportunity. I'm very disappointed in Tavis for making this an issue. We have other problems in our community than to worry about Obama, (a man who will make history) attending the conference. This is absurd and Tavis should be ashamed of himself. We need to be open minded and stop being self centered. That's why we fail as a people because we think "our own kind" owes us something. Obama (if elected President) will help Tavis with his concerns and ideas for our people. I don't think Obamas intention was to ignore black issues or put it off like it wasn't important, but to make sure his priorities are where they need to be to win this election. Tavis should really look at this from another angle and know that Obama hasn't forgotten about him and just because he's not there physically, doesn't mean he's not supporting.

Anonymous said...


You are too d... old to be having a tantrum just because someone told you no. I'm sure it's not the first time and probably won't be the last. Grow up, it is sooo not about you.

Anonymous said...

This man is trying to win an election. The world doesn't revolve around you. Your comments do not speak for Black America. I enjoy listening to your commentary and I am so proud of your accomplishments. With all due respect, I ask you to reflect a more positive, objective, unselfish and EDUCATED role mode for African-Americans.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall an election where Black America voted for you to speak for Black Americans. You're right up there with F. Castro. It appears you are confused about who You really are. You took the blessing that God bestowed upon you and turned on your own people or are we your people?

Anonymous said...

Right On Dr. Boyce! Although I have had a lot of respect for Mr. Smiley in the past, I must say. . .who placed him as Leader of the "Black Nation"? In my opinion, he's another Black "intellectual" who speaks very well, but hasn't really thrown his hat into the ring to make REAL changes. I've seen his PBS show and I wonder. . .where is all the STRONG, BLACK commentary that he spews on the TJMS? Where are the interviews with the truly hard hitters and news reports about MAJOR issues face Blacks, other people of color and the poor in America. . .I mean. .Chevy Chase? What was the importance in this interview???

Also, I TOTALLY AGREE with Dr. Boyce's comment about Walmart! Just read the newpaper people or check out the "Walmart" video! Yet, Mr. Smiley has endorsed Walmart in the past??!!

How dare you try to cause conflict with presidential hopeful. . . Obama? Instead of being part of the problem, Mr. Smiley, why don't you help this Brother win!!

Unknown said...

Dr.Boyce said it so well I couldn't have said it better. What I didn't know was that Clinton was on Walmart's payroll. SOBU is just another money maker for Tavis nothing more,nothing comes of it except profit. I'm glad to see his true side now..he's confirmed my suspensions about him.
Clinton is short on money and can't keep up with Obama so she probably put tavis up to this to get back in with the Black Community and get some free press..sorry Tavis you failed and played yourself.

Konyka Dunson said...

Peace be with us brothers and sisters. Seriously. Can't we all get along? Relax. Let it go. Mr. Obama once said that in a major network interview that he would not expect his wife, Michelle, to claim that she was prepared to be a senator because she was married to him. Maybe, just maybe, Tavis wanted to interview the man actually running for president, not someone who is married to him. It's a panel...he wanted the first hand source.

If we had the same kind of passion for improving education, finding viable ways to deliver health care, and keeping youth out of the criminal justice system, then not only would Obama be on his way, so would we.

Anonymous said...

We have got to do better than this-I have gone from disappointment to embarassment about the attack on Tavis. There is such amean spirit. There is so much to say on the subject of accountability and issues that aren't being addressed with specificity. Tavis is doing what all of us should do, hold the candidate that wants our vote and our support accountable, both Hilary and Barack. Should Barack get a "pass"? It's not about whether Obama goes to New Orleans, but is this another sign of his lack of commitment to the interest of the African American community?What would we have to say if Hilary declined to participate? Just asking? I wish it was true that we have now transcended issues of race in America therefore, do not require a presidential candidate(black, white or green) who speaks to our needs. . .but, when I look around, our needs continue to be numerous (education, healthcare, etc.). This is serious, our community is suffering.These issues require commitment and specificity. All of that aside. . .I am embarassed at how fickle we appear in the way we so easily attack and turn on those who have been speaking truth to power long before Mr. Obama came on the scene.I shudder to think what we would have to say if Senator Clinton wanted to send former President Clinton. Support Mr. Obama if you must, but respect the right of others to hold the candidates accountabile. If we don't, I fear the awful disappointment of the young people who have been mobilized and hopeful. While we are spending time beating Tavis into silence, maybe our time would be better spent teaching the young voters about how to support a candidate as an informed electorate and work to keeep that candidate true to his or her promise.

nosanka said...

Obama is going to win. Get it straight. Please, get with it. You must see the difference this time. It is easy to guard against another disappointment with traditional worst case scenarios. What's the point? Why would someone say the obvious, that this is impossible. In any other moment you are right, but not this time.

Anonymous said...

"My people parish from the lack of ingorance".. does this ring a bell. I agree we should look at the issues and who would done the best job implementing them. Question, If this is all that was involved, then how did George Bush get re-elected. We are on our way but we are not there yet. For some strange reason we, as black folks, thing we actually have a choice and a say in the matters which surrounds this country. We want to disect and determine who is most qualified. When has qualifications ever won an election. It always boils down to...Show me the money! Just because you are no longer force to ride in the back of the bus, does not stop you from choosing to continue to sit in the same seats. I agree, we should not attack Travis. Nonetheless, he knows all to well the importance of picking and choosing your battles. Its okay for us to not give Obama a pass because he is the first viable candidate for us to witness the concept of MLK's I Have A Dream vision not just speeach. In the eyes of this nation, honestly, when will any black man be qualified or worthy enough to be president of this country. Change is in the air and everyone need to get on board. We are just promoting Obama because he looks like us. What we are saying, it is again time to do a Harriet Tubman move. You do know all slaves did not want to be free? Many of them, she had to pulled out her piece and make them go just like so many of you left behind negroes who obliviously think you have been to the mountain top. I for one, am proud to see someone like me make it to the white house during my lifetime. What a legacy to leaves to future generations. Would you perfer they have a living witness or still reading in text books twenty years from now, how we almost had our first black president. Here's a thought, you can always explain to your grandchildren, we have yet to have a black president because no one ever passed our worthy test. A mind is truly a terrible thing to waste.

As Lawrence Fishburne said at the end of Do The Right Thing...Wake up!

Anonymous said...


Please read "Making of a Slave" by Willie Lynch! Your comments make you sound very jealous.

Anonymous said...

MLK said it and Barack has quoted him " the urgency of now". That statement sums it all up. Obama is a viable candidate and he will be the Democratic Nominee and he will defeat John McCain for the office of the Presidency. We all know that this is a country full of hate and racial injustice. Black folks do not always have to agree on topic, but we have to be able to work together in the face of that disagreement. Tavis has a lot of information that he shares with the listening audience to advance folks, but to not accept Michelle Obama is a bad move, in my opinion. If all folks that believe in Obama's message turn out in all of the upcoming primaries and caucuses in 50% or larger turnouts, the selection is done easily. Each one teach and and register them to vote.

Anonymous said...

Doctor B, this is the first that I am hearing of you. Where have you been? Your message was "Right-On". No hate to Brother Tavis, but it looks like someone is believing their own "Hype". We all have to sometime sacrifice for the greater good.

Anonymous said...

Denise Pines
Executive Producer
RE; Tavis Smiley

As per, your advise I listened to Tavis’s remarks on
I was still dismayed with what he said the idea of this being an event that Tavis orchestrates, so, Obama dares not to come, to me, he became personally offended.
His reference to the big boy pill he takes every morning, is this pill taken to muster an ego, too big to swallow? This election, in and of itself, is a first in many ways. Why now?

Tavis picks this time start a battle with the only Black candidate that has a possibility of a successful run for the Presidency of the USA, WHY? His licentious remark,”He isn't gon be here!” “Well I am just telling you this is what he told me to tell ya’ll!” who posted this video on, WOW!
In this day and age we still attack each other! I guess the answer is--“Yes, we can!
Others have had their chance to be President, yet Tavis wants to cause upheaval on Obama’s campaign? Makes me wonder why now?

Remarks from him along with Cornel West (whom I would expect more from) were sarcastic and unwelcome by many! Michelle's what brought me to Obama, she could not be considered a surrogate, how dare he? Why was this a necessary point to drive home? This man has done nothing to Tavis, he offered up Michelle in a letter that has been posted on several web sites. Therefore showing Tavis was not truthful in that regard!

We have very substantial issues that need to be addressed, Tavis leads us to an implication that Obama is another Clarence Thomas, he’s Black but not here when we need him, this has gotten to be a ridiculous rant for him to make. Why now?
I as did others watch Tavis on his show when Al Jarreau stated he should run for President, oh how Tavis lit up.
Is that what this is all about Tavis assumed he would/should be in Obama’s place?

I have enjoyed and participated in many events sponsored by Tom Joyner and Tavis, the idea of partying with a purpose backing the HBCU’s. I was there for every event that would bolster Black people. Now, I wonder and have to ponder was Tavis on the same page, as many of us were, (here to do good for blacks,) or did he become involved with organizations to propel himself in someway?

He has been iconic to many Blacks for years, that is why this is so shocking. I thought better of him than this, the whole concept is unnecessary at this time! Could this not have waited? Is this the first time someone did not obey Tavis, so he is livid? Give all of us a break this has gotten borderline of being malignantly sinister. Will someone please ask him to stop already! Did he assume this would make all of us look at Obama in a different light, the darkness of evil has fallen upon Tavis, I cannot believe his arrogance! I am left only to wonder and ponder his motives. This is a sad day for Blacks we are now and again attacking one another, this is truly sad! Black on Black crime!? Enough already!

This disagreement is the only thing Black people are talking about; this is another way of keeping us off topic and deferring any substantial goals for Blacks. Is this what the State of the Black Union is truly about, posturing? This invidious feeling Tavis is having, hopefully will pass .Giving nothing more than a precipitous fall of grace for some him.


Mabel Stowers (72 years of age, I was an avid listener)

Unknown said...

I happened to stumble on an issue I never even knew existed because the mainstream media, obviously, has decided not to participate in this kind of childish-immature-spat. I am however surprised, to say the least, that Tavis's mindset is such that he would even allow something as silly as that to bubble up to the surface especially at such a critical time in our nation's history. This critical time I speak of is not because of the possibility that an African-American may have a real possibility to occupy the White House-that is a Historic Opportunity instead of a Critical Time. The critical time I speak of is the current state of our union-not the Blac Union-the union of ALL of America. We've been at a stalemate for the past 25 years due to bitter partisan divisions, the same old gotcha politics of personal destruction, a DUMB WAR that should have never gotten started in the first place, the same old race-baiting etc., the majority of poor and minority children are still locked up in ghettos that provide substandard education, a jail-industrial complex, etc. The only candidate whose message resonates with the American people, the one who seeks to bring us together to come up with solutions to these ever-perplexing problems and issues of our time is Obama. A little bit of common sense-it's either Pyschology 101, Common Sense 101, Perception 101, or Reality 101 [just take your pick]-would tell anyone who is not too immersed in himself or personal ego that now is not the time to hand your adversaries a club to beat you over the head with. It is clear that Obama is not running from black people. All one has to do is to take a look at all the African American faces behind him on the stand at every victory or on the stump speech. He's been in black churches and has courted and appeared with black governors and politicians, etc. So, I say it's time for everyone to reflect a bit and not fan the flames of........There are too many folks out there who are ready and willing to do that dirty work and they are hard at it now as we speak. They sure don't need our help. In conclusion, let us not crucify Tavis for what I believe is a lapse in judgement and political saaviness-we all make mistakes and no one is perfect-and, to those who feel offended by Obama's response, let's give Obama a break. It will all work out.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Tavis' public temper-tantrum has subsided and he and Barack spoke behind close doors to end the feud (an action that should have taken place in the beginning of Tavis' disagreement since we are ADULTS). However, I believe that it was a mistake not to allow Michelle. As the saying goes, behind every powerful man is a stronger, more powerful woman. Michelle could very well be our next First Lady - a position that is honorable, notable and filled with more responsibility than simply being just the President's wife. Moreover, Michelle is more than Barack's beautiful wife but she is a Harvard Law graduate, an accomplished attorney, and most importantly a MOTHER. Who better to speak at a conference on the state of the BLACK UNION than a successful black, intelligent, loving, beautiful, and strong BLACK MOTHER...the cornerstone of what black unity symbolizes? If the state of the black union is really meant to address the issues that are plaguing black america, Michelle actually should have been asked BEFORE Barack in the first place. Who do you think makes Barack who he is and has been the strong support that allows Barack to run this campaign so successfully with two young children at home? Really, Tavis, go back to the base of the black union - the black family. Many of the issues that face Black America begin with the issues that face our black families. And, to miss the opportunity to discuss these issues with a woman who symbolizes alot of what is missing in our communities is a missed opportunity to really address all that is part of our "covenant". Furthermore, the First Lady always has a responsibility to the public to take on her own tasks/projects that could better America. Michelle's project/focus could be to reverse the effects of former lady Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign which somehow translated to the biggest influx of drugs going into our communities and the end of programs (such as after school programs and extra-curricular programs)that worked to provide outlets to our children and assist working mothers with practical and productive care for our children.
I think it is imperative for Tavis to take all of the feedback and the like into perspective and use this as an opportuinty to build to move forward and BE the person that he represents through the books, the talk, and maybe some of the admitted rhetoric. ALL Egos aside (and having an ego is not always a negative, you must have somewhat of an ego to put force behind some substance; it's the selfish ego that must be tossed at crucial moments) ALL of us have to be willing to take a moment to PAUSE, BREATHE, FORGIVE, FOCUS, and MOVE FORWARD. We are all saying the same thing but obviously our approach to bettering our community is different. And, unfortunately, votes go beyond black America so it is imperative that ALL of America is addressed in order to resolve the issues of PART of America. If you look beyond the trees, you will see a beautiful forest that stretches beyond the state of the black union. If Barack AND Michelle are truly going to actually bring about the change that the state of the black union has talked about annually for the past few years, then we need to let Barack reach the Forest. Allow him the resources to TRULY make a difference which he can do more realistically as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES as opposed to merely being another panelist at an annual talk. Not to take anything away from the SOBU but, really, talking about it without having anyone to actually be in a position of power to DO anything about it only has us talking about it more at the 10th, 15th and 25th SOBU convention.
Of course Hillary is going to show up! She loses supporters every day. She's playing the game and I am very surprised that Tavis is about to get the trump card pulled out on him so obviously. Hillary would be at the forefront of the gay pride parade if she thought that it would make a difference in the number of supporters. But, best believe that she'd be the first to strike down gay marriage and rights proposal if she were elected. Same goes for the black issues. She's desperate and will do anything to gain the momentum that Barack obviously has over her. I mean, she cried to New Hampshire, which should really earn her an Oscar this Sunday night - but it worked. So, if showing up to the state of the black union helps her to gain voters somehow in Texas and Ohio because SOMEHOW that all of a sudden proves her commitment to black folks in the US, that's what she will do!!!
Lastly, there's so much harp on Barack but nothing has been said about the BLATANT disrespect to flat out IGNORE Tavis all together by Huckabee and McCain. While Tavis made it clear to be sure not to vote for a candidate merely because they're black or because they're female, he obviously is not taking his own "Big Boy Pill" when it comes to not bringing down a candidate merely because they're black and you have this black talk you think they should attend BECAUSE they're black. A little hypocritical, ya think? So, while Barack RESPECTFULLY declined and addressed the existence of the SOBU and the existence of Tavis Smiley, Huckabee and McCain not only has obviously declined but even more so acted as if none of this existed by not even responding. I didn't hear any temper-tantrums over the fact that black america should be appalled at candidates who don't even think we as black people, this whole covenant with black america, or more importantly in this case, Tavis, is important enough to address. Where is the outcry to black Republicans who support an infrastructure that is okay with not even acknowledging issues plaguing our communities? What kind of representative would they be to our issues if elected? That should have been the outcry!!! I'm more frustrated that Huckabee and McCain were so calmly addressed as simply "haven't heard a response....I'm going to give them another day but I will take it as they are not coming" over the fact that not only Barack respectfully declined but also offered a pretty damn good resolution to his empty seat. The tone, the attitude and the whining about Barack was so unncecessary and embarrasingly out of control. I really thought better of Tavis and alot of points were lost with this whole public spat against Barack. Black, White, whatever, NO ONE is obligated to come to this symposium PARTICULARLY when they are running a campaign for Presidency. And, who are you to backlash when it doesn't go your way? React intelligently, not selfishly and pick your battles wisely. This whole thing really shed light on Tavis' state within the black union which is a STATE OF HIMSELF. A person truly committed to the cause would never put themself or "my me" before such a crucial moment in ALL of American history. I guess we'll keep waiting for a response come Saturday for Huckabee and McCain? Are they going to do some sudden surprise appearance and yell "gotch-a" to everyone in New Orleans?
Barack has gotten to where he is because he looks beyond that of any one particular group. He has taken a stance that helping the mass will ultimately help those particular groups that form the mass. We're all sick of the divisions that make us the UN-United States of America and we want the America we had when 9/11 happened. The fact that we can come together at one moment gives us a notion that we can come together for the long run. We're all sick of the red and blue, the black and white, the left and right, etc... And, while all of these sectors will continue to exist past Obama, maybe these sectors can at least learn the power of unity and understand that just because we have differing views on how things should be done, that doesn't mean we have to live divided amongst ourselves. It is possible to have various viewpoints and still be able to resolve a particular matter. I think Barack represents that unified viewpoint on having "more than one way to skin a cat". Tavis, I hope you don't get so caught up in the color of the cat that we're all left with "no skins"!!!!

Anonymous said...

you know i was waiting to se what the situation was all about and before i commented. sounds like to me that Tavis wanted to be a lion but could only be a panther a (lonelyPanther). We as the Black community have been saying for years how we dont stick together like the other cultures of the world and Tavis has said it soooo many times.I think as a writer ,commentator you should recognize where we have been and were we are headed my brother history is about to take place and you are standing on it but trying to sweep away the history mybrother wake up and smell the coffee and not the damn roses.sounds like lo-blo underthe table mr. smiley. i smell a damn rat covered in species.I have always respected you from back in the day Tavis but bra damage has been done and in the back of mind there is nothing you can apologize about not even publicly.HATER MAN

Anonymous said...

why did'nt tavis smiley ask senator obama to appear on his show last year when his schedule was'nt so busy.

Anonymous said...

Tavis Smiley is a sellout just as his name suggests. Let’s not pretend sellouts no longer exists simply because we do not like the use of the word. Tavis’s commentary is sponsored by WalMart on the Tom Joyner Morning Show and not only does he vehemently supports Hilliary Clinton but he also attacks Obama every chance he gets. Ever since Hilliary mentioned Tavis in one of her speeches he’s been a zealed for her by going far and above the extra mile in attacking Sen. Obama.

Sure I once respected Tavis in the past as a positive voice for Black America but I also had a reserved sense that he’s not fully who he claims to be. He’s an opportunist who’s not very successful, which is why he’s never been fully accepted nor respected as a journalist. This is now proven more so today because he’s using his public voice to serve the needs of the establishment.

How can anyone claim Tavis has the voice of Black people while 90% of Black America supports Barack Obama. Is it about a bandwagon, sure if it means jumping on the bandwagon for true and positive change instead of sitting on the sidelines throwing bricks and hiding your hands. Tavis’s letter to Sen. Obama is pathetic and weak because he claims it’s a simple invitation in which he sent to all candidates yet he’s buck dancing for the media crying Obama has a “Missed Opportunity”, give me a break. Mr. Smiley is simply supporting Hilliary because he was directed to do so and he’s acting like any other good dog by attacking whomever his master tells him. Yes people, doing one enormous bad deed will wipe out all the good deeds a person has ever done. Tavis Smiley is a sellout in every sense of the word!

Nia said...

Maybe it's me, but that letter does not sound like a letter of misunderstanding or of sincerety to me. Tavis appears to be pulling the 'Hillary' in order to gain sympathy for his cause or heighten someone elses agenda. I like Mr. Smiley and I think his forum is what the community needs to keep our issues on the forefront. What I don't understand is, if Mr. Smiley is so educated and has been through the corporate windmill, why is he trying to trip Barack up and jeopardize his chances of success. He must have forgotten his dismissal from BET which at the time was owned by Bob Johnson, a BIG Hillary Clinton supporter. I'm starting to believe the corporate 'good ole boys' are putting the pressure on him and is using the Black leadership to bring Obama down. The Clinton's are fighters, make no mistake about it. Losing was not in the cards for this campaign. They anticipated winning the Super Tuesday Primary February 5th. They had no campaign agenda past that date nor a backup plan. That's why they ran out money, hadn't booked any rooming in the other states. Everything was allocated for Super Tuesday. Now they are at the 'make or break' time. They have tried everything, and they can't stop Obama. They know that if Obama participates, he then becomes the 'Black' candidate which will turn white america off and he loses his support and the superdelegates who are heavy in his favor right now. They also know the best way to bring down a Brother is with another Brother, that way we can't cry racism. They tried Jesse when the had him on CNN to comment on 'this historical moment in America' and his bid for the Presidency. They wanted him to go off on 'it's about time the Black man is getting some respect (bafoonery) them there's Al, another Black candidate on the 'Git Whitey' trip. They know both of them likes the limelight and so called Black agenda. To their surprise, they didn't comment the way they were expected. They only wish him well. Since that didn't work, they now need someone who is equally articulate and non-threatening. Who else? Tavis is the only one left who can publically engage Barack into a open forum on Black issues. They know how heated up the discussion get, especially when we talk about things that effect the Black community. And with Hillary on stage, we're guaranteed to have the press and the media watching and listening to Baracks response. With Al Sharpton, Na'am Akbar (love him), Jesse Jackson, and the rest of the crew. Scaring poor Lil Hillary. That's it, it's over.....

I think Tavis knows this. From the tone of his letter. He seems to be having a hard time explaining his purpose. I see a lot of excuses and a sense a little nervousness.

I hope I'm wrong

Peace and Love


Anonymous said...

What's fuuny is no one has heard of Obama unless you lived in Chicago. Now all these idiots want to jump on a band wagon. Our people are soo damn gullible, ready to follow anything, because it looks good. Lastnight that fool repeated everything Hillary said, trying to switch the words that meant the same thing. I don't get it...WAKE UP PEOPLE ..BARACK IS FULL OFF SHIT....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Half of you clowns dissin' tavis was all in his ass before you knew anything about O "bama" beacuse tavis is callin a spade a spade, ya'll all upset.....Lets keep it real . What has obama done? huh?? Ya'll so damn dumb. This whole issue is retarded. Tavis fuck these clowns,keep on doing you,I can't wait til' Barack renig on this dummies. Its clear he has republican issues. If that fool wins he gonna fuck up. He can't complete a statement without studdering. Nuff said

Anonymous said...

Tavis supports Hillary Clinton; his choice. Like my choice has never been to support Tavis nor his show.

I just hope those who he has a little influence on in the Black population (and Walmart) will see his temper tantrum for what it is -a self-centered ego is out of control.

Not allowing Michelle to come to speak for her husband and his statement on TJMS to see Hillary and Obama "fight it out" further shows Tavis has his own personal agenda.

New Orleans - don't be fooled; Tavis will not be back anytime soon after this weekend. He is using the city of New Orleans just like he uses those handful of Blacks who really care what he has to say. This is only about attention to Tavis' program. Next stop - next issue.

CHALLENGE TO TAVIS - How much of the money from your "State of Black America" book went to New Orleans redevelopment projects or to any community project for that matter? Show your balls - give a full disclosure.

Anonymous said...

New Orleans - don't be fooled by Hillary coming to Tavis' Black Union production this weekend. She obtain $16 million dollars for a Woodstock Museum in the state of New York when those in New Orleans needed homes.

And this shows she cares? - NOT!! She WAS a Senator when Katrina happened. She is like her husband -toss a few bones to the blacks and let them think we care.

Wake up and don't be fooled. She will not be helping New Orleans whether she is elected or not. She is just using the city like Tavis is using the city.

Don't fall for it New Orleans.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how we as Black America forget The Clinton have dne more for the so call underdog of america then any other office holder. I just feel obama is not season in office to run our country. I feel that black america will be disappointed in the long run. I country is in a mess we cannot follow hype we must follow who is going to do thw most for us. No one is prefect no matter what color so do the 80 vs, 2o rule. If we do not see through color and all talk during this time and check prior history as what they have done we are going to be in trouble. One thing tha I agree on is the President have to be for all people. If obama make it seems that he is only for one race he will not win. Sometimes you have to stay hidden and be skillful in your tactics.

Anonymous said...

I am getting tired of Tavis Smiley. He has talked about us as being crabs in a barrel and that we should move on to supporting eachother but right now he is acting like one of those crabs "trying" to pull Obama back down. I am tired of hearing "Black Issues" and I am black. I want a President who actually will target all Issues because I am all types of friends black white and latinos and guess what we are all in the same boat working trying to make ends meet in the same country in the same economy and we all have the same problems wanting the same help. I would not respect a president that was prejudice in his justice to just black people or just white people. Obama is showing that he is about black issues but he also interested in other color issues and thats the way to unite a country and erase color boundraries

Anonymous said...

I have always, in the past, believed that Tavis Smiley was a young man blessed with insight, wisdom, and courage. Now I am not so sure. I am saddened to hear him speak in a manner that seems to be an attempt to cause black people to question whether Barack Obama deserves their support. I believe Mr. Smiley has the right to express his disagreement with anyone just as we all do in this country. But it seems tragically out of touch with the times and with the will of a large segment of black and white America that appears to see in Mr. Obama something that Mr. Smiley apparently does not see...hope for a better tomorrow. Most black and white Americans want many of the same things. Mr. Obama seems to understand this. Sadly, it seems Mr. Smiley does not. Dr. King said he was dreaming of a day when we would be judged by the contenet of our character and not by the color of our skin. The implication was that we were then beng judged by the color of our skin by white Americans. How ironic that some black Americans appear to have now become the one's who are judging Mr. Obama by the color of his skin and not by the content of his character.

Anonymous said...

Blacks have been voting overwhelmingly for Barack--some say out of a sense of racial pride. I am wondering how much pride was felt yesterday when he was unable to find the time for the ninth annual State of the Black Union (an event televised on C-Span)--especially since Hillary (who has been very much out of favor in the press and almost totally out of favor with black America since Barack arrived as her rival) found the time to make an appearance. What she did took guts. The audience appeared to be overwhelmingly in favor of Barack before she stepped on the stage. But at the end there were those who gave her a standing ovation. It is not as though Barack does not still need the support of blacks and others in Louisiana should he win at the primary level and go on to represent the Democrats in the general election.

Anonymous said...

I was very distrubed by the Registration Form for the SOBU

Especially the question about defining "making it"

New Orleans should not be just another Marketing venture.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that Mr. Smiley does not speak for ALL Black people. I am very well cappable of speaking and thinking for myself. I can't understand that why at such a crucial moment in American histoy that he can't support Mr. Obama. I understand that he has never made a public endoresement in the past but this time, things are different; very different. He always preaches about togetherness, this is one time that we as Black folk can make the biggest stand of unity ever seen. And on the issue of the forum, Mr. Obama was busy doing exactly what he needed to be doing, campaigning. Just imagine what the history books would have to include if we all for once stood together, just for once. I want to know from Black democrats just what is it about Mr. Obama that some Black folk object to? What is it that Mrs. Clinton offers you that Mr. Barack doesn't? Is it just that Mrs. Clinton offers us Mr. Clinton? Is that the appeal? If so, that's sad.
To those of you who typically cry "they don't want to give us nothing", I say to overlook Mr. Obama says "We don't want nothing"

Finally, Mr. smiley please don't let it be just about dollars & cents for you.

Anonymous said...

HOPE- to wish for something. I wish black people could open their eyes and see Obama for what he really is.If Obama could not take a 30 minute flight from TX to N.O. and Clinton could from Ohio, then who is interested in the black people. If this state of the black union was held in a state that had not voted yet, Obama would have turned flips to get there.La. had aready voted and he had nothing to gain by coming.

He also didn't want to jepordize white support by appearing to cater to black people, since he proclaims to be all things, to all people. Mrs. Obama is not running for President of these United States, he is.

I am a 59 year old black woman, living in La now but I grew-up in Kansas two doors from Illinois.I say that, to say this. You don't get into Illinois politics being an outsider.Obama did nothing in Illinois, he has done very little in Washington, Why? To have no record to defend.

The young people who support Obama have disappointed me greatly. You buy their books, you send them to school and they still can't see the forest for the trees. You don't follow the movement, you follow the Facts.Obama said in his first movement speech to a large group of college people, is they grew up not knowing nothing but Clinton or Bush. Now that is their answer.They want,and Obama encourages them to discriminate based on a persons surname.

And what is even more surprising is, these are college youths who have at their disposial the ability to pull a candidate's who life history upon a comupter and evaluate each on their own merit.You don't follow a modern day Jim Jones to the koolaide, or thumb your nose at someone who has been working their whole life for equality.

How many black people brought their homes during the first Clinton adminastration and still have those homes. We didn't loose them due to the president's friends running a scam.(people forget this Bush's name was linked to the early days of the S&L scandal)

Sure NAFTA was a disaster for some but not for everone. If Obama was so concern about NAFTA why didn't he introduce a bill to get rid of it. I moved 600 miles from home to keep my job and that wasn't NAFTA that was Regan and his friends.

I can guarantee Obama did very well during the first Clinton term.

I was raised not to bite the hand
that feeds you, and not to forget who helped you, AND THAT I WON'T.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to express my disappointment with Tavis Smiley snubbing Obama's request to have his wife, Michelle stand-in on his behalf. In addition, I am sick and tired of Tavis referencing Dr. King, as if there were no other black leaders who championed the causes of Black people during the late 50's and 60's. For example, never have I heard Tavis mention Malcolm X. what's up with that? On a final note, if Tavis was smart and love black people as much as he touts, then he would be doing whatever he could to support Barack Obama, instead of hatin' on a brotha...

Peace thru Unity!

Strong said...

Let is remember the words of Brother Malcolm when we talk about Mr. Smiley.

"To understand this, you have to go back to what [the] young brother here referred to as the house Negro and the field Negro -- back during slavery. There was two kinds of slaves. There was the house Negro and the field Negro. The house Negroes - they lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good 'cause they ate his food -- what he left. They lived in the attic or the basement, but still they lived near the master; and they loved their master more than the master loved himself. They would give their life to save the master's house quicker than the master would. The house Negro, if the master said, "We got a good house here," the house Negro would say, "Yeah, we got a good house here." Whenever the master said "we," he said "we." That's how you can tell a house Negro.

If the master's house caught on fire, the house Negro would fight harder to put the blaze out than the master would. If the master got sick, the house Negro would say, "What's the matter, boss, we sick?" We sick! He identified himself with his master more than his master identified with himself. And if you came to the house Negro and said, "Let's run away, let's escape, let's separate," the house Negro would look at you and say, "Man, you crazy. What you mean, separate? Where is there a better house than this? Where can I wear better clothes than this? Where can I eat better food than this?" That was that house Negro. In those days he was called a "house nigger." And that's what we call him today, because we've still got some house niggers running around here."

Anonymous said...

Tavist you are acting like a two year old. We all see you. What a desperate need you have for attention,but this is not your party. If you really cared about anyone other than yourself you would be praying that Obama has the physical strength to continue this fight and it is a fight! He is racing from state to state eating on the run,and sleep deprived. Did you notice that he didn't campaign in Hawaii the state in which he was born but instead left that up to his sister and trusted that the people there would understand and not take it that he snubbed them. They did not take his inability to come there as as a personal affront and rewarded him with 76% of the votes. I sincerely hope and trust that we are not influenced to vote for Hillary Clinton because you are holding your breath and turning blue because Obama was unable to attend your pity party for blacks. Did you invite Hillary Clinton to attend last year's symposium ? Did she attend ? If she did she just started her campaign early. Wake up and grow up Tavist, Obama not Hilary is in your age range. The children are our future, and you and Obama are my and others in my age range's future. Obama and you are what we have worked and sacrificed for.I am a 65 yr old black college educated female and I voted for Obama. Today is the day we stand together. When is tomorrow tomorrow ? Its today isn't ?

Anonymous said...

Here I am again, this 59 year old black woman in La. You highly educated black people amaze me with your tunnelvision. You went to school to learn, and learn you did, just what you majored in, and nothing else.

Before you call Mr. Smiley or anybody else a house N----- learn some geography. A flight from TX to N.O. is less than an hour. Obama could have been there and back before the crew finished setting up the stage, if he had really wanted to. The SBU's agenda is not Obama's agenda or he would have made the same sacrafice, she flew in from Ohio. Don't make excuses for him.Obama and his supporters need to respect the fact that everyone does not believe in the snake oil he is peddling.

Tavis is entitled to his opinion, and as a strong black person you should be able to agree to disagree.

I am supporting Hillary and voting for Hillary. Why? because I am loyal to those who are loyal to me.

It's an insult to black people to say if you don't leave you are a house N. It's not easy to walk off from what you know as home. it's a tough decission whether you know it is freedom or you know the hurricane is coming. Home is Home

Know your history, before you start to tell somebody about it. It was white folks like Bill and Hillary who jeopardized themselves by sneaking to teach the slaves how to read and write and what direction was North.

You Obama supporters, don't get these black people worked up about Wal-Mart (I don't personally shop there) they are still the largest employer of black americans. It's either Wal-Mart or welfare. They don't have DR., JD, Phd behind their names.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tavis, you came to WMU back in 1998 to do a sit-in, you've helped alot of people over the years and I've respected the way you've analyzed the black commuity over the yrs, but you crossed the line this time brotha!

How dare you question Obama's character when you wouldn't accept his wife, as his replacement. You really need to check yourself brotha, you've become you own worst enemy. Unless you've apologized to The Obama family my level of respect diminishes greatly for you.

Remember that black women are the conerstone of the black community. Just go into any church on Sunday. If you haven't apologized to the Obama family please do so, for your own redemption. God will forgive you. It only hurts you further if you don't. Plus, the baggage you carry for holding onto a grudge will eat at you soul!

Signed, Disappointed

Servant Leader Deacon Mchael Jones

For whom much is given much is required.

Anonymous said...

I am in agreement with many of the other comments, that Tavis' behavior was wrong. It was also obvious to me after his Q&A at the State of the Black Union with Hillary, his comments regarding the women who helped to put together the event 'shows that A WOMAN can pull it all together'(refering to Hillary Clinton). He (Tavis) was totally out of line. My respect for him has diminished.

And to Anonymous at 12:35 am, People should not vote for a candidate because they are "loyal to those who are loyal to them" What about the issues?

And to Dr Boyce Watkins,

You were so on point. My sentiments exactly regarding the "me-dom" and the Wal-Mart comments. While in Los Angeles I had no real concept of WalMart. But, in 2006, I relocated to North Carolina after 20 years in Los Angeles and discovered one City that has three WalMarts (that I know of, possibly 4) Clearly, Tavis does not always have the Black Community's interest in mind.

Anonymous said...

I too am very disappointed in Tavis Smiley and his actions. I watched the SOBU and it's the same dialogue every year. As for Hilary Clinton showing up at the SOBU she did not get a good reception from the audience which for me felt so good. I don't need him or any of the so called "leaders" to speak on my behalf. We all are our own leaders. I honestly wish he would keep his opinion to himself and do what he need to do whatever that may be. I'm glad I've only bought one book and it was my first and it will be my last. He won't ge rich off of me!

Zizi said...

Well, well well I think Tavis is showing his true colors, green.
If Tavis doesn't like Barack then keep it to him self. Why are two African American men opposing each other in public. Tavis please call it a cease fire, because it's about your ego.
Obama has gotten most of the African American vote in past elections so if you truely speak for the people then your opinion would coincide with majority rule.
I believe the Black vote makes Obama proud and he appreciates it but he needs all votes, white, asian and latino to win.

I know as a people we are not so insecure that we are going to crucify him for that.
Go Barack we push you out there to get the votes. You need to turn the tide in the polls for those undecided voters. We don't need you where we are because we know going to see Tavis during this crucial period is not an efficient use of time based on the polls of black voters.
So all the African American who constantly need to have your ego stroked and want to pull Barack time away from the undecided voters shame on you, get over it.
The man has to do what he has to do.
Barack has my support and understanding.
And those who are African American women who vote for Hiliary please tell me what she has done on paper for African American women, please please tell me.
She was born into wealth, she is big business. Did she employ African American Lawyers in her firm? Please tell me? The big health insurance plan is for big insurance companies. Not for us I mean all of America. Please wake up! Hillary is all talk and no action. i'm a mid-upper class post College educated African American and proud to support Barack Obama for President and tell my children to read the web site make there descions. But to see the effect Barack has on my teenage son has been so inspiring and the young teens I work with. Why would Tavis play ego mind trips in front of teh media for African American especially boys to see it's shame.

Anonymous said...

Just like we have to hold the Presidential Candidates "accountable" you are being held "accountable" as well.

Anonymous said...

My name is Kim Walker and I am a 46 yr.old black woman. I did not get to see the forum because I was attending a caucus for Senator Obama. I live in the state of Tennessee and these folks are pretty much set against seeing this man elected as our next president of the United States. For Mr. Smiley to refuse Michelle Obama's stand-in for her husband is ridiculous! This vibrant black woman is a breath of fresh air! I watch her on TV every chance I get. In some instances, I'd rather see her than her husband. I did not like the interview with Tavis and Hillary. For her to apologize for her husband's comments is water under the bridge to me. Now Tavis, you are willing to accept Hillary's apology but would not let Michelle stand in for her husband? What is the difference? I support Sen. Obama because he had the integrity to oppose this war that our nation is in. Hillary did not! How many black people who have white friends have been asked why they support Sen. Obama? I don't think many have for the simple fact that they already assume that we support him just because he is black. I am very politically active in my state and I know the issues that plaque this election. Mr. Smiley you need to get over yourself! Embrace this historic moment and let GOD guide your heart! I would love to meet you!

Anonymous said...

It was great seeing the collective genius that you were able to amass on your show. Too bad you weren't satisfied with the people who did accept your invitation. Certainly Senator Obama was not the only one who turned down your invitation. Blast ALL of the talented people who were too busy to come on your show, Tavis. They too don't care about "our" issues - right? Call them all out now, my man. Let's see the other people who had the audacity to turn down such a prestigious invitation.

I watched, Hillary, on your show on Saturday. What a setup question: "Senator Clinton do you believe your universal health care plan is better than Senator Obama's?" You didn't seriously think that our girl, Hill, would admit that Obama's plan is better, did you? That yes or no question was one I would have expected an novice to ask.

Anonymous said...

I feel it is childish for Tavis smiley is acting the way he is . you say you are for the betterment of blacks but you actions this time is a total embarasment. One thing history has shown is that we do destroy our selves. Groe up and get your ego out of this your forum is important but not that important to jepordise this race. I am very diapointed in you and have a diffrent outlook to what exactly is purpose.Hillary will never get my vote reguardless who wins for the first time in my life i would vote republican or not vote at all thanks Tavis

Anonymous said...

Tavis, you M*@#%@ F*#@ING A$$ HOLE. DAMN YOU BOY.................

Anonymous said...

Tavis, you are a self-righteous idiot and a hypocrite, I suppose you are working for the other side. It is very evident that you are a hater and very jealous of people that show you up to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.Tom Joyner should have some guts and kick you off his show, because you are giving the a show a bad reputation, You should pay close attention to your gender preference, you happen to be caught between the two. With all your rhetoric, you are a traitor. Go work for Hilary Clinton.

Unknown said...

Boyce Watkins has obviously touched a nerve if sorts here. But he's exactly correct in making mention of how Tavis would likely NEVER appear among other Black intellectuals.
He wants to be king maker. Tavis is no independent Black voice. He is not attempting to necessarily thwart Obama's campaign because he's pushing this muilticultural movement. Tavis himself frequently asserts how we're "living in the most multicultural, multiethnic America ever." And also, "when you make Black America or Black and Brown America better you make all of America better."
So let's not get this twisted: Tavis is NO Black Nationalist! Tavis is every bit of an integrationist and mainstream "thinker" as Oprah and the other negro elite.
I'm glad Boyce didn't get up on that stage, that while he may respect what Tavis and the TJMS and foundation are doing, he's not seeking to align himself with them.
He's one of the few prominent Blacks out here who's not jockeying to get up on that SOBU forum stage and fatmouth for hours among the likes of Michael Eric Dyson and Cornel West.
I know of scores of Black thinkers who're never invited to these forums or if invited, not heavily sought after to speak at these events. Why? Because they're too Black minded and conscious. Sure every year Tavis will have a Min Farrakhan, Dr. Julia Hare or as this year, a Dick Gregory but that's one out of how many others who for the most part say nothing.
You can usually count up to five out of the 35 or so panelists every year who say something Black America should take heed to. So why not allow the true strategists and truth tellers to speak. Why not have a back and forth exchange between Black America and the panelists rather than hand selecting questions submitted via BAW (
Tavis is in control of this format and he prefers it that way.
Listen every Tuesday and Thursday morning after Tavis' commentary where Tom Joyner says "Tavis' commentary is brought to you by WAL-MART." WAL-MART? When has WAL-MART, Exxon Mobil, McDonald's, Wells Fargo or the other corporate sponsors he's had over the years ever underwritten a revolution?
That is what Tavis wants us to believe isn't it--that his annual State of the Black Union forums is a new revolution.
But it's not and Boyce Watkins has just touched a surface that is seldom if ever by other high-profile Black columnists, professors, etc.

Anonymous said...

You are 100% correct in your comments. I love this guy! He should run for President.

I get tired of seeing Tavis, Jesse Jackson and other people acting like they own black america. You can also notice that there were a bunch of old foggies at the State of the Black Union event, and almost no young leaders like Dr. Watkins.

I read what Boyce Watkins says because he doesn't come off as a wanna be preacher or politician. He simply tells the truth. That is what black people need.

JohnnyB said...

Tavis Smiley:
Shame on you and your house. You are no different than Judas, Uncle Tom and all other misguided house negroes who have historically held our race back at its moment of breakthrough. If you would open your thick headed egomaniac mind and blind eyes, you would know that Senator Obama's quest is "The State Of The Black Union" (whatever that is). Good thing 90% of African Americans have already figured that one out. If we followed your advice, our race would still be outside of the Clinton house, which you loyally serve, looking in. I know you reject this hypothesis and purport to be serving a bigger vision. But Obama is the bigger vision. You missed the plane Bro'. While the rest of the country from all races, have jumped on board; you are stuck on stupid and in the 1980's.

Anonymous said...

Why can't we all just get along...I too went to my first State of the Black Union in Atlanta. I'm glad I did, eventhough I went away thinking what's next. Not next year or next month or next week but the next day. Tavis, I think you are smarter than people are giving you credit for. You did that on purpose didn't you, cause you know that white people will love Barak Obama even more for not taking your invitation. It was an invitation wasn't it or is every Black leader in America required to come running when you call? I would have loved to see Michelle Obama on stage with Hillary, even better with Bill. I bet you still get that invitation to the White House when Mr. Obama becomes President of the United States. Just don't forget to say Mr. President when you see him.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tavis Smiley, a modern day Judas, abetted by Tom Joyner, whom I have lost all respect for, who keeps allowing this Uncle Tom to attempt to batter and derail Senator Obama two days per week. The worst part is that Mr. Joyner is so spineless, he appears to agree with his erroneous comments. Yet he appears to support Mr. Obama. Ms Smiley should just admit that he has been promised a position by Hilary Clinton, just as he has continued to support Wal-Mart, who is responsible for oppressing many African-Americans in the working world. Benedict Arnold, it is time to shut up and disappear, proud African Americans are tired of your assinine antics and childish behavior, even the Ku Klux Klan behave better than you.
New York

Anonymous said...

I listen to Tavis Smiley commentaries on the Jom Joyner show and find them to be Inspiring, Uplifting, and Educational at times. Problem is I also find them at times to be self centered and egotistic. I was very dissapointed two weeks ago when he flat out embarassed Jom and Sybil on the air for having asked Barack the previous day if he would call Tavis to clear up misunderstandings. Tavis exposed his ego in a unprecedented manner by shunning the notion that anyone else could speak for him. He pointed out specifically that neither Tom or Sybil speaks for him, even though on prior occasions I have heard both himself and Tom speak on behalf of the other. The point I would like to make is that while he Tavis is pointing out emphatically to the nation that no one speaks for him, he needs to check himself and realize that he does not speak for Black America. He is not a representative of any official Black Organization but instead is an Independent corporation that uses Black America for his personal gain. You are not the only intellectual Black person and your voice and commentaries are yours and not the voice of Black Americans. Stop "Pimping" blacks with your high price speeches, etc. and get out there with the masses for a change and participate in something that Blacks are really fighting for. Maybe you could take a page from Rev. Al Sharpton and demonstrate for some "Black Cause".

Anonymous said...

Thanks Olivia Brown (not my choice of expletives,but point well taken) and 59 year old black woman from LA. You are only telling the truth. I don't feel an overwhelming debt to Hilary, I just think she is better qualified. And its like Obama has stated, "colored doesn't matter. Well we know that's not true, but it may be for him. This is about to become laughable if it wasn't so sad. Since when did we make excuses for people who don't have time for us! Too busy to come to New Orleans. If Hilary can show up why would he even standout as the black candidate going to talk about black issues. Leave Tavis alone. If the truth be told, there a numerous others who feel the exact same as he does, and with good reason. Wake-up, Tavis; tantrum as you term it was for all of you. He doesn't want you to be sold short. Unlike Sharpton(dorel) most often, Tavis does protest, but he often starts with us. We can fix us. To think otherwise and have us always the victim undermines our power to change what we can in our own community. We can hold us and them accountable.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I am wondering if we as black folk,and Tavis as an individual, are really understanding the full scope of what is happening in America with this election. I'm 60+ years old and I stand in awe of this historical moment. I can say how I remember when....but, more importantly, it must be fully recognized what Barack Obama is seeking to accomplish NOW. Blacks account for less than 20% of the U.S. population. Barack does, and must, appeal to a far more expansive group. There are many who do not want him to succeed, (and his color is reason-enough for most of "them")So, we can't get our britches in a tither just because he can't stop by each of our homes for a little tea. We have got to start thinking BIGGER!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! just like that we turn on Travis? He has been in this fight with us for years! and we discount him that quickly? House-Negro? Traitor? Judas? Because he said Obama should have been at the SOBU? which he should have been. Obama has yet to address what he is going to do for the Black community. Do we just assume he is going to look after our interest? Don't just give your vote away, make the candidats's earn it! we have struggled too long and been through too much, and Travis has been with us a lot longer in the fight. It doesn't have to be ugly! some of these blogs are CRAZY!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My concern is that African Americans are just following the hype. Once the media and African American politicians started to tell us that Bill Clinton was being disrespectful to Barak Obama, a lot of us started to support him. This summer the issue was: IS MR. OBAMA “BLACK ENOUGH?”

Today the issue is: WE MUST ALL SUPPORT OBAMA.

My question is why. What is Barak Obama going to do for me as a single African American working female with way too much money being taken out from my paycheck for federal, social security, Medicare, and state taxes? Also what’s up with excessive gas taxes and the price of gas? No candidate is addressing this issue.

I have voted for either the Green Party or the Independent candidate in the last 3 presidential elections. Neither party is doing anything about the real issues.

Therefore, I will not support Barak Obama just because he is black. Nor, Hillary just because she is a woman. McCain will also not get my vote.

I would love to support a candidate who talks about real issues for working people and will not make a thousand unrealistic promises!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Tavis has shown his true self. I am very dissappointed! I consider him a traitor in the camp. I will not purchase any of his products and will not view or listen to his programs.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Mr. Smiley. But I will defend his right to express himself. I think the timing is unfortunate because we are witnessing history in the making at a level that has never been witnessed before. I believe this is an event that many of our predecessors and contemporaries who marched, sat-in, prayed, fought, and gave their lives in the struggle, were doing so in the hope that this day and many others of similar importance and impact would finally come. It is certainly an opportunity that must be entered upon with care, wisdom, character, and courage. But to engage in viscous attacks against Mr. Smiley seems to me to be as unfair as his stance on this campaign. I think he is wrong but in that way, he is no different than many of us have been on issues of import at other times. My hope is that we can overcome even this.

Anonymous said...

You know I am deeply ashamed and Highly humiliated at the way Tavis is handling this deal. No disrespect to Martin Luther King but he must be turning over in his grave right now to see what we have become. This is just down right childish of us to be acting this way. The KKK and other white supremice organiztions do not have to do a damn thing to destroy us, why, cause we do it ourselves. I am a 30 year old Black man born and raised in the Bahamas, I presently live in the United States with my wife and two beautiful children, this is the moment in time that I relish for the simple fact in my life time I get to possibly see a Black Man become the president of the United States. I will be able to tell my Grand kids and their kids that I was at his rally here in Houston Texas when they study him in history class. But leave it up to one of us to claw the other down. Tavis you should be a great support to the cause, are you so consumed with jealousy that you can't even hide it? This is a saddening situation, in the words of Hillary Clinton, " SHAME ON YOU TAVIS". I no longer have respect for you and whatever you do, you have lft me scarred, I will no longer sing your praises to my children or to anyone for that matter. Grow up, Tavis, grow up, leave it to you to once again prove to the White Folkes that we are a bunch of idiots who do not get along, don't you even talk about Black on Black crime again, because what you are doing is considered Black on Black violence in my book just without being physical.

Anonymous said...

I understand we have a viable candidate who is Black but have we forgotten this is America. The feeding frenzy has turned the refusal of Tavist to welcome Michelle Obama on the panel of the SOBU into a feud. I was reading some of the comments and it appears that the general consensus is that if we are Black we have to accept Obama as our Saviour and the next Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Please let us not be mindlessly led. Let us support Obama's candidacy based on his platform not on the Color of his skin. We are denigrating his message by stating that we will vote for him because he is black. I too am happy that I may have the opportunity in my lifetime to see a President in Washington, D.C. who is Black. A President in Washington who will also work with Congress on the issues such as the economy and the negative affect NAFTA has on this Country by encouraging factories to relocate in other countries, thus, reducing the number of available jobs int these United States.

We need to arm ourselves with more knowledge about the problems which are prevalent in America, in our State, in our Community and hold not only the Presidential
candidate(s) accountable but also our congressional representatives.

LET US NOT FIGHT EACH OTHER BUT RESPECT EACH OTHER's DECISIONs AND OPINIONs. It is okay to agree to disagree without airing dirty laundry and displaying a divided house.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Tavis was out of line for the way he reacted. It's not so much that he is not in support of Barack Obama, it's that he let all of us, black and white, see him show his behind. I was taught as a child that what we do behind closed doors is our business. My mother would have never accepted me going out into the neighborhood telling the struggles of my home life. I still believe that should apply today in alot of cases. I like Hillary, always have. She is the one who ran the White House when my boy Bill was in office. Make no mistake about that. I was just like many of the people on this blog who are trying to 'figure' it out:"Are they trying to make us split the vote?" "What games are the whites/republicans playing?" "Are we being tricked?" ect. What I have come to believe is WE are the only ones who can split the vote. Like the young lady who votes independent or green party. Do you really think that makes you progressive? No. It makes you partly accountable for why we have such an incompetent, borderline criminal administration in office. And to those who feel as though they've figured out the game and so they are going to vote the other way, you are the game. And you're being played. As far as us being tricked, we are tricking ourselves into believing that there is no such thing as hope. I was not going to vote for Obama but as far as I'm concerned, how many Presidents have we had that was TRULY qualified to run this country? How many have we had that gave a damn about the black experience and struggle? To Olivia, Katrina Survivor, make no mistake that your survival had to do with God and not one of the politicians in office now that had any power, including Hillary. So Black folks, what are you going to do? Stand for something or fall for anything? I'm starting to believe that most of us don't want anything more than the scraps they let us have. If you don't remember anything else in life, whether Obama wins or not, remember what he had to say about giving the PEOPLE of America "False Hope". He said there is NOTHING FALSE ABOUT HOPE. Ivy 30 year old Black Female

Danny said...

I have read the various opinions written in this blog and am wondering if the authors are actually hearing what they are saying. The overwheling theme is support Obama because he is black and will be good for the black community. Will someone please give me specifics and tell me how, in what way, what will he do (specifically)?

I have been trying to find reasons to support Obama other than the obvious. I am falling short. The biggest problem I have with him are specifics. He does not give any. There is no doubt that he is a great orator but when asked specific questions he does the political shuffle giving vague and generalized answers. I have read the Willie Lynch Letters and am very proud to have a black man running for office and have great respect for his wife. I watched the most recent debate and came away somewhat disappointed that yet again Obama danced around certain questions as did Clinton but at least she did answer many more directly. He merely reiterated answers she gave.

If you want my vote I need what I look for in all candidates-specifics. In my own life I am a show me person, talk is cheap. Give me specifics. I am not a Tavis fan as he is a lot of talk and I haven't seen much action that he has not profited from but we all have to admit, that he has made us think and has even moved us to action from time to time. We must make both candidates accountable by demanding specifics not just ideas and we must not assume that because a person looks like us whether female or black that they will push out issues to the forefront unless we make them accountable by asking what changes they are going to make and how they are going to bring about the changes they speak about.

We have to keep the bigger picture in mind, who is the candidate that can stand up to McCain? The person with specific plans or the person who can express generalized ideals eloquently?

I am reminded of the Eddie Murphy movie where he ran for office and won without addressing any issues directly he simply stated: "ask not what your country can do for you.....and in conclusion read my lips!"

Black Female - 45

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Dr Boyce. I feel that Mr Obama made the right decision not to attend. By attending it would give the white supporters the wrong impression. Support your Brother Tavis in the decisions he is making right now in his bid for the white house. There is enough hatred comming from the HILL-BILLY Clinton side, it should not be comming from you.

Anonymous said...

That's just it. Travis is not running for the presidency. So who do he think he is. It's not his way or the highway. I never was a fan of Travis Smiley, however, I truely am not now. Black people are always trying to undermine each other. Let the man win his race and be happy.

Anonymous said...

So many Black people registering to elect a Blak man...UNBELIEVABLE.

Yet we can't get any concern on the issue with our young boys and girls...the rampant gang situation all over America, our young men walking around with their pants off thier asses, disrespecting our young women who don't even realize they are being disrespected. It is unacceptable, yet we as Black people say and doing nothing. What are you afraid of? We should be rallying to hold every Black person responsible for his/her actions. If you know that more than you will get more time in jail than white peron, then that's your ass. You should'nt be doing the crime anyway. And more than likely it another Black person that you've killed or robbed.

It's time for a change's time for Black people to get off thier lazy asses and take responsibility for themselves like our parents did. They endured much more than we, and they didn't let that stop them. They had a desire to be more. Our kids have more opportunities than ever...yet (some, not all) opt for MP3s, IPods, rap stars, drugs, stealing and gangbanging,clothes, gold chains, etc. instead. It's not America's's YOUR FAULT, BLACK PARENTS. Take control of your children. My mother raised two children alone after my parents divorced. We were told "no" many times or "I can't afford it". Those two statements help teach us value and what it means to do without until you can afford it!

Tavis has for years, been trying to help us look at the broad picture and enlighten and inform us...but we are too jealous to listen, read and learn. Tavis, I applaud you and don't let any of these SAD people turn you around. You are saying and doing what you need to do and say. THANK YOU SO MUCH! THIS IS YOUR MISSION.

And for all the negative response. I respect your right to disagree. I love you and there is nothing you can do about it.

Anonymous said...

I hear so many people are saying black people are so quick to vote for a black man. What you are not saying is that there are so many black people not voting for him because he is black. What needs to be done is to become color blind we have issues and so do other minorities and some majorities who have similar problems. before you are so quick to jump on the clinton bandwagon note her demeanor during and after her speeches and rallies. Check the Clintons track record and see what they have really done for "our people" and then look at what Obama is doing right now and before. He is crossing color lines and political party lines and thats what is needed if we want change. So if you want the issues of the united states addressed and the war in iraq to end which will bring our family members home vote for someone who will stand a good chance against Mccain someone who will give Mccain a run for his money and bring democracy home Vote Obama not because he is black but qualified which has been proven time after time.

Jacuba said...

I read Boyce Watkin’s article regarding the conflict between Tavis and Barack, and I wholeheartedly agree with his assessment of the situation. Additionally, I feel that Tavis needs to explain to the black population why he has ExxonMobile as a funder for his State of the Black Union forum. Exxon Mobile is a primary player is an industry filled with lies and deception. It is not an industry that uses supply and demand to make a profit. It is not a competitive industry where they work hard to provide superior products vs. their competition. It is an industry that makes it profits by simply increasing the price, and providing some flimsy excuse for justification. All of these flimsy excuses do nothing but raise the price of gas, and who is most affected by these increases........people of color. The money they may have contributed to Tavis is miniscule to the ridiculous billions they made last year, and the past few years. It is comparable to getting scraps from the masters table. When will someone really take this industry to task?

Anonymous said...

1. for denying Michelle Obama to sit in for her husband on your forum. She is a very highly qualified individual who knows her husband's causes better than anyone. She is his other half, his surrogate mouth piece.
2. for causing a division in our plight for unity. Mr. Obama needs all the help and support from all us especially from someone with your clout. Don't tell me you're a hater because that is exactly what you're showing yourself to be. You're playing right into the main streams hands. They love to see us cause division among ourselves. That way our division will cause them to slide right in and take over. Is that what you want? If not, get over your green streak and get in there and do what you do best, stand up for a good cause and fight for who you know is right.

Anonymous said...

Obama all the Way

Search your heart, and check back with the info on Sankofa.

Shame on You. Michelle Obama is a diamond in the rough. Obama is the man with the plan. How do you have the ordasity to think the way you do. Tavis, you have now disappointed me, your people and now the world. You truly do need Jesus. Start loving yourself and you may receive it back.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Obama has never been proud of her country until now, but she must be proud of her church, where she was married and had her children baptised. That same church where anti-American and anti-white sermons were preached. The church that has Farrakan as Man of the Year. She is garbage just like anyone who preaches racism.

Anonymous said...

My attitude and thoughts are changing toward those blacks who are refusing to support Obama. I know I am only one person but I pray that the people who read this and many more blacks decide not to support or listening or attend any events that these black non supporters of Obama participate.

We are sticking together for once in my lifetime and we must show the blacks we will not support them anymore since they are not supporting Obama.

Let those who were elected with the black votes and those who have acheive success due to the black support find out where their loyalities should be.

That if they did not agree they should have kept it among themselves.

Anonymous said...

Why MUST we now become colorblind? Is America suddenly NOW colorblind? This is so much about race that it's ridiculous to say that race is not an issue. I understand that Mr. obama has to appeal or pander to all races to win this race. And, if he can do that and still look himself in the eye then so be it. I'm voting for him because it is time that America have a President of African/African American roots. And, to those who spout venom about Jerimiah Wright, what did he say that wasn't true? And, since when has the truth been racist?

single black female in Phoenix, Arizona

Anonymous said...

Today, Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 4:13 p.m. EST, I only have one question for Mr. Tavis Smiley... Did you not cry today? Did you not put your right fist up in the air and whisper "yes we can" at your tv set? If you didn't, then you aren't the man I thought you were. It's time to stop the madness and rally around this man. "We are the ones that we've been waiting for!"

Anonymous said...

I guess Hillary Clinton just didn't have anything to do, as she managed to find the time to attend the State of the Black Union and did not ask if she could send Bill as a substitute for her. Isn't that a bit strange? I actually watched the program and kept waiting for Obama to appear. I did see and hear the Representative from Ohio who mentioned that many of the CBC members who had not come out in support for Obama had been threatened. Later there were reports on the internet that Tavis, his brother and his mother (!!!!!!) had been threatened by Obama supporters. Should we be concerned? Recently Ferraro has reported getting death threats. Have yet to hear or read of any of the Obama supporters receiving threatening calls or e-mails or death threats from Clinton supporters. Have heard no apologies from the Obama camp.

Anonymous said...

From the beginning, Senator Obama has been explicit with campaign workers and volunteers that he expected out behavior to be above reproach. If the rumors of threats are true--and so far they are only rumors--such actions violate the instructions of the Senator and his campaign, and they betray those of us who are working to make this a new kind of politics.

Secret Service takes threats associated with presidential candidates very seriously.

Anonymous said...

It is sad to see that we as a people are so divided. Where is the respect? Many of this comments are just plain mean and for no purpose.

What I would like to know is what exactly did Tavis say about Obama that would generate this kind of hate? All that I've been able to find is that he thought that it was a mis-stake and a miss opportunity for him not to attend.

I watched the State of the Black Union. It was a wonderful experience. There we were being represented well by some of the most intelligent people (young and old)on C-Span. The conversations were civil and thought provoking. It made me realize that I am not doing my part for the advancement of our people. Since than I've decided to go into the school system as a teacher. Our youth needs help. I don't know how much influence I can be but I believe that every little bit can help.

Stop attacking each other and putting on your hope on someone in politics. Take responsibility for your all actions and contribution to make things better in our community. We can give our children something to look up to by being role models ourselves. It would be fine if there is a black president, but we need longevity. He can only be president for 8 years. Than what?


Anonymous said...

I don't agree with your opinion of Wal-mart. I worked there for 3 years and the experience was nothing but positive. Of course I was a young lady with no mortgage, but I don't think a Wal-mart, K-mart or Target job is adequate for an adult who has to support a family by only one of these jobs. But, sadly this is the case alot of the time.

Anonymous said...

Tavis The Fraternity should be ashamed of you . Brother Diggs is rolling in his grave in disappointment of you .Tavis Smiley is the new Cleareance Thomas

Anonymous said...

This is about the lime light for Tavis and his sells. Tavis (who is NOT running for president)has a "opportunity" to stir up things so that he becomes more popular. The down side is that all of this high friction will alleviate soon and the impact will be felt. Tavis will lose supports for the fame he seeks right now and Tom Joyner will lose listeners in the long run.

I think that when it is all said and done Tavis will realize that he should be helping Obama to steer his ship and not sink it. What he is not seeing "now" is that the boat he is trying to sink has alot of passengers, me included.

Tavis - you can't take "us" down but you will help to sink someone's boat should they choose to let you ride -let alone navigate.

By the way, does Tavis really support anyone candidate or is he and his intellect undecided? (He's not talking for marketing reasons)

-------VOTE for OBAMA!-------

Anonymous said...

Billary has stated that "she would have left her pastor, if he had said the things that Obama's pastor said.. Well, the first point is that she did not leave her husband after he got his d--- sucked in the whitehouse, and then LIED about it.Secondly, it is obvious tha Billary is not a Christian in the true sense of the word, I would surmise that she is merely religious (There is a difference). Recently, she has been caught in two, count 'em two lies. She represents the typical white girl, who thinks saying, oops I made a little mistake, will exonerate her from whatever she lied about. If she is lying now..what will she lie about if she gets in office? What Obama did by not denouncing his pastor is called l-o-y-a-l-t-y. You don't throw someone who has been as important to him as his pastor for your own personal gain. My parting comment: OBAMA WILL BE MORE POWERFUL IF HE DOES NOT WIN. THINK ABOUT IT!!!

Anonymous said...

I am not understanding why we as a people can not see that the only people we are hurting is us. You don't hear of the Replubicans attacking each other. I tried to explain to my son why he should vote. He , stated" for what they can not get along out of office how will they act in office." So what his wife wanted to speak, in office she would speak and be heard by millions. We need to reevaluate us as a people and see what we real stand for. Can we once get to point were we can look at the future of our kids, grandkids, and all the ones that we love. Thank you all that took the time to read this.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Boyce you are right on target!! To Tom Joyner: Don't let Tavis' ongoing negative commentary cause you to lose listeners. Tavis' self-righteousness (and seemingly envy) is very transparent. Its all about Tavis.

Anonymous said...

I am a black female who is supporting Hillary Clinton. I chose this candidate from the beginning, due to not hearing any commentary from Obama on what his change would incorporate..and Hope....tell me what I'm hoping for...for this does not pay the bills. We can hear words, but what are the words that are being said and the meaning behind them. The fact he is a black man does not mean he is entitled to the black vote. Just how many people out there have actually listened to what is being said by the candidates themselves, or are blacks simply voting for Obama because he is black. I use to be a advocate listener of the TJMS...I resent being told on a daily basis to vote for a person (Obama) because he is black. This is America, for those who do not wish for another Clinton in the White House, they have the option of running for this position. I agree, Michelle should not have been representing him at the State of the Black Union....she is not running for president.