Friday, August 1, 2008

YourBlackNews: Barack Obama Heckled By Black Males

Who could have guessed, that not every Black Man is satisfied and content with Barack Obama's frequent caricature - condescension toward - and criticism of the African-American Community? Well, today, in a speech in St. Petersburg, three Black Men stood up and heckled the Senator as he spoke, whilst holding a sign which read "What About The Black Community Obama?" At the immediate censure of the protesters by Barack Obama, one can see the majority-white audience applaud and relish with delight. The three young men are reportedly from the "International African Revolution." As usual, the ever-calm Senator flipped the moment into another mythical call for every ideological group to "come together" to solve the varying problems they each are faced with.

Hecklers Begin:

Barack Obama takes questions from hecklers:


Anonymous said...

Who the hell wrote this? You have characterized this blog and the issue with the completely wrong tone. What do you mean:
-frequent caricature - condescension toward - and criticism of the African-American Community?
-protesters were censured?
-Obama "flipped it",
-majority White people relished with delight?

You are obviously race baiting and playing on racial tension in this country. - NONE of that happened in the clip I saw.

I saw three people in a crowd of hundreds disrupt a town hall meeting that had a mechanism for audience feedback. they decided they would not follow the rules of the town hall meeting - like everyone else. There was a Q & A session where there comments could be heard, but instead they bogarded and "heckled" - Last I checked heckling was not a positive or respectful thing.

That brother was disrespectful, and behaved in an ignorant manner, yet again embarrassing himself and the whole BLACK race. The media is eating that shit up right now! He wouldn't even let Obama answer his damn questions! Which Obama did.

But you won't see that on the news. You will see headlines like "Blacks heckled Obama at rally" as if Black folks don't support Obama. As if three dissenting opinions mean more than three consenting opinions. The media and republicans will spin it to try and hurt Obama's candidacy.

That young protester had tremendously valid points, at the same time Black America alone can not elect Obama President...we need the other "Americans" of different ethnicities too, therefore he has to walk that tightrope that all strong educated Blackmen have to walk...he can't be too pro Black or he will scare/alienate everyone not Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton before him - He has to raise those concerns in the right manner in order to get them resolved.

Those protesters and Black America needs to get it's shit together! We give the "system" ammunition to shoot at us everyday; politically, socially, spiritually, literally, etc...when we act like asses and break the laws of this country. We have the audacity to even argue for the stupid crap we do like calling each other Niggers.

When we do dumb shit we can't cry racism. Which seems to be our nuclear option. It's like the kid who cried wolf. We make it harder to deal with REAL racist issue when they do come up.

We know the system is set up against us. STOP PROVING THEM RIGHT. Learn the system so you can play, and when you win, you can change the rules. Educate yourself on the issues, be responsible, WORK - stop looking for the hook up and take advantage of what Dr. King and so many others Black people died for.

America has a lot of growing to do, but Black folks don't help ourselves or this country by acting stupid and validating the ass-backward sterotypes that exist about us.

Black folks have to be twice as competent to even be considered good in this country...that's our lot on this continent - always has been, but that reality makes us stronger, smarter, and more capable. The Tuskegee Airmen taught us that, and before them, it was slaves who taught themselves to read. We are a mighty people, the strongest of the strong.

Let's stop belittling our heritage with stupid shit like the mis-characterization of this post and the actions of those protesters.

James Sartin said...

take a deeper look at what you are looking at , Why are the three white females leading the jeers on each side of the young men thy are doing the interruption cheers, if these white are so concern about issues in the black community what are they going to do about John McCain's on attack on affirmative action by calling it a quota system, his racist attacks on the Senator through Racist ads, It is stunning that these beautiful Brother did not do their homework on Sen. Obama, and i have to ask why didn't they?

Anonymous said...

I am a 57 year old black woman and
You know what, here we are americans still entertaining unrepresented thoughts on stupid genders such as this one when there are so many important decisions to make. I believe if we stick to the positive, the negative will take care of itself. It's not about color it's about change and we all could use that. I am sure that we all have relatives in our family that have different opinions,so does that make us not like each other? I don't feel that it bothered Mr. Obama at all.He is well capable of standing his ground. The question is how many time does he have to prove himself. It's about who is qualified to get the job done. Let's just get over color and let him use what God has given him, a brain.

Anonymous said...

Hey who set this website up,fox news? You incorrectly descibed what happened and your headliner is just wonderful for fox news. Its okay to not want to vote for Obama but to think because his skin is brown,that he owes our community more by becoming a "Civil Rights Movement " Canididate is Nuts. What he owes everyone is to make sure there is equality not special treatment. I will remove my name from your e-mail list as I'm not sure what youre advocating definitly not fairness,make friends and si with Jackson who has long since stopped being a leader in our community,I'll stick with Sharpton at least he has some sense

Anonymous said...

what was the crowd chanting?? let's behave?

Anonymous said...

Black People when have some of us question McCain about his agenda concerning the BLACK COMMUNITY,I know the majority of us are intelligent enough to let OBAMA do what he is doing ,If we are going to question SENATOR OBAMA concerning his loyalty to the BLACK COMMUNITY then also question SENATOR McCAIN ON WHAT HIS PLAN IS TO BENEFIT THE AFRICAN COMMUNITY ALSO. ISIS

Anonymous said...

To anonymous above me - McCain isn't getting our vote, that's why we don't question him. If Barack wants our vote, he should have to answer to us too.

Anonymous said...

God Bless you, Anonymous above me. If he wants 90% of the Black Vote, he will have to answer to a few agendas that we must place before him, if we truly are serious about changing the conditions we live in.

Eric L. Wattree said...

You said,

"To anonymous above me - McCain isn't getting our vote, that's why we don't question him. If Barack wants our vote, he should have to answer to us too."

You are flat-out wrong, and what these young brothers did was flat-out stupid--and it clearly demonstrates why Black people are at the very bottom of every heap I can think of.

But I won't just make assertions, let me describe just how stupid it was. If you're about to be lynched, and a brother comes to your rescue, then just as he's taking the rope away from around your neck, are you going to ask, "Wait a minute, my man, before you touch this rope--why haven't you spoken out in support of Affirmative Action?" Hell no! But that's exactly what these stupid ass brothers, and many stupid ass Black people are doing dure this election.

I simply can't believe how stupid and shortsighted many of our people are proving themselves to be. It goes beyond stupid--it's a national embarrassment to every Black person with a brain.

I've always suspected that we had a problem, but I now see that it goes farther than that--we are sick!

That video represents the best moment that McCain has had during this election. He couldn't have paid for better publicity if he had hired those brothers. They might as well had carried a sign saying, "DOWN WITH BLACK PEOPLE. WE'RE TOO STUPID TO HAVE RIGHTS."

Legend said...

I am glad that he answered their questions. Not because of any pressure, but to let them know that he can stand his ground. I am glad that he spoke to them as brothers when he said "you guys". This video serves to prove one point, many of use do not read current or past events. This may even be more, embarrassing, how many of us understand the lexicon (words) that are spoken by Senator Obama and may other politicians? He uses words that are are frequent with his profession. He could have spoken on many of our issues,, but if we do not know the meanings of these words, he may as well be talking about baking a cake.

We need to increase our vocabulary.

Unknown said...

To Legend statement, you are so perfectly correct as far as stating that we need to increase our vocabulary = go to school, get off the street slanging drugs and killing one another.

Yes its true that all races have their problems but there isn't none like the troubles that African American face with.

One, we really don't have any businesses here while working and supporting the white man. What do we have? Rappers/naked black women showing their a$$es/children having children....when will we turned around and make somethingo of ourselves?

Unknown said...

I want Obama to win because it will sicken me to see another old crusted white man be in the White House let alone lead or represent our country. It is time for a CHANGE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously...who wrote this? Now if I'm not mistaken, I receive e-mails all the time about how bad Fox News is...but it seems Fox News came and set up this blog!

1) The hecklers were not censured. They needed to be told to sit down. Order is important if you want to accomplish anything at all. I am a 25 year old, black, female professional, and if I had been there, I would have personally went up there and asked those young men to sit down and wait until the Q&A session.

2) I believe you should be well educated about an issue before making claims such as "not one time have you..." Very dangerous. His intentions might have been...I don't know what his intentions were...but he made himself look a very misinformed. Reading is so fundamental. Sen. Obama has books, web sites, need to read it.

3) So we only have two choices for President...I don't get the purpose for heckling Sen. Obama because those young men can go vote for McCain if they want. If the black community is there only concern (which it shouldn't be...we are co-existing with all types of people with all types of issues), I can tell them McCain will probably not be the best choice.

3) Sen. Obama is running for the United States of America...not black America. He has not been ignoring or, I believe, will not ignore black people. Every person no matter what race or gender must begin to take responsibility for a lot of stuff (I know I'm over simplifying). Like Barack says "We are the ones we've been waiting on!" And Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world!"

Be educated y'all!

Anonymous said...

I am an African American female who lives in rural, nearly all-white, southeastern Wisconsin...only six miles from the Illinois border. I have been following Barack Obama since he was elected to the Illinois State Senate. The young men who disrupted the "town hall" should brush up on their facts, and act like somebody tried to raise them!
Senator Obama is not only an advocate for Black people, he's an advocate for ALL people! In short, he is the best hope for America. Instead of heckling "Our
guy," use that energy to register people to vote, and go online and find out exactly what the Senators' position is on a variety of issues! And Please, never again give the Republicans, and the media fuel to destroy this man. Why don't you ask John McCain what he's going to do for the Black community? I'll tell you what!!...he will keep us broke, homeless, unhealthy and uneducated; as you obviously ARE already. Senator Barack Obama is what GREATNESS looks need to try to look that way as well!

Eric L. Wattree said...

Talk to me, Carolyn!

What kind of mind thinks it's logical to say, "if you don't give me EVERYTHING I want, I'm going to help your opponent--even though he's NOT going to give me ANYTHING I want?"


Anonymous said...

senator Obama hit it right on the head when he said that these same guys can RUN FOR OFFICE to make their opinion known. Even if they don't dream that large they can still be boy scout leaders, or Big Brother, Big sister members or any number if things in their own communities that will help motivate people for the better. What amazes me most is all these people with their mouths open negatively about Obama who are themselves making NO effort what-so-ever to take any kind of active positive role in our Black community!Let him get in then we can start with the agendas and changes that are necessary to everyone

Anonymous said...

I applaud the young men for excercising their right to freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

I applaud the young men for understanding how raw, risky and repulsive of a politician Barack Obama is...

Eric L. Wattree said...

Thank you, Mrs. McCain.


Anonymous said...

Ignorance, that’s what I think about the protest. It was inappropriate, ill-planned and embarrassing. These Brothers came there to do what? What did they really think they were going to accomplish? Are they going to appear at the next John McCain speech and protest in the same manner? Better yet, if they aren’t satisfied with Obama’s response to their question, are they going to vote for McCain, and if they do, do they believe he will be more open to their concerns and more likely to address them? Obama ain’t perfect, but he’s the only viable Black presidential candidate in the history of the U.S. of America and even with all of his flaws, he seems genuinely concerned with the plight of the world. Sh@t, I’m really just glad his plane didn’t crash under mysterious circumstances during his tour of SW Asia and the Middle East. Brothers, on the real, ya’ll need to,”Shut da f@ck up and sit da f@ck down!” I am so tired of my people asking, begging, pleading and marching for help from a government that is indifferent at best to the plight of Black people that I could just vomit. What do you think Obama is going to do, really? I respect the Brother and sincerely believe that he will attempt to make a positive change for America, and that includes us, but I am a strong advocate of the adage, "God helps those who help themselves." Dr. Martin Luther King died 40 years ago and we are still trying marching to fight against racism and discrimination in America? Don’t you all pay attention to the statistics, over 65% of white Americans believe racism is no longer a problem in America. No one in the government is going to be able to convince Congress to pass legislation that wasn’t passed in the 60s, 70s or 80s. Obama’s election to the presidency will go a long way towards changing the World’s perception of what it means to be a Black man in America, but those of us that are still struggling will continue to do so until we make the effort to change the things that legislation and government programs can’t change.

Eric L. Wattree said...

Anonymous said,

"Ignorance, that’s what I think about the protest. It was inappropriate, ill-planned and embarrassing. These Brothers came there to do what? What did they really think they were going to accomplish? Are they going to appear at the next John McCain speech and protest in the same manner? Better yet, if they aren’t satisfied with Obama’s response to their question, are they going to vote for McCain, and if they do, do they believe he will be more open to their concerns and more likely to address them? Obama ain’t perfect, but he’s the only viable Black presidential candidate in the history of the U.S. of America and even with all of his flaws, he seems genuinely concerned with the plight of the world. Sh@t, I’m really just glad his plane didn’t crash under mysterious circumstances during his tour of SW Asia and the Middle East. Brothers, on the real, ya’ll need to,”Shut da f@ck up and sit da f@ck down!” I am so tired of my people asking, begging, pleading and marching for help from a government that is indifferent at best to the plight of Black people that I could just vomit. What do you think Obama is going to do, really? I respect the Brother and sincerely believe that he will attempt to make a positive change for America, and that includes us, but I am a strong advocate of the adage, "God helps those who help themselves." Dr. Martin Luther King died 40 years ago and we are still trying marching to fight against racism and discrimination in America? Don’t you all pay attention to the statistics, over 65% of white Americans believe racism is no longer a problem in America. No one in the government is going to be able to convince Congress to pass legislation that wasn’t passed in the 60s, 70s or 80s. Obama’s election to the presidency will go a long way towards changing the World’s perception of what it means to be a Black man in America, but those of us that are still struggling will continue to do so until we make the effort to change the things that legislation and government programs can’t change."

Perfectly said--and the very bottom of the bottom line.


Anonymous said...

In the words of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama would be no better than a Jimmy Carter (research NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM)or J.F.K (research Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and US Political Culture) because he will "be representing a government whose policies grind under people." And to the alcohol-induced fools out there, who believe, that once he gets in the White House, he will flip the script and wrestle the forces of White-Supremacy, Corporate-Order and mercenarism - which have dominated the White-House in all of it's entirety - remember Clarence Thomas and Shutter!!!

Unknown said...

I wonder who is posting these negative comments under anonymous...could it be the very person that never has anything good to say.

We destroy ourselves. It seems as though we will never be able to stop, what's even more scary is this sense of entitlement that we have developed. Let's try going out and getting some results for ourselves instead of sitting on our asses waiting for someone else to ride in on a white horse and save us. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one man, just as Barack Obama is one man stop putting all of your chips in one barrel and be proud to see the man, who least we forget is from both races.

This election is not about Black and White, it is about who is the best man for the job. Check the facts and stop acting like crabs in a bucket. If you don't like the change that Barack is bringing about, no one is stopping you from starting a movement of your own.

Stop hating and run for office if you want it. Let go of the negativity.

Anonymous said...

Stop giving Obama a pass! People need to start asking questions before giving up their votes so easily. Black people destroy themselves by supporting people just because of their skin color. That's how we got in trouble in New Orleans with Ray Nagin. Start asking questions and stop letting this man force you to be silent. If someone gets your vote, they should have to answer to you.

Anonymous said...

Barak Obama’s response to the young man question about his inability to speak out on some of the issues that has plagued the African American community only makes Jesse Jackson and Tavis Smiley criticisms of Obama sound a bit more prophetic. Jesse claimed that Obama was talking down to blacks and Tavis believed that he was avoiding speaking about controversial issues in the African American community. Here Obama could’ve easily used the young mans question as a teaching moment. Instead of telling the him that he could “do something by going out a running for office himself”, he could have told the young man about his involvement in the Jenna 6 tragedy, his work on the south side of Chicago as a community organizer, his Universal health care plan that can perhaps solve some of the health issues in the African American Community, and his Education plan that will put more money in blacks pocket to go to college. I guarantee Obama would’ve never said to a Jewish voter who felt as though he wasn’t speaking out on the security of Israeli’s, that he or she should run for office if they felt as though he wasn’t doing enough. I like Obama charisma and what he can do for this country as President, however if we don’t hold Obama accountable now and just give him our vote unconditional, when he get in office he will continue to serve in the interest of other groups, while we watch the conditions in the African American community remain the same.

Anonymous said...

Barak Obama’s response to the young man question about his inability to speak out on some of the issues that has plagued the African American community only makes Jesse Jackson and Tavis Smiley criticisms of Obama sound a bit more prophetic. Jesse claimed that Obama was talking down to blacks and Tavis believed that he was avoiding speaking about controversial issues in the African American community. Here Obama could’ve easily used the young mans question as a teaching moment. Instead of telling the him that he could “do something by going out a running for office himself”, he could have told the young man about his involvement in the Jenna 6 tragedy, his work on the south side of Chicago as a community organizer, his Universal health care plan that can perhaps solve some of the health issues in the African American Community, and his Education plan that will put more money in blacks pocket to go to college. I guarantee Obama would’ve never said to a Jewish voter who felt as though he wasn’t speaking out on the security of Israeli’s, that he or she should run for office if they felt as though he wasn’t doing enough. I like Obama charisma and what he can do for this country as President, however if we don’t hold Obama accountable now and just give him our vote unconditional, when he get in office he will continue to serve in the interest of other groups, while we watch the conditions in the African American community remain the same.

Anonymous said...

Talk to me Jerry!

Anonymous said...

I think there have been a lot of valid points made on both sides of this issue. In principal, I don't think it is a good idea to vote for someone SOLELY based on their race. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to get things on your agenda addressed either. I think these young men had the right to ask their questions. However, it was the manner in which they went about it that I had a problem with. And yes, they should be showing up at a McCain town hall meeting and asking the same questions. Now, does McCain really care about the black agenda? I very seriously doubt it, but he has just as good a chance to get into the white house as Obama does, so he should have to address the same questions.

On the other side of things, I am a huge supporter of Obama. I feel that he is the best candidate for the job and that's why I am voting for him. The fact that he is a strong and intelligent brother is just icing on the cake for me. For those who say he has to earn our vote, I agree. But at the end of the day, he is the best hope for African-American people. I wish he could speak up more for our people and specifically on black issues. But in doing that on a daily basis, he is sure not to get elected. In doing this, do I think he is just being a "good little Negro boy" or a sellout? No, as one blogger said, sometimes you have to play the game right along with them. White people have been playing the game a long time and it's time we join in. Let's look at the work Obama has done in the past in the black community and go with that. Anybody can get up there and talk and make speeches about what they are going to do for black folks (just long enough to get the black vote), but let's see if they have done anything to back it up. Let's not forget that McCain (as Arizona state senator)was the one who voted against making Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a national holiday. Even if don't like everything about Obama, it has to be better than what we would get with McCain.

Anonymous said...

Do you think that the President of the United States can solve black problems? Why did not these guys go after their local politicians?

Remember that this is the President of the United States and not the President of the Black community.

John McCain voted against making Martin Luther King Day a national holiday. Why? Maybe those idiots shoudl ask him when he comes to Florida. Not voting for Barack gives McCain a chance to win. Do not be stupid black america. Barack has a job to do for all Americans. Blacks must do for blacks just like other ethnicities take care of their own. Even crime organzations like the Mafia won't let outsiders in.

We must solve our own issues by education and develop grass roots organizations that are strong in its mission, structure and deeds.To challenge a national candidate is just plain ignorant. Challenge the local guy who lives in your district. S/he the one who needs to answer that question.