Friday, October 29, 2010

Chris Linton: Teen Beat on Video

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityScholarship in Action 

The beating of Chris Linton was sad to watch. A 16-year old black male being handled by Boston Police until his face was bloody, Linton soon found his incident plastered all over YouTube. When I took a look at the video, it had been viewed nearly 30,000 times, reminding us of the perils of doing your dirt in a world with cell phone cameras.
The event in question took place at Roxbury Community College, where Linton was inside one of the buildings charging his cell phone. He is not a student at the university, but had stopped to get the cell charged so he could take pictures of his new daughter at the hospital.
While it is not clear why police were following him, the story is that Linton had just escaped from a local youth detention center and had been tracked to the university. That's when the beating began.


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