Thursday, January 10, 2008

Obama, Race and Politics Forum in NYC


Obama, Race and Politics

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 from 6 PM to 9 PM
St. Ambrose Church
9 West 130th Street (between Fifth & Malcolm X Blvd.

Other Panelists to be announced:
(Confirmation: Awarding winning writer & Activist Amiri Baraka)

Join us for an “electrifying” evening of in-depth analysis on “Obamamania” that has swept through every political spectrum of the Black community, from the left, the two party system and independent voters. Similar to his Democratic rivals Senator Barack Obama has accepted money from Political Action Committees (PAC) and federal lobbyists including Lockheed Martin, Wal-Mart and Citibank. In fact, Obama has his own PAC, HOPEFUND, so there is little to distinguish Obama’s money machine from the rest of the pack despite his campaign slogan, “Change We Can Believe In”. Although Obama did not vote for the war in Iraq he has been hawkish about protecting “US vital interest” across the globe in particularly the Middle East, even calling for missile strikes against Iran, the same as President George Bush. On the domestic front, Obama has cautiously distanced himself from “race politics” making his candidacy more palpable to some whites but more importantly to a Democratic Party in desperate need of an articulated and polished “Black Voice that transcends race.” What under-grids all of this is the divide in the US ruling class on how best to accomplish their imperialist agenda while confronting the reality of the US economic decline on the world stage. The militarization of the US economy for “resource wars” leaves little room for economic prosperity for the American people even less for people of African descent that continue to suffer from an equality gap with whites.
First and foremost, is Obama electable? Iowa and New Hampshire aside, can white American, spoon feed on racism for centuries, deliver the presidency to Obama who champions a color blind, “one America from sea to shining sea”? Why shouldn’t Black American have their moment in history with an Obama triumph on any and every level? If people of African descent are going to vote then who else is there to vote for but Obama? Even if Obama is the same as the rest of the pack why not choose him, at least he’s Black? Is criticism of Obama indicative of the historical Black fragmentation impeding progress of the race?

Are US imperialist goals best accomplished under a Black President given the tattered image of the US abroad, especially in the Middle East? Is the Republican Party, of whom many of their arch right wingers are now pushing for Obama to be the Democratic Party nominee, waiting in the wings to really play the race card and everything else to assure a Republican victory if Obama is the nominee? How can the Black Left presume to give advice to Black voters when it hasn’t provided any viable alternatives for the worsening conditions of its people?
Join us for an unforgettable evening of political discussion. NO VIDEO TAPING ALLOWING OF THIS EVENT. Suggested donation $10. No one will be turned away.

Sponsored by the Harlem Tenants Council, Telephone 212-234-5005 or

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