Video: Now vs. Then, The Bailout & The Depression
REP. DENNIS KUCINICH: This is a copy of the bill which will provide for a $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. It has provisions in it where it talks about helping homeowners, but when you read the fine print, you see it has language like "may" instead of "shall" and "encouraging" instead of "mandating" help for the millions of homeowners who are worried right now about whether they're going to lose their home. There's no help for them in this. FDR in 1933: "There Must Be A Strict Supervision Of All Banking and Credits and Investments. There Must Be An End To Speculation With Other People's Money." The country has been deep in debate over the $700 billion dollar bailout for Wall Street, but almost unnoticed, Congress approved another bill last week for over $600 billion. The Defense Authorization Bill for 2009 was passed by the House on Wednesday and cleared by the Senate on Saturday.
The bill authorizes $612 billion dollars for national security programs in the Defense and Energy departments, including $68 billion dollars for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to AP reports, the bill eliminated language barring private interrogators from US military facilities. It opens the door to a missile defense system in Europe but does not mention troop withdrawal from Iraq and no longer requires Congressional approval for a security pact with Iraq.
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