By John Eidson
My vote against Barack Obama has absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin and everything to do with the socialist views he espouses.
Evidence that socialism doesn't work occurred long before America became a nation. In 1607, inhabitants of Jamestown, Virginia were on the verge of starvation, partly because the settlement’s communal living arrangement failed to produce enough food. Among the steps that saved Jamestown from oblivion was doing away with communal sharing in favor of incentive-based farming that rewarded personal initiative.
Three and a half centuries later, the same lesson repeated itself. In San Francisco and elsewhere, the Utopian "free food” communes of the hip generation went the way of the dinosaurs when the hippies who provided the food tired of feeding those who provided nothing but healthy appetites.
Whether practiced in centuries-old outposts or modern metropolises, socialism is doomed to fail wherever it is tried because it is contrary to the basic human instinct that those who work hard and employ their ingenuity expect to do significantly better than those who don’t.
In this country, the move toward socialism took a step forward in the 1960s with the Democrat’s well-intentioned, but badly misguided, war on poverty. Four decades later, time has shown that by giving able-bodied people things they have not earned, government welfare discourages work, encourages idleness, and extinguishes the willingness of millions of its recipients to ever figure out how to make it on their own.
No reasonable person objects to helping disadvantaged people get on their feet, especially those who were subjected to the humiliating injustices of a segregated society. But as Bill Cosby accurately observed, "Welfare kills the human spirit." I am not supporting Barack Obama because I believe his plans for a socialist America will do more harm than good to the millions of decent black folks who will never realize the American dream unless they are able to finally break the crippling yoke of government dependency.
John Eidson is a white conservative who takes great pleasure in black success.
1 comment:
Dear sir,
You know, you people (conservatives) never cease to amaze me with your selective thinking. As you sit here pontificating on the evils of socialism, your counterparts are currently gorging themselves on the largess of the most vulgar act od socialism in the history of mankind--the 800 billion dollar bailout of the banking system.
In addition, your vice-presidential nominee presides over Alaska--a state with the most pronounced example socialism in the United States.
All of the citizens of Alaska share in its oil revenue--every one of them gets a dividend check every year. Alaska's not just a state, it's a corporation.
So you people (again, conservatives) don't have any problem whatsoever with socialism--your only problem is with who you have to share it with.
Oh, and one other thing--it's also a socialist act every time the taxpayers have to subsidize a business executive when he decides to take his girlfriend to a power lunch.
So what constitutes socialism is in the eye of the beholder.
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