Jules Manson, a darling of the Tea Party, made a Facebook post that might lead some to think that he needs to be checked for drugs. On his wall, Manson said the following:
“Assassinate the fucken nigger and his monkey children.” Below is a screenshot of the post that was taken by some of his Facebook friends before he could have it removed:
Manson is a libertarian Tea Party member and strong supporter of Ron Paul. Manson followed up his post by stating that his use of the word “nigger” doesn’t make him a racist. Also, his entire page was eventually removed after so many users complained to Facebook administrators and the FBI.
Manson ran for office in California but was defeated badly. Should the words of one loser of a politician matter on the national scene? You be the judge.
Wouldn't that be considered a threat against the president and his family? I thought it was against the law to make such threats. They detain people who make jokes about bombs in the airport. I would consider his comment equal to that even if it is not his intention but to incite the intention of one of his wacko followers.
So in other words, the question is, should this man's words cause people not to consider Ron Paul, not because Paul said this, but a man who reportedly supports Ron Paul. What a smear job, hold someone else's words against you. Well I am not surprised that people are upset with Obama considering he will sign a bill into law that guts the Bill of Rights. Look for more stories like this one.
That is unacceptable! It is a shame there is such hate in the world.
Is he any relation to Charles Manson? It doesn't matter, he will probably be sharing a cell, with Manson?
The bill is under review and said to be under threat for Presidential veto so don't believe the white supremacist 101 detractors that come on this post under the guise of representing anything remotely black. The presidential concern is that certain provisions of the bill give law enforcement powers that circumvent US citizens rights to due process. Bear in mind that this pill has been passed for the last 48 years, and the Select Armed Services Committees that have been largely republican has perverted the bill with measures that stand the constitution on its head. Not Obama. The assassination threat is due to his veto power, not that he supports the convoluted measures that circumvent due process. Read the bill yourself and the Presidential position regarding changing language that threaten the Bill of Rights.
However, the story is about a threat made against the president and his children. I stand for something so I'm not falling for the lie the President is trying to take away of rights. We know the Republicans and Teabaggers want to do that!
This man is ignorant.Get over it He is the Commander and chief and you can't change that its historyand you can't change that either.He should be so quick to wish harm to the president and his family,who's to say that it won't happen to you first.what have those girls done to you.your just mad cause you and yours will never live in the white house.I hope you get arrested stupid!
Hidden racism just reared its ugly head!
Oh come on people. This guy is obviously an attention seeker and a nut case. Ignore it.
Code states, "any threat to the chief executive of the united states of america, will be handled as a Class A Felony Assault punishable by many years in JAIL!"
Terrorist Threat among other things...
Celebrity Publicist, Brenda Hollenbeck
Charge the idiot now!
Wait a damn minute....I thought the teabaggers weren't racist?!
Seriously, this dude is the worst kinda human coward scum. Wanting someone to kill the man's children? I hope SS has his behind up under some kinda jail. And he ain't crazy either...not yet anyway.
This big nose Jew should wish this on his on family. What a dumb inept racists MoFo.
His time should be spent doing something about that greasy face, oily spike hair,big nose, crows feet and getting reconstructive face surgery.
This guy's racist remarks should be taken extremely seriously. He should be asked by the proper authorities to fully explain himself. Although Con. Paul is not responsible for this nuts actions, would be nice to hear that him condemn the words of his former supporter. (if not current)
he should be charged with treason for threatening the president and his family, where does so much hate come from, our president is a member of the human race before color defines him. and these people are always screaming their christianity and how god loves america when america goes against everything in the bible, this country was founded by people who stole, raped and pillaged from the indians
Unfortunately, he represents a large segment of the population. These closet racist feel it is safe to come out now because the Tea Party and the Republican Party needs “Attack Dogs” to do their bidding for them. They know that this kind will bring out the dark side of humanity for them, without them having to do it. This no accident it is part of a plan and we had better be prepared to deal with more of this insanity.
Black Talk Media Project, I find your comment fascinating since your Tea/Republican party used the words of others repeatedly against President Obama during his campaign for president. Such hypocrisy from the right is expected though. And an innocuous threat against the President -- which you just made? Really sure that will not sit well with those in charge of protecting the President. Yes, I know you're white. There are lots of you posting on black publications. And do some reading: http://www.politicususa.com/en/ndaa-breitbarted
This story will probably not be covered by white mainstream media. Do a quick google search for this story and only black blogs are talking about it. The white media has yet to confront Ron Paul on his open racism (let alone his supporters) and he's running for president.
IMO the entire tea party movement is based on racial hatred of President Obama. Just recently MSNBC apologized to Mitt Romney for reporting accurately that Romney continued to use the Klan phrase Keep America America.
I agree, that should be considered a threat to a sitting President, therefore, the FBI should be knocking at his door! Funny thing too, he looks like a foreigner and isn't it the Republicans who are so bent on ridding this country of illegal immigrants. Not saying he is illegal but what if a few members of his family are? Wonder if he would be so hateful toward President Obama if he knew who the "real" culprits of immigration reform were?!
This is beyond words. And as a BLACK Libertarian and strong Ron Paul supporter, I'd like to say that this individual does NOT represent EITHER group. He is a disgrace, not only to Libertarians and Ron Paul supporters, but he is a disgrace to America. It seems like whenever we take two steps forward regardging race, some troll takes us 12 steps back.
And I'd like to know why he isn't in jail yet??
And there is hypocracy all around. No one is defending the Constitution anymore. Democrats AND Republicans just signed a bill that is essentially killing the Bill of Rights. When are folks going to wake up and stop playing the Republican/Democrat game? They are ALL evil!!
Jules - you just made an enemy for life
@Stacy B. You are typical of Ron Paul supporters flooding black blogs with your idiot propaganda. Ron Paul has a similar racist contempt for black people as Jules Manson. Anyone can Google Ron Paul and racism and check the FACTS out for themselves. Ron Paul took donations from a former KKK grand Wizard and founder of the white supremacist site Stormfront! Not to mention the millions Paul made with his racist newsletters.
This racist nut Jules Manson is simply reflecting the views of Ron Paul and many of his white racist supporters.
He said it. He shows his lack of intellect. The problem we have are those who live by this, have power and influence and we don't know who they are. We have too much of this in our society
wow, I don't usually participate in blogs or the likes of social networking, but it hurts my heart that people would disrespect our President and his family in sooooo many ways that it's unbelievable. If someone said those things about one of the Bushes he would still be behind bars with no key. the Secreat service would be all over them and the News stations would have updates for now on. Where is the common decsency thats due any man, the word Nigger has never been used soooo much as it has been in the last four years. It's almost as if it has a new meaning (Obama). People stop the hating ecspecially on his children. how would your children feel if someone said kill you and your children. God said dig a hole for one , you should dig two one for yourself. what goes around comes around, and you will wonder why your luck is soooo bad. I will continue to pray for the safety of our President and his family and even those that wish him harm.
While I can't stand the racism of Jules Manson, why didn't anyone reply to the anonymous poster who called Manson a "big nose Jew"? This type of language works for those who frequent and monitor this site? Is this acceptable language, in your opinion? Just sayin'. . .
The guy himself is a psychopath who is trying to prooject his illness onto others. To be angry for what a nut like that say is to be a nut oneself. Of course what he said seem to be encouranging violence towards someone and he shoiuld be prosecuted for that, others except for tittilation sake let him rant.
I truly do not understand how it is that these slimebags can get away with this crap, and carrying guns to political functions without ever being prosecuted.
If a Democrat of color did this, they'd be labeled a terrorist and disappeared.
Makes me furious.
Yes, his words absolutely should be taken seriously! The thing with all of the people that hate President Obama and think that he is eroding the Constitution and Bill of Rights, don't realize that there are 3 Branches of the Government, any laws that come in to play are not the President's alone, it also must go through the other 2 brances of Congress. They also do not see that there has been a lot of obstruction on the part of the Teapublicans.
What an idiot. HE should be assassinated.
Its a disgrace..look at him, he looks like a psychopath....Threatening the President and his family must be taken seriously...Heyyy man, dont call the Presidents children children monkey, they have nothing to do with it. They are innocent..... If you call the President "N" , how much more u look at other people with black skin huh? u got the balls..only pshycho said it...Dont use the "N" word, we are all the same, whether the color is yellow, green, blue etc... we are humans..Its the heart and the person itself counts... U ARE AN IDIOT.... U look like a devil and a monkey...U dont desrve to be walking freely, ur dangerous.. Dont u know that Black is beautiful?? am Asian and got lots of black friends...they are REAL.....
There ya go... there is no racism in the tea party movement. Proof positive.
His comments are a disgrace. I hope the Secret Service visit him again and charge him. He turns my stomach.
Drinking and Facebooking are a dangerous combination.
He is just saying what the rest of the tea party is thinking. They just not crazy enough to come out and say it because their movement would have not gotten as far as it did.
>"While I can't stand the racism of Jules Manson, why didn't anyone reply to the anonymous poster who called Manson a "big nose Jew"?
Probably because he's not even Jewish. So, once again the black community shows not only its bigotry (by not calling this poster out) but also its ignorance... 'member Kramer's rant and th black ant-semitism? Well, he too wasn't a Jew! Sho Nuff!
Just another cowardly, racist, white keyboard tough guy. Seems to be a lot of that these days. As he's from Carson why doesn't he go over to Del Amo or Victoria Park and tell the brothers and SA's how he feels, not hide behind the computer. What a cowardly fag!
All threats on the President and his family need to be serious and this man and his ilk needs to be proscuted. It is obouvis that huge numbers of the GOP party agrres with with racial nut, they have been out to destroy Obama since his first day in office. They , do not speak openly about their views, however it is evident how they have opposed the President on every issue at the expesnse of all Americans. I pray that this element will be removed in the next election, or I fear our Country will look like mamy in the far east.
At least there's someone in this world that's willing to call a 'Spade' a 'SPADE' - politcallly correct or not.
I am certain there will be legal grounds to put this man behind bars, not only for the threat to the President of the United States and his family, but for open racism. I am white, conservative and a patriot, but condemn this type of "politics" which is destroying this country. In the case of Jules Manson, like the other Manson, the bars behind which he should be put belongs to a mental hospital.
How come this "individual" is not locked up for this terrorist act is beyond any measure. He is not only encouraging others to attack the President, he is wants to have horrible things to the Obama children. Then again, his last name is "Manson".
After reading the rant this idiot posted, I do want him locked up, he openly threatened to kill the first family and any fed employee in uniform protecting this land by following the law. WTF.
I never read or heard him make a direct or credible threat to harm the President, therefore; no crime was committed!
What ever happened to "Feedom Of Speech?".
Who cares what this man believes or says? He has a right to his own opinion whether you like it or not!
@ the last anonymous, there was no direct or credible threat? What part of "Kill the fucken nigger and his monkey children" don't you understand? Are you really that stupid, or do you just think that the rest of us are that stupid? The worst part about it is that this dumb ass ran for public office and can't even spell. He deserves to be on a terrorist watch list for what he did.
I personally feel like the world needs clowns like Jules Manson, if only to prove that the sole reason the Tea Party came into existence, despite whatever bullshit they say, is in reaction to having a Black President.
Furthermore, I love how every comment in defense of this guy makes no fucking sense whatsoever. These simpletons are probably sitting at home thinking "These niggers think they smart. We should have never let them learn to read."
The more they comment, the more ammo for my comedic arsenal! :-)
They should never have reported this at all, gives other whack jobs ideas. . .I heard him trying to defend his actions on the radio tonight, said "I am NOT a racist". Yea, and I'm Marilyn Monroe.
The person who called him a "big nosed Jew" and the person who called him a "fag" are both bigots as well. They are the same as Manson.
Considering Obama is responsible for NDAA and SOPA being passed, being shot is too little of a punishment. I don't hate because he's black, I hate because he, along with congress, is responsible for treating the Bill of Rights and our Constitution as nothing more than a piece of paper to be shitted on.
If you don't believe me, read up on what NDAA and SOPA are.
a posted comment called manson a "greasy jew", but he is not jewish and other posts have not condemed this ignorrant and racist comment. this entire thread of posts is discredited.
How could any one calling them self a democrat openly threaten the President and get a way with it. "Oh" That's right he's black and whites don't believe in racism., This person should never be no where near any political post for no reason he would only enjoy making other suffer for the benefit of a few that he chooses. Sad when people still don't know how to live together. Thank God it's not the nation as a whole. Still we need to take care of our sick and demented..
Yea, he told a radio guy that he is also a "person of color", therefore could not possibly be racist. Me thinks someone is not proud of their ethnicity and perhaps underwent a name change? Hmmm.
As for those of you throwing your own ethnic/lifestyle slurs, don't stoop to his level of stupidity, it doesn't suit you.
As a black man, I too have used the n word in my mind to describe a black President who has sqaundered the legacy of MLK by prolonging unjust wars against brown people in the middle east. But these are thoughts best kept to oneself.
The reason he's not in jail yet is because the white secret service went over and told him to be quiet...once again in a country where all men are suppose to be equal a white man can do whatever he wants to a black man and nothing will happen...
hE'S not white, he's hispanic
Jules Manson, you should be very careful in wishing something like that about anybody or their children. Do not, I repeat do not start a RIOT in this United States cause that's what you seem like you're crusing for. People are down and that's all we need is for some Ahole like you to entice a riot. I can almost guarantee you that the US will be destroyed!
Poo Wittle Barry, he will get all upset if he sees this during his four million dollar Hawaiian vacation.
What is the problem here?
Here is his FB page, let him know your opinion
Ron Paul is great and surely not racist. This punk is far off from anyone I know who supports Paul. The Tea Party went crazy on their own and have nothing to do with Paul now. He inspired the original formation but this actual party doesn't represent him. True libertarians are for individual liberty and merit, it doesn't make philosophical sense to be racist.
You Negroes were not complaining when leftist were talking crazy about Bush.
What year are you living in? the name negroes was used in the late 50's & 60's. I hate ignore people who tries to post their dumb ass comments. Bush was racist himself, and he did not care about the poor, whether black, white, or any other race. Republicans LOVES MONEY and the hell with the little man.
It figures you brainwashed minions call every body a racist but you vote for someone because he your same skin color,but really is half and not really American! It's really funny when people vote for the party which created the ku klux klan and murdered hundred if not thousands of blacks! And another thing the Democrat party doesn't help the poor they really make you think that you cannot do things on your with out the welfare state! Wake up stop being so STUPID!!!!
It figures you brainwashed minions call every body a racist but you vote for someone because he your same skin color,but really is half and not really American! It's really funny when people vote for the party which created the ku klux klan and murdered hundred if not thousands of blacks! And another thing the Democrat party doesn't help the poor they really make you think that you cannot do things on your with out the welfare state! Wake up stop being so STUPID!!!!
A Tea Party Racist what a surprise, these are the most extreme elements of our society and are allowed to florish under our government. This is the true feelings of the Republicans Party and Cronies.
Where are the f**king "pledge" takers now? Where are the legions of "right thinking Americans," lining up to denounce this outrage? We have been threatening, and killing, our Presidents forever; even Gerald Ford actually got shot at twice, and he was the most benign President ever. Hell, assassination is really an American sport. But this is it, this is the tipping point. Now it's little girls too, and from a CANDIDATE for political office? We cannot legislate thought, we can barely control speech, but unless we get real serious real soon about the blatant, latent, overt racism that is poisoning this Nation, we truly do not deserve to survive. All of this horses**t about this and that, when we have a war right here at home. Do you imagine this monster is somehow an aberration? Gun sales skyrocketed in this country after the election of BHO, and I swear I regularly have nightmares about a brain-dead, hillbilly moronic mother**king army of underinsured, free-breeding goons descending on Washington to lay siege to the Capitol. You know, the 8% who actually APPROVE of Congress. We have one weapon folks, and that is the ballot box, and the Tea Party used it to perfection. Now, of course, their toxic chickens are coming home to roost, but if you truly want "regime change" in this country, voting is how you get it done. And his little girls too?? Where is the bi-partisan outrage?
Races! You should be thrown in JAIL!
Wow, jules he is a total jerk, first he post that racial comment on facebook, then he turns around and try an clean it up by say it was emotionally-driven speech( hint) and that it didn't have any substance, WHAT? What he really meant to say was hey all thee people who dont like blacks do the dirty work for me. I think that this man had a serious negative outlook on the tea party and if they feel this man was out of line then he sjould be removed from that campaign, or any other political campaign, but if noone from the tea party clears their name from the damage that this man has done to them then i think they feel the same way as he, and we all know why thks man isn't sitting in jail because money talks,that man needs to ask himself how would you feel if such a threat was spoken against you and your family. Let's pray: God please have mercy on this man's soul, he is the devil and the devil is a lie, and I rebuke thee in the name of jesus AMEN!!!
to anonymous that keeps posting:"why didn't anyone reply to the person who said he has a big nose or that he is a faggot" ( in my mocking voice!! listen here dummy who gives a flying fart what people say about that man did you not see that he said to kill that man and his daughters mind you he said kill his INNOCENT DAUGHTERS!!!! I am a mother of three and I wish somebody would threaten my children!! He wouldn't be able to get the word assasinate out. you are either a retard or just a groupee of his get off his d*** you more worried about the names that someone called his racist crazy slow ugly need to get a life get out of the trailer park and get a house make some real money mad cuz he broke ass a new day job. nad to you , you need to get a life and get off this line because nobody cares. If you want some attention go get some help weirdo. and you are just as bad as manson more worried about the names somebody called manson then the safety of innocent CHILDREN. what a crying shame I can't stand people like you or that man, He need smacked and so do you loser. you know what you probably are slow and can't understand anything that's going on and the only thing you do understand is the names that someone called that man because you was on the short yellow school bus getting called names all the time. PAY ATTENTION SLOWBE
Now everybody can sit here and get pissed off but I'm gonna keep it real no sugar coating f**k this dude he can eat a dead d**k and to the dude constantly complaining about the jew statement f**k you too why cause everybody has the right to be upset why cause this s**t is never going to stop you must be the same as him so go to the dark side of hell where you might get f****d in the a** by everybody down there this is life so deal with it if you was in his shoes would you say well the other guy said something bad too but he said it first y'all have always tried to put us under y'all but do what we do steal our ideas rape kill everything that a person of any race does so f**k off please cause there are forces that can wipe out all this and not physically metaphysically trust me soon you will all see so stay tuned to the upcoming events that will take place I have my ticket try to get yours watch what happens lol I love it my forces are at work and you don't even know yet now that's the kicker P.S. I am here ask no questions
There you go again and play the race card and oh how I would love to comment and call and ace an ace, but If I did there would be some federal bastard knocking on my door.I will leave it at that and if you do judge this, so help you, there will be legal repurcusions pending on you.
Now let me get this straight ok;
A man, a very angry man post on face book what would be considered a death threat again a SITTING PRESIDENT & HIS CHILDREN whom have nothing to do with this & he's not in JAIL?!!
And WE are debating about this?? This man should be in jail. News flash folks it's not how it's written nor spoken, it's how the receiver takes it as. Yes I understand the first amendment & thanks to that glorified racist church in Kansas hate speech is now protected.
This excuse of DNA has NO excuse to threaten children because of their race. It's one thing to threaten an adult, it's a COWARD to even under stress or, in jest to threaten a child. He should be in jail.-Thank you. Happy Holidays.
His values represent none of mine nor my Tea Party colleges. I would never condone racist rants from anyone. We are all equal in the eyes of God. Which is why I find hypocracy in a site named "yourblackpolitics". You know as well as I a site named "yourwhitepolitics" would be extremely racist. May I ask, why is one ok but not the other?
He's also bigoted against the correct spelling of the word "fucking".
@ Anonymous at 3:52 am.
First NDAA. Have you seen the FINAL BILL? If not, you need to go look at it.
Now SOPA: How can the President sign it when Congress haven't hasn't passed it, nor took a vote on it. They set SOPA aside for a while, hopefully, a looooong while.
Do some research, please.
I am wondering what the following means. "So f**k off please cause there are forces that can wipe out all this and not physically metaphysically trust me soon you will all see so stay tuned to the upcoming events that will take place."
Is he saying that that a religious force is coming or is he saying it is not physical nor metaphysical. It is intriguing yet baffling. I wonder if the writer might clarify what he or she was trying to say. My best guess is that you are saying not physically, but metaphysically but that is only a guess since I added a word and comma. Still a great post except for the typo.
So he calls for supporting the constitution and protection of the democracy by assassinating the rival candidate if that candidate wins? That's the opposite of democracy. He probably calls himself a christian too but he doesn't represent the teaching of Jesus. Throw him in jail for threatening the destruction of our democracy.
This guy is just crazy.
Oh thank you Stacy B. Finally someone gets it!!! Dems and Reps are like a coin. Two opposing sides, but just one coin! Yes! That one coin does not change value just because you shop at a different store. A quarter is worth a quarter in Lowes and twenty five cent in Wal-Mart. Tell me that is not the same. Besides I feel confident this individual sucker is just a fool that has allowed himself to be used by the elite. I further bet that he will not spend any time in jail. Wake up America and learn to ignore the race game bullshit. It is a tool used by the elite to divide people who are supposed to be teammates. As stated earlier, a lot of this BS goes on on Black sites. Nobody is going to assassinate Obama except possibly the Fed! They are the only ones that will ever get close enough. But if you think about it, this "puppet" is doing a great job for them. He propped up the Banking industry but the foreclosures continued. What the hell about us? They know that all they have to do is get us pissed off enough to ban together and put the puppet back in office in 2012. To help you understand what I mean, do a search on 911 and building 7. Then study it well! I would not put it past the puppet to have paid this idiot himself. Think about it. He needs your vote! GO RON PAUL!!!!!
fuck you niggers
All you stupid nigger lovers can fuckin eat shit, OBAMA is just another stupid muslim with no respect... him and his family should be assassinated, and its called freedom of speech motherfuckers!!! I support this guy and everyone for an America and world where OBAMA the "bastard" doesn't exist, allll the democrats of america can as well eat a fucking grenade and walk in to gymnasium loaded with their own ignorant kind, FUCK YOU ALL!!
Its totally wrong to back bite of a person whether it is president or some other person because every president has its own tricks and trends to go with the country for its development to higher level. So i am totally disagree with Manson. michelle obama campaign
This Article Is About Me
I did not mean the eight little words which were uttered into a facebook post for the president and certainly not for his daughters. I was simply passionately enraged over his support for the NDAA of 2012. This reigns in marshal law, a more restricted police state, and indefinite detention of regular citizens. This should have been at the forefront of this story.
My question to all you good people is why were you not more outraged over our trusted elected officers who betrayed our trust in such a way as to put everyone you know (including all your loved ones) in peril by a rogue government which has grown to overwhelm us with weighing Draconian public policies?
Moreover, my words were said in anger and did not reflect my true sentiments about race. Not conforming to the politically correct standards of society does not define a racist. I do not believe that I am better than or more deserving than other people not of my ethnic makeup. A racist is a person who prefers not to associate with people of other races because they view them as inferior or as a problem to society. This is not me.
fuck you niggers
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