Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Candidates and The Issues ... A USA Today Game

USA Today has a Candidate match game, which allows anyone to answer a few multiple choice questions about the issues USA Today feels are crucial to the election such as the Iraq War, Immigration and so on. As you answer, you can compare your answers to the poll, each candidate and you can receive background information on each candidate regarding each question. Below is a description of the game from USA Today along with the link to the game.

About the game

Polls suggest Americans are concerned primarily with a few key issues in the 2008 presidential election. USA TODAY researched candidate positions on those top issues — Iraq, immigration and health care — as well as a few others that may influence the election. We then came up with 11 multiple-choice questions that would help differentiate the candidates and their stances.

As you answer the questions, you can roll over each color bar below the candidates' heads to find background on their positions. Your answers are matched with the positions of the presidential hopefuls to reveal the candidate (or candidates) closest to your views. The sliders on the right allow you to assign relative weights to match the importance that you place on each issue.

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