Sunday, December 16, 2007

Maya Angelou endorses Hillary

This is apart of Hilary Clinton's campaign videos. Politics is reaching all new levels ... good or bad. It is no longer left up to the politicians alone but we have celebrities like Ms. Angelou and Ms. Winfrey using their influence whether they admit it or not to drive votes. It doesn't matter if they are only voicing their opinions, but the large fan base they have helps to bring light to the candidates they believe in. I am actually disappointed in both celebrities and in Obama and Ms. Clinton because this has turned into a game. It is no longer about the critical issues facing America and the world but about how much money they can receive and which celebrity they can have on their side. I am tired of these politicians who at first I was so proud of ignoring the critical issues such as global warming, the devaluing dollar, immigration, health and the list continues ... They speak without substance, without and answer. Is this the change we wanted or asked for??? It wasn't what I expected and I am disappointed.

-- By: Everything Happens for a Reason

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