Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fox News Works Overtime to Smear Barack Obama

Here is a video of what Fox News has been doing to smear the name of Barack Obama. I know about this first hand, since O'Reilly spent an entire week saying things about myself, Syracuse University and CNN that were not true. Obama seems to be wise to it all, as he has not appeared on Fox since February of 2007. I am proud of him for doing this. Fox is a disgrace to modern journalism and it's about time they become exposed for what they are.

Before I knew that Barack had joined me in a boycott of Fox, I had privately told the producers of Bill O'Reilly's show (also Hannity & Colmes) that I am not interested in making anymore appearances for them. I am not a fan of Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, for they are far worse than David Duke, Don Imus and nearly every other racist in America's recent past. The fact that they appeal to so many people says that our country has alot of work to do.

Here is the video below. It's a good one.


Anonymous said...

This is truly disgusting. That is why most Americans are no longer watching Fox News. Bill O'Reilly is not considered a real journalist.

Anonymous said...

This is only the beginning. It is going to get MUCH WORSE! Trust me!

Anonymous said...

Fox News should be banned from television. I am shocked at how racist they can be.

Bill O'Reilly is the worst, and he doesn't deserve to be respected by anyone.

Anonymous said...

For the life of me, I can't see what all the fuss is about. Bill O'Reilly has a RIGHT not to have his camera deliberately blocked by a campaign staffer. Secondly, to show fifteen three second snippets of Fox News commentaries is a little underhanded as well.

I watch ALL the networks and Fox is the only one that consistently gives me information and lets ME decide what to think.

I have seen teh full clips of every video you teased us with, and the truth is much further from what you are trying to portray.

You better get used to the fact that is will be Hillary Clinton and not Fox news that will be doing the REAL dirty work against Obama.

BTW, none of the statement Fox commentators have made are untrue. So, what the problem is?

Anonymous said...

Baned from TV? Say what? We have seen politicians and pundits call the president a criminal. A black pundette in Atlanta says she hopes Clarence Thomas' wife feeds him so much Macaroni that he dies from cholestrol poisioning. Arsenio Hall once told CANDIDATE Bush to kiss his ass on his tv show. Bill Clinton once told some first graders that Republicans want to take away their free school lunches. And you want to ban a network for asserting it's fist amendment rights?

I suppose constitutional freedoms only apply when we like them.

Get a grip, people. You should DEMAND the full story before flying off the handle over some agenda driven pap doled out by sympathyzers no matter what party or platform they espouse. If this is the worst that Obama gets, he's home free.

You think THIS is bad? Wait until Hillary and Bill really get desperate. And if he survives those two, the GOP is waiting in the wings.

By the way. If you had watched O'Reilly that very night you would have seen him commend Barack Obama for the way HE handled the matter, calling Obama a "stand up guy".

Anonymous said...

Now that I have seen this, I am going to boycott Fox also. I used to love Fox. Sorry, Fox. Your time is now. You will feel the rath of togetherness just like back in the days and Martin Luther King.