Michelle Obama is in the middle of controversy after recent remarks made during a speech in support of her husband, Senator Barack Obama. Conservative publications and some liberals have attacked Mrs. Obama after hearing her remarks.
Speaking at a rally in Milwaukee, Michelle Obama, said, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change."
Considered a strong role model for black women (and all women everywhere), Michelle Obama has been called unpatriotic and selfish by many conservatives.
Sasha Issenberg of The Boston Globe said, "So what did Michelle Obama think of the United States before her husband decided he wanted to run the place?"
Mickey Kaus at Slate.com said that Michelle Obama "seems to have a non-trivial chip on her shoulder and it's not a winning quality."
Jim Geraghty at The Campaign Spot, a conservative publication called the Michelle Obama remark "strikingly ungracious."
Jonathon Last at The Conservative Weekly said, "Do these comments provide a glimpse of her general political worldview--one that is surprisingly critical of America for the wife of a presidential candidate? Or do they suggest a certain narcissism about the Obamas and their view of themselves? Or both?"
The comments by conservatives strike a tough chord with those who support Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama has been called "my rock" by her husband, and is considered to be one of the strongest potential first ladies in American History. However, to manage the controversy, the Obama campaign issued a statement in response to Michelle Obama's remarks.
"Of course Michelle is proud of her country, which is why she and Barack talk constantly about how their story wouldn’t be possible in any other nation on Earth. What she meant is that she’s really proud at this moment because for the first time in a long time, thousands of Americans who’ve never participated in politics before are coming out in record numbers to build a grassroots movement for change."
Many are concerned that Michelle Obama's "realness" as a black woman can be a liability, especially in an historically racist country such as The United States. Stereotypical images of black women as being angry, defensive and mean toward others show themselves in the reactions of conservatives and even liberal whites.
Senator Obama has been able to dodge the stigma of "the angry black male" primarily because he has shown enough diplomacy and soft talk to make whites comfortable. However, the honesty of Michelle Obama, who reflects the sentiments of millions of Americans, does not match the polite, all-accepting disposition typically taken by the First Lady.
She made a mistake. It was unfortunate. But, being a newbee it will happen. She just will have to lay low a little and watch out for the Republican attacks.
Michelle is not a perfect human being - Surprise, surprise! But if someone decides NOT to vote for Obama because of something his wife says, then that person needs to visit his web site and read more about his positions since he is going to be president, not her. Besides, old white guys and conservatives jumping on a black woman for something she says - what's new about that?
Michelle Obama's comment is the the essence of Barrack Obama's platform: truth and straight forwardness. To ask of her something other than that, which has lead the Obama cappaign to the unprecidented momentum it harbors, would erase all that has lead to this place in time. She was correct in her further elaboration on what she meant. I think her follow up statement defuses any propaganda to villify the Obama campaign.
I don't think she said anything wrong. Had it been McCain's wife or one of the other candidates wife would we even be discussing this? I think not.
what does the term "really" mean? does it not imply more than something. example,i like pie, but i really like cake more. you don't dislike one over the over you just care for one more. therefore, what did michelle say that was a mistake or wrong. she said for the first time in her adult lifetime, she is REALLY proud of her country... Now i think really implies, i like my country, but i like it more because... don't get it twisted people or buy into the media fluff. read yourself and discern. cnn and all the political analyst are not playing fairly. use your brain and think
In a country that blacks are underestimated, undervalued, and marginalized, REALLY how could a BLACK individual say that they are proud to be an American???????? Michelle's mistake was saying that it's not because my husband is winning. THAT IS EXACTLY WHY SHE SAID IT! She and others are surprised that white people have accepted a black man as the president. I felt her statement, and agree with it. Barack, I am available if you need someone to spin the story. LOL.
Why would I, a reasonably wealthy white professional, want someone as angry as her anywhere near the White House. She's a millionaire and got into Harvard on affirmative action, but she's still not happy. She'll always want more. She resents that she wouldn't have gotten anywhere on her own talents and that she's only where she is because of the generosity of white people. This is typical of the not-quite-as-bright folks one meets often in the affirmative students at Ivies and other top schools. Barack probably could have made it on his own, so he's a lot more chill, but his wife is pissy and graceless.
Michelle Obama did said the message two times on that day, one in Madison rally and one in Millwakee rally. The first time she said that " for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country " Remember that there was NO REALLY in this sentense. The second time she said really proud. (See the two messages on one of the You Tube video). I think the only reason she is proud of America now, because she
think that she may become the First lady and move into the White House. If they are not successful in this bid and Barack Hussein Obama will not become the President, then she must be very angry and blame America again.
Another thing I found interesting is that why is he is not using his real full name, also in all his rallies, they remove most signs or banners that beared the name OBAMA.
I think that in another way, they try to distract and manipulate American people for their advantages. People should realize that this campaign is all about themselves...
"...because of the generosity of white people."
And White people in this country would have nothing, not a single goddamn thing, if not for the "generosity" of slaves. Fair trade?
For the first time in my adult lifetime, I TOO am really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people ARE hungry for change.
Now, I said it too! I mean, it couldn't have been said any better. Actually worthy of plagiarism! (Don't start with me Hillary!!!) I feel EXACTLY what she means and I don't think that she suddenly should be shot down as the next OMAROSA merely because she was shedding light to the true sentiment that ALL of America is obviously feeling! If people didn't feel the same as Michelle, we wouldn't suddenly have these overcrowding of voting polls that Barack has caused. She is saying nothing different than the thousands and thousands of people stating that they've decided to vote in the primaries for the first time because they actually had someone to believe in. I must admit, I have NEVER voted in the primary election. Although, this will only be my 3rd eligible presidential election to vote, I still never paid attention to one primary election or even the primary debates. I had no idea that all of this went on prior to the general election. And, I am very well educated but for the first time in my adult life, I have actually been given something and someone to cause me to stop and say I HAVE to go vote in this primary. We have ALL said what Michelle has stated publicly and it is obvious by the number of voter turnout. Do you think all of a sudden we have these thousands of people who suddenly reached 18 in order to vote? No! There hasn't been enought pride or care in our country to do so. He is bringing in record numbers.
AND AS A BLACK, EDUCATED, STRONG, CONFIDENT BEAUTIFUL BLACK WOMAN, I am SO SICK of this notion that every black woman that has these traits and more importantly, has any type of opinion is somehow an ANGRY black woman. We only get ANGRY when we're told that's all we can be. When the Obama's get into the White House, I want Michelle to IMMEDIATELY put a perpetual moratorium on shows like "Flavor of Love", "I Love New York" and "The Apprentice with Omarosa" and end the public disgrace and expectation of black women in America. Bring back the Claire Huxtables of the world if black women are going to be publicized for their ways and means in the world. That represents more of black women than freakin' Omarosa. My Gosh! That word just makes me feel creepy and like I'm cussin' or something it's so defile!
Anyway, the desperation of these so called conservatists to try to put shame to Michelle is so pathetic. It's right up there with Hillary's attempt at the whole "Xerox" comment last night at the Texas debate (By the way, Xerox should sue for defaming their name with such inappropriate misuse!). It's just desperate! It's also up there with the whole flag pin thing they tried with Barack. It's the same approach that was taken to get Bush into office. Put everyone on attack and call them disloyal to their country and unpatriotic if they don't agree with us and instead show or say anything that may actually show TRUTH about our nation. That would be called COMMUNISM and the most radical form of un-patriotic, un-American existence ever seen.
Please don't fall into this hype and belief that speaking the truth is somehow un-American. Being proud for the first time with everything Barack has done is not being anti-America; it is by far the most patriotic and American thing spoken yet!!!
If these Pundits/conservatives/establishment liberals would come down out of their ivory towers and look around, they would see that black people still have some good reasons to be angry and disillusioned. institutionalized racism still exists and you can see it in the way the "justice" system disproportionately punishes minorities versus whites. Black celebrities still tend to be grotesque racial caricatures. A grill and a big clock has become the new blackface. This sort of thing dehumanizes everyone involved, white or black.
Part of the problem is that while Conservatives are absolutely stewing in their own ignorance, liberals aren't getting angry enough. John Edwards got pretty angry. Barack Obama needs to tread carefully because of racial "sensitivity"(read: racism). I don't know the exact tone of Michelle Obama's comment but if she's angry, then good.
and to Mansizedtarget:"Why would I, a reasonably wealthy white professional, want someone as angry as her anywhere near the White House." That's a question, so you should probably use one of these "?" thingies you find on your keyboard. I guess they don't teach that sort of thing at the Ivies though.
I don`t care what color anyone is.However, when the individual starts preaching socialism,they are just plain wrong.And if they like that type of thing,they are in the wrong country.Besides needing a physcologist to help them get over the Napoleonic complex.
Like I said, she made a mistake. If she would have said for the past 7 years, I have not been proud of my country. ALL OF US WOULD AGREE (white, black, asian, latino, foreigners, you name it).
This second coming of Nero (Bush Jr.) is the worst thing to come to the face of this earth. Like the Roman Empire, we will surely fall and are willing to take a chance on a neophyte like Obama.
"...because of the generosity of white people."
And White people in this country would have nothing, not a single damn thing, if not for the "generosity" of slaves. Fair trade?
whoa... wow... I see more prejudice here than I've seen in a lifetime. I'm as tired of pompas remarks as anyone ... from everyone. I would have been grounded to my room, as a child, for the day for looking down on anyone... short tall skinny fat black brown yellow white ugly beautiful crippled etc. If someone is prejudice they keep quiet about it. They don't announce it by saying something stupid.
The first statement above is a pompous remark and would apply to anyone who is poor. The dude only like rich people and thinks everyone is a waste of humanity. The second remark is uneducated. Assuming all whites had slaves and the union army that lost loved ones fighting against slavery, (had never owned slaves, sold or bought slaves NOR sold the neighbors to slave traders) was either not white or nonexistant.
She is proud because for the first time in her "adult life" she, being an educated woman can see the USA living up to its legacy of freedom for all. Only education and learning what the US is about would evoke such sentiment. You would too if you were as educated in the systems expectations of itself for it's citizenry. She like all educated folks would say such a thing if the expectations are known. The USA is finally living up to its responsilities as a free nation. Do you understand what this nation is about? By the way she is not angry!
She is a angry women and she has infected Barack Obama's mind with all this crazy preacher stuff. He should have married instead of this angry women, who eats him alive.
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