I have been a fan of Al Sharpton for a long time. I admire him because as a race of people we need him and others to speak the truth to power.
In one of his many recent television appearances Rev. Sharpton stated that he was not endorsing anyone because he perceived that his unique talent (my sentiment) and service maybe needed in the future.
After Obama won in Iowa, I encouraged “our leaders” to immediately endorse and support him. Today I am so thankful that Rev. Sharpton has not endorsed anyone.
I have adored and admired Congresswoman Shelia Jackson-Lee for years. She is beautiful and has represented us well in Congress. In September 2006 I moved to the Houston area. Later that year I attended a small fun-raising event for Congresswoman Shelia Jackson-Lee.
After the Bob Johnson's fallout, Congresswoman Jackson-Lee appeared on television representing the Hillary Clinton campaign. After the pundit played a clip of Johnson’s remarks he asked Lee to respond. I was shocked and disappointed at her response. Although I was disappointed I accepted the fact that she too spins the truth.
To Congresswoman Lee and all other super delegates I beg you to cast your vote for the voter’s choice in your district and/or state. This suggestion would of course include Senator Kennedy and Governor Deval Patrick.
Additionally, Senator Hillary Clinton should not be rewarded delegates for flying to Florida for a “fundraising event” after she was defeated in South Carolina nor should she receive Michigan’s delegates. What argument could Hillary or Karl Rove present that would entitle her to Michigan’s delegates when her name was the only name on the Democratic ballot in Michigan?
It will be a sad and destructive day in this country, that professes to judge and reward its citizens for playing by the rules, if Rev. Sharpton services are needed in this historic election. I like Al Sharpton and many others in this country will not accept the role of anyone in the Democratic Party overruling our votes and our voices. If and when Senator Barack Obama wins the most delegates our Party ‘s super delegates must not steal the Democratic nomination from him.
Vera Richardson is the author of “A Case of Racial Discrimination and Retaliation Real or Imagined."
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