The last few weeks I have just been sitting back, watching the latest in the race for the Presidential nomination. I make no apologies for being an Obama supporter. And I also can't hide my growing dislike for Hillary Clinton. This morning I was greeted with a clip of Hillary berating Barack. She was angry, saying "Shame on you Barack Obama!"
That's when I lost it.
Who is she to chastise anyone? Her campaign has been incredibly nasty and divisive and there she stands wagging her finger at Barack. Therefore, I decided to voice a few "shame on yous" of my own.
That's when I lost it.
Who is she to chastise anyone? Her campaign has been incredibly nasty and divisive and there she stands wagging her finger at Barack. Therefore, I decided to voice a few "shame on yous" of my own.
In the beginning I thought it might be fun to have Bill Clinton back in the White House, chasing interns around the desk in his little office somewhere while he was trying to pick out china patterns and do charity work. That care free fantasy has changed in to absolute loathing of all things Clinton. Now Hillary is just plain insulting my intelligence.
I will admit I love Barack’s “soaring oratory”. It is inspirational and uplifting and we could use someone articulate in the White House after eight long, IQ depleting years of G.W. Bush. To say that Barack’s supporters are following him blindly is amusing. I’m not sure if Hillary has checked out the voter demographics, but Obama’s following includes the young and EDUCATED.
I know why I voted for Barack.
I know that I have disagreed with this war from the beginning, I know that I don’t support Hillary’s plan for health care and I don’t see a problem with sitting down with certain “hostile” nations and seeing if we can come to an understanding. To categorize me as “somehow delusional” is insulting Hillary.
Shame on you for insinuating that because I don't support you I'm less than intelligent.
Next on my list of Hillary issues is her marginalization of me as an African American. I am offended that she didn't even attempt to fight for the states with high Black populations. She just tossed those aside as states she couldn’t possibly win and moved on to the next White female bastion of voters.
I have a vote and I am going to give it to the candidate I feel is the best for me. They need to compete for my support. By brushing me aside and sending in jolly old Bill to play up to those Black people who have always loved him so, she has clearly shown me that she isn't interested in African American issues. Once she started losing in the polls and was being criticized for her attitude toward African Americans, it is suddenly out with the old campaign manager and in with the new darker version.
Did she think we didn't notice or put two and two together? How dare she write us off for weeks and then attempt to pander at the State of the Black Union. She claims to have worked so hard for change and equality but she attempts to use us as pawns to gain votes when it is convenient. Shame on you Hillary for pretending we don't exist unless you need us for something.
The “Ultimate Glass Ceiling” comment has me rolling on the floor laughing my you-know-what off. She actually thinks that by winning the Presidency she will be breaking the ultimate inequality barrier. Seriously, she is a rich, white, female who came from a wealthy family, and the former First Lady of the United States.
Hillary Clinton has no more glass ceilings.
To think that her candidacy is more important than that of the first viable Black candidate is ridiculous. Barack had to overcome many more obstacles to get where he is than Hillary did. He did it on his own and not on the name of his spouse or with the money from wealthy parents. We wouldn’t know who Hillary Clinton was if it weren’t for Bill. Obama made his own name, and he is using it to beat her in the race for this nomination. Shame on you Hillary for again being so self-centered that you only see your accomplishments. Shame on you for ignoring the importance of this election for both women and African-Americans.
Finally there is just the hypocrisy and nastiness we have seen lately. Hillary Clinton complains about plagiarism and then she uses excerpts from other people’s speeches. She has chastised Barack for some information that was circulated about her stance on NAFTA during her husband’s administration. And now she is making fun of his speeches like she is back in 8th grade.
I’m not sure if she understands that Barack’s speeches have gotten a multitude of people to pay attention to politics, some for the first time. He inspires but he also has a message. If she would listen long enough to what he says to attack the message and not the messenger, she might have a chance to get the nomination.
Now on to the fear mongering. Circulating a photo of Barack Obama in Somali dress when he was in Africa to insinuate that he is a Muslim in disguise is really pathetic. The timing of the photo's release and the malice in it's intention is reprehensible. To insist that the release of the photo is harmless and meaningless is ridiculous. Shame on you Hillary for just being mean spirited. Shame on you for attempting to play on the fears of the people of this country you say you love. Shame on you for being a poor loser.
I will admit I love Barack’s “soaring oratory”. It is inspirational and uplifting and we could use someone articulate in the White House after eight long, IQ depleting years of G.W. Bush. To say that Barack’s supporters are following him blindly is amusing. I’m not sure if Hillary has checked out the voter demographics, but Obama’s following includes the young and EDUCATED.
I know why I voted for Barack.
I know that I have disagreed with this war from the beginning, I know that I don’t support Hillary’s plan for health care and I don’t see a problem with sitting down with certain “hostile” nations and seeing if we can come to an understanding. To categorize me as “somehow delusional” is insulting Hillary.
Shame on you for insinuating that because I don't support you I'm less than intelligent.
Next on my list of Hillary issues is her marginalization of me as an African American. I am offended that she didn't even attempt to fight for the states with high Black populations. She just tossed those aside as states she couldn’t possibly win and moved on to the next White female bastion of voters.
I have a vote and I am going to give it to the candidate I feel is the best for me. They need to compete for my support. By brushing me aside and sending in jolly old Bill to play up to those Black people who have always loved him so, she has clearly shown me that she isn't interested in African American issues. Once she started losing in the polls and was being criticized for her attitude toward African Americans, it is suddenly out with the old campaign manager and in with the new darker version.
Did she think we didn't notice or put two and two together? How dare she write us off for weeks and then attempt to pander at the State of the Black Union. She claims to have worked so hard for change and equality but she attempts to use us as pawns to gain votes when it is convenient. Shame on you Hillary for pretending we don't exist unless you need us for something.
The “Ultimate Glass Ceiling” comment has me rolling on the floor laughing my you-know-what off. She actually thinks that by winning the Presidency she will be breaking the ultimate inequality barrier. Seriously, she is a rich, white, female who came from a wealthy family, and the former First Lady of the United States.
Hillary Clinton has no more glass ceilings.
To think that her candidacy is more important than that of the first viable Black candidate is ridiculous. Barack had to overcome many more obstacles to get where he is than Hillary did. He did it on his own and not on the name of his spouse or with the money from wealthy parents. We wouldn’t know who Hillary Clinton was if it weren’t for Bill. Obama made his own name, and he is using it to beat her in the race for this nomination. Shame on you Hillary for again being so self-centered that you only see your accomplishments. Shame on you for ignoring the importance of this election for both women and African-Americans.
Finally there is just the hypocrisy and nastiness we have seen lately. Hillary Clinton complains about plagiarism and then she uses excerpts from other people’s speeches. She has chastised Barack for some information that was circulated about her stance on NAFTA during her husband’s administration. And now she is making fun of his speeches like she is back in 8th grade.
I’m not sure if she understands that Barack’s speeches have gotten a multitude of people to pay attention to politics, some for the first time. He inspires but he also has a message. If she would listen long enough to what he says to attack the message and not the messenger, she might have a chance to get the nomination.
Now on to the fear mongering. Circulating a photo of Barack Obama in Somali dress when he was in Africa to insinuate that he is a Muslim in disguise is really pathetic. The timing of the photo's release and the malice in it's intention is reprehensible. To insist that the release of the photo is harmless and meaningless is ridiculous. Shame on you Hillary for just being mean spirited. Shame on you for attempting to play on the fears of the people of this country you say you love. Shame on you for being a poor loser.
The good thing in all of this is Barack Obama seems to handle all of these arrows with grace and poise, as a President should. He has shown that he can play with the big dogs but he doesn't have to play like them. He admits when he is wrong and is gracious in victory or defeat. I am so proud of the way he and Michelle have handled themselves through all that has been thrown at them. I don't expect to agree with everything he does in the future but I am excited to see someone who just brushes off the mud and doesn't have to throw it back.
Shame on you Hillary, go wash your hands and go home.
Shame on you Hillary, go wash your hands and go home.
People - don't trust the Drudge Report. It is a conservative slant who just stated it was done by Clinton staffers. They don't like blacks and definitely don't like women. They are part of the Conservative Republican machine.
I seriously doubt after President Clinton gaffe' on making a FACTUAL reference stating that Jesse Jackson, Sr. won in South Carolina and the racial jab inferred would do that.
Look at the NY Times article on McCain and how they are backtracking now.
Drudge Report, media, and others are using these tactics to divide the Democratic Party to get McCain elected.
It is working. Regardless of who you support Clinton or Obama, the goal is for the Democrats to win the White House in Nov-08. If they are divided, the Democrats will loose the White House.
That is why people have to control their emotions here. Look at the big picture. Understand that these tactics will happen, but keep our eye on the prize. We missed that with Gore especially when he picked Liberman (a jew) as his running mate and we lost to Bush by the U. S. Supreme Court. Gore distanced himself from the Clintons even though the Democrats appreciated what they did.
Kerry did the same thing in 2004 and lost. Obama and others have to realize that Clintons have support and experience and are the only Democrats to actually be elected to the White House in the past 30 years.
Together we will win, divided we will fall. The goal is to get the RESULTS to the American people. Not prove that a black man and black woman can be President and First Lady of the U. S.
Surely, the above commentor is not suggesting that the "Results" is to have HRC and Bill ??
No, it is saying that if Obama and his supporters distance themselves from the Clintons, they will not loose in Nov-08. You can't trust white America. They say one thing and then stab you in the back.
Second, Obama is a fool to think with how the vote is so evenly split that he can not even consider Clinton as a VP running mate. That is the big test for all of them. To understand that united we stand, divided we fall.
We advocate, but at the end of the day, we come together for a higher purpose which is to change the course that Bush, Jr. has done for 7 years.
If Obama wins and gets assassinated by KKK and other supporters, we loose. If Obama thinks he can be like Kerry and neglect the Clinton base, the Democrats loose. That is the lesson. Be strategic and don't trust whitey. United we stand (all Democrats) divided we fall.
No, it is saying that if Obama and his supporters distance themselves from the Clintons, they WILL LOOSE in Nov-08. You can't trust white America. They say one thing and then stab you in the back.
Second, Obama is a fool to think with how the vote is so evenly split (among the Democrats) that he can not even consider Clinton as a VP running mate. Same for her if she wins as well with Obama being a VP candidate. That is the big test for all of them. That is the lesson of Douglass v. Anthony/Stanton in 1865 debate over 15th Amendment. You can't just look at the present, but the future and what way we can achieve a SUSTAINABLE reality. To understand that united we stand, divided we fall.
We advocate, but at the end of the day, we come together for a higher purpose which is to change the course that Bush, Jr. has done for 7 years.
If Obama wins and gets assassinated by the KKK and other supporters, we loose. If Obama thinks he can be like Kerry and neglect the Clinton base, the Democrats loose. That is the lesson. Be strategic and don't trust whitey. United we stand (all Democrats) divided we fall. Obama is now in the heartland of America or AmeriKKKa, not the periphery of Hawaii were his family can protect him.
Hi Sheri. Excellent post.....so great we have to share it with our visitors at Blacks4Barack.org.....Keep spreading truth....we luv what you're doing !!!!
Hillary Clinton reminds me of the white women, in the early days, that would cry rape to get black men into trouble with the law. Like she would go as far as to show up in court to seek and cnfirm the false charge
Based on some of these postings, it is better for those who wrote them to stay anonymous.
umm that post of about white women and rape is kinda deep......
Sexism and chauvinism definitely is not eliminated b/c we are BLACK now is it.
But regardless, the AmeriKKKa has something up their sleeve for Obama if he wins. I can assure you that especially with over 70+ nooses being spotted since he announced in presidency bid.
To suggest that someone is chauvanist and racist because they do not favor a particular candidate, without any direct evidence of the fact is rediculous. It is also an attempt to silence peoples' voices, a recurrent theme of the Clinton camp. I follow politics closely -- on the web, on radio, in print, and on television. I am a person who will wade through hours of raw campaign footage to get to the truth. I am not an uninformed voter. I will go on record stating that I was once a Hilliary supporter. I voted for Bill because I was impressed with her in during his first campain. She was a strong female role-model, or so I thought. I continued to support Hilliary through the beginning of this race, despite some obvious laps in judgement and character along the way. I then began to see just how truly lacking Hillary Clinton is. Instead of being a breath of fresh air, a woman candidate who will do things differently from the men, Hillary chose the play the game like the white boys do. She did not bring anything different that would make me feel proud as woman to elect her as president. It was politics as usual. She did not bring more females into the campaign to serve in key positions. I have not heard of her mentoring young women who are in the political pipeline -- nothing that one would expect of a progressive female politician. I did not see her as the strong woman candidate that I and a number of women of my generation (I was born in 1960) have waited for. I would have rather seen Nancy Pelosi or Maxine Waters run. They are stong women who stand on their own professional merits. You don't have to question their loyalty and stand on issues because they have been consistent. Hilliary is a trickster who will use divisive politics or anything else that she can use to win, except for integrity. She does not care who she steps on or the distruction that she leaves in her wake, just as long as she and Bill can remain powerful. Hillary is splitting the party, and is weakening Barack in a general election that polls have consistently demonstrated that she can not win. I understand that each candidate must fight hard and that she is no different. I understand the double-standard placed on women professionals, however, at some point she has to take responsiility for a campaign not well run. Hilliary and Bill have a history of strong-arming folks and of being nasty to the media. Many people do not like them for this. They have too much baggage. This has been clearly and repeatedly articulated by super-delegates who have defected from her camp and others who have worked with the Clintons. Hillary's willingness to place the race card as she did in South Carolina and in Ohio, given the unyielding support that African Americans had given the Clintons up until that point is completely unforgivable to me. She and her husband would have just beaten Barack senseless in South Carolina, using ugly racist tactics of the old-segregrated South, despite pleas from members of her party for them to stop, if Ted Kennedy would not have stepped in to insist on decency, and to challenge Bill Clinton directly. I saw the raw footage of Bill stomping in South Carolina and I personally saw him transform into Bubba. It was an ugly sight. I am an Ohio native, and I thought that it was intersting that Bill and Hilliary continually campaigned in Lakewood and Parma when in Cleveland -- two of the most racist and exclusionary communities in our region. There were other, more progressive bastions of white supporters that she could have reached out to, but she did not. She walked with governor Strickland through the Apalacia areas in Southern, Ohio and into the most segregrated and people-of-color hating sections of the state of Ohio to win. I guess she now defines these people as being her base. Some says that she did this to counter Barack's African American support, however, there are blacks who continued to support Hilliary. This is an afront to them, as well as the larger African American community. Hillary and Bill spent considerable time, for example, in a neiborhood where my aunt and uncle moved to, thinking that we had overcome. They found that nooses were hung and that a cross was burned in their yard; there was an unsuccessful attempt to set their house on fire, and their children were threatened daily and told to tell their parents to move out of the community because of their race. My relatives finally decided to move. This was in 2004.
One would have to wonder, why Hillary would want to associate herself with this kind of community, and these kind of behaviors. Our nation as struggled to move away from this kind of thing, which was common in the nation's past history.
Hilliary has cried and whined throughout this campaign, using her white female priviledge to gain ground, after her message had continually failed to resonate with American voters who do want change.InAmericans do not want to see this country taken away from them any longer by corporations. They want jobs, etc. Hillary instead chooses to pose distractions -- fear and hate-mongerin -- again and again. These distractions have taken our eyes off of the prize in the past, and have divided us as a nation historically, which is what has gotten the country into the mess that it is presently. Hillary wants reinforces the status quo, through her actions whether she owns this fact or not. This campaign was Hillary's to win or to lose, and she has for the most part lost, with the exception of a narrow base of supporters. Despite the constant spin that her camp tries to put on things, the voters in this nation have overwhelmingly rejected her candidacy. She could have campaigned, and possibly run on the issues and won, but she really had nothing to say, as the campaign started out being about her. She has made up and changed her positions on issues repeatedly. I remember before Barack was viewed as a serious contender, the criticism of her was that she did not say anything, despite people's demand for more information about her platform, and to see her passion about her opportunity to make a difference as president. She simply played it safe, pandering to focus group and poll results. She was essentially a talking head. This, by the way makes one wonder, if she had all of that information about what was on people's minds, how did she miss the mandate for change? She obviously didn't care. She had her tactics laid out already, and she planned to win the old-fashioned way, damn what the people wanted. When the American public turned out to be more conscious and more intelligent than she thought, she had no plan. This is why she has had to depend so heavily on creating distractions with mistruths, and why she sought to play African Americans against Hispanics, essentially widening an already existing gulf between the two groups (Although, I must say that sadly, too many Hispanics were willing to play along. Despite the fact that many Hispanics have received more support from the African American community than they have from Hilliary. This is another blog discussion). Hillary's husband has had to pick her up many times professionally during this race. She has even insuated that you get him when you elect her, as a reason to voter for her. It is ok to her that voters find her incompetent as long as she wins. Her message has been that her husband will be there to help her. This made me both frustrated and ashamed as a female professional, and it makes me question her ability to lead this country. I am not a supporter of Bush administration policies, but could you image Conde running around crying, and begging for men to hold her up in an international or domestic crises and blaming everyone else for her failure to do her job? Is this what Hillary's so called thirty-five years of experience, during the era of the contempory U.S. women's movement no less, has produced? She can't seriously suggest that we want a president who behaves the way that she has and continues to behave? She really believes that the American populous is stupid.
Finally, let me be clear. I will never vote for a ticket with Hillary Clinton's name on it, be it Barack's ticket or her own. I have no particular allegiance to the Democratic Party, although I have never voted Republican. I support those who support my community. Hillary and the Democrats by in large have not done that very well when you really look at their record. Bill Clintons passage of the Personal Responsibility Act, increased mandatory sentencing laws, and NAFTA is just one clear example. These policies have turned Black America on its head. They have disenfranchised us seriously, and have led to a downward mobility thoughout our community as never before. The so called economic prosperity that Bill Clinton is famous for bragging about and is so affectionately admired for, lasted but a brief period -- a few years. We were already moving into a recession when he left office. Bush's raid of the bank has not helped either, however, Bill Clinton's policies continue to tear at the very fabric of black, poor white and Latino families and communities. African Americans have been particularly devastated with the unfair and long-lasting state mandatory sentencing laws. My brother is facing 25 to life now for a recent case in California. He was arrested for striking out blindly at a neighor who threw bleech in his eyes in the midst of an argument concerning their children. He has not had trouble with the law for more than twenty years, and has been a committed family man and worker during this time. His previous two crimes were 1) riding in a stolen car as a teenager, some thirty years ago, and 2) discharging a fire arm in the city on New Years Eve. Now, because he is facing his third strike, regardless of the severity of the crime and the large span of time that has passed since he was in trouble before, he has been sitting in a prision for thirty days, has lost his job, and is no longer there to support his family emotionally and economically. In addition, he is facing twenty-five years to life, and the judge stated that his hands are tied. This has effectively left another Black family without a man in the house, and his wife and children to struggle on their own for ever. I think we all should be accountable for our crimes. I also believe that the punishment should fit the crime. Clinton's laws have amounted to govenernment sanctioned economic and social terriorism.
Barack should consider seriously if he wants to lose a significant sector of his base before running with Clinton -- a spin that her camp is pushing because they know that she can not win. To me, voting for Hilliary is not much different than voting for McCain. He may be an extreme war-monger, and has admitted that he does not know much about the economy, but at least is more honest about what he stands for. Hillary supports the war, supported NAFTA and did nothing to stop the passage of the Personal Responsibility Act. I frankly do not see how we will be any better off with her than we would be with a Republican. So no, I do not see the inevitability of our having to support Hilliary, and thus the Democratic Party. If the party is not working for me and mine, why is it inevitable that I must support it? There are some Americans who seriously want change. It is not just a statement on a placard like Hilliary seems to think. This is her wake-up call! I'll see you at the Democratic Convention Hilliary, when Barck is sworn in. Or, maybe I will just sit this one out.
Personally; I think John Mccain would be a much better president than Hillary, Senator Obama would outshine the both of them but if i had to choose between Clinton or MCcain its a no brainer.
I would even go on the stump for John over Hillary.
Just b/c Black folks think that Obama would be a better President does not mean that WHITES, WOMEN, LATINOS, ASIANS and others feel the same way.
Democratic process is not the same as the Presidential contest between Republicans & Democrats.
Popular vote does not determine the Presidency - the ELECTORAL COLLEGE DOES.
Ask Gore and Kerry. Led in polls, but lost to Bush. So, Black America which only represent 12% of the population in US can't be so narrow minded here to try and elect the proclaimed Black Messiah, Barrack Hussein Obama.
I after wrestling with this thought, have reached this conclusion.
I would be better to have McCain serve than Clinton because she will be played like a piano.
If she stood around after her husband did that to her she`s a damn fool.
That behavior is not to be the way you represent family life. If it was the 1st time I could see.
But she was the First Lady, an example to all the women in the country.
If you ask me I would say she is gullable and not fit to lead.
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