By Gregory Moore
SAN ANTONIO -- If you haven't read, seen or heard by now, Tavis Smiley took some major heat the past two weeks for blasting Sen. Barack Obama's unwillingness to show up at last Saturday's State of the Black Union symposium that was held in New Orleans, Louisiana. If you haven't heard, seen or read any of the stories that have come forth you have missed a lesson in why it is important to be more above reproach and less egotistical when it comes to dealing with the Black community. But for those of you who haven't hard, seen or read the stories, let me give you a quick recap of what has transpired.
Roughly two weeks ago, Smiley had sent out invitations to the then four major presidential candidates to appear at the SOBU function. Of the four, only one candidate RSVP'd; Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama did not show up Saturday and neither did John McCain or Mike Huckabee. However the flack that Smiley is still receiving is not from his blast on McCain or Huckabee but on Obama. Smiley lambasted Sen. Obama's decision as a miscalculation on the Senator's part and he went on the Tom Joyner Morning Show and expressed his displeasure. It was from that standpoint that Smiley then received the grief he is currently receiving now.
"I have family in Indianapolis," Smiley told the Washington Post in an interview a few days later.
"They are harassing my momma, harassing my brother. It's getting to be crazy," Smiley told the newspaper.
If Smiley never understood why he cannot go on the radio and take crack shots at big time newsmakers, he got a quick lesson this month. Welcome the big leagues Tavis.
I can understand why Smiley may feel that he is now the poster child for everything wrong with Black leadership. What Smiley has never envisioned was that somebody was going to be against his thoughts, feelings and movement AND he never thought that Black America would be so savvy enough to let it be known of their displeasure. Well Tavis it happens and as an Internet veteran for over a decade, when you are on the national scene like you are, you are going to get major backlash from more than just a few people.
Smiley's comments and the fact that there were other Black commentators, bloggers and just ordinary people who have Internet access only heightened a precarious moment. I am quite sure that had he re-thought his strategy, Smiley would have never went on his buddy Tom Joyner's show and expressed his displeasure like he did. I'm still amazed that Joyner has caught a similar backlash himself for "co-signing" with Smiley on this issue. Yet I can't say I'm surprised either. When you say something controversial, you had better expect some heat from somewhere.
The problem with Smiley is that he sincerely thinks he is the only voice out here in the "Blacksphere" of the black community. Veteran writers like Roland Martin, Dr. Boyce Watkins and even myself have been where he is today and we have all survived. The difference however is that I don't think any of us acted as arrogant as he did before the firestorm came his way.
The lesson that Smiley needs to learn is that Black America is not as duped and brain dumb as he thinks. In case he hasn't noticed, Black America has evolved from clamoring for a voice like a Julian Bond, Jesse Jackson, Al Shartpon and others. Today, Black America wants someone or a group of individuals who can show them how to not only still be Black (i.e. true to themselves and their beliefs) but also how to fit well into society at large. Today Black America realizes that we are the face of the country and that our problems are indeed no different than 95% of the country. Events like the SOBU is not about trying to get our voices heard but about how to deal with our problems internally and how to fix them internally.
Tavis is a big boy. Surely he will realize that when you have a national platform, you are going to take some hits. He's not the only one who has been taking to the woodshed and 'spanked'. This won't the first time his own community disagrees with him and he needs to realize that.
But there is a lesson to be learned here and hopfully he has learned it.
You have to be careful even in your criticisms and that sometimes whatever your personal agenda may be, it may not be what others have.
Had Tavis simply said that he respected Sen. Obama's decision not to participate and that he looks forward to future participation, this would have been a non-issue for him. It would have been because by all accounts, those in attendance didn't think it was a big deal for Obama missing the event.
The last part of the lesson is that very statement; if the attendees (meaning the community) didn't think it was a big deal, why didn't Smiley?
Gregory Moore is the Managing Editor/webmaster for the San Antonio Informer, found at www.sainformer.net. He is an Internet veteran columnist who has also been a contributor to various News Talk, Sports Talk and Sports programming for Fox Sports Radio, Sporting News Radio, and ESPN as well as for Clear Channel, Inc. and other media outlets.
Well stated. I did watch the "Union" and was distressed to hear & see all the educated, well spoken, "cream of the crop" and "politicated haters", save Dick Gregory and the sister who returned to New Orleans. Tavis kept it going with his belittling side comments - especially with the young sister from Dilliard - with much glee he said " ...and will you be crushed whem Barrack does not win ..." At the end of the day, Barrack should keep his own counsel - because he was not willing to succumb to Tavis's ego trip and TOM Joyner's parrotting - "Barrack does not care about the "black agenda". Tell me - who died and appointed/annointed Tavis the "Speaker of the Black House" - if one could close their eyes and listen to the "dialogue" - it, as a general proposition saving a few speakers, did not sound any different than white folks discussing the "plight of our low income - low educated black folks". IN YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S HRC VOICE "TAVIS, SHAME ON YOU !!!"
The timing was wrong for the symposium in the first place, but Tavis is not wrong for blastin O-bama. The truth about O-bama is comin to ight , and I hope it won't be too late.
Perhaps we, the Black Citizens of this country should consider making a “commitment” to uphold a “responsible” level of reverence and dignity “among ourselves”. Then, we can go forth more confidently and comfortably, in our expectation of the same “for ourselves”.
Shame on you Tavis!!
Clearly, Obama does care about the Black Community. I expect that you, who call yourself intelligent, would understand the predicament he was in particularly at the time of your invitation. I am very disappointed in you. There is so much I would like to say, but I honestly don't believe you care. I do want to reiterate, SHAME ON YOU Tavis Smiley!
I too listened to Tavis retoric regarding Obama day in and day out. I was sick of it! As they say we (as African Americans) are our worse enemy.
What point did Tavis miss?
The timing of his invitation was totally wrong!
Here you have Obama running for the United States of America trying to reach out to ALL Americans across America and Tavis wants him to sit in on the State of the Black Union symposium? Did I miss something. It sounds to me that it was a more personel matter that Tavis is dealing with?
Maybe Tavis wants to be President or something? I had much respect for Tavis and would try to listen to everytime he came on the show, but now when TJ introduce him I turn off my radio. Regarding TJ, I don't agree with the other comments. I have always felt like TJ has been behind Obama from day one.
It was Jay that wasn't in Obama's corner. But now Jay has come on board (Go Jay)! As for Clinton she will never get my vote either with her desperate dirty politics!
I attended the so called "State of the Union" for Black America in 2005. After going through the Muslim Security Force Check Gates and the Black Business Merchant Lobby, I felt it was a waste of my time. Being homeless, abused, socially promoted through governement education and everything else a black child could ever experience, it was just TALK! Talk about this, and complain about that. No one rolled up their sleeves and announced that they would volunteer at Hosea Williams Feed the Hungry Shelters. Enough already! Tavis Smiley would probably love to do a "David Copperfield" with Barack! His heart is into selling books. Fine! Captialism at it's finest. A businessowner myself...more power to you Tavis! Until you learn the lessons of opening your heart and CLOSING YOUR MOUTH, you will never see the benefits of UNITY IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY through YOUR platform. End of Story.
By the way, I purposely avoided communication of any sort (TJ Morning Show) including news reports that mention TAVIS SMILEY in with the same sentence as BARACK OBAMA. I have tunnel vision for Barack ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE AND NOTHING OR NO ONE CHANGE MY ATTITUDE!
Clinton has shown her true colors and so has Tavis Smiley. Both are self-serving, egotistical and realistically care nothing for the black community. Tavis Smiley and the State of the Black Union each year are a waste of time. Although I respect alot of the black leaders that attend each year, nothing is ever accomplished, besides talk.
What black lives have been improved as a result of these forums?
P.S. Clinton will never get my vote, should she win the democratic nomination, I will support and vote for Ralph Nader.
The SOBU event is nothing more then a bunch of uppity negroes trying to out talk each other.Enough said.Im voting for Obama and Tavis can go to hell.
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