Hillary Clinton recently stated that Senator Barack Obama is incapable of handling an early-morning foreign policy crisis. While campaigning in Ohio, Obama stated that his rival is getting "a little desperate".
"I think she has got a little desperate toward the end of this campaign," Obama told ABC News. "[She] has been a lot more aggressive in her negative attacks."
The comment about not being able to handle an early morning crisis came in response to an ad issued by Hillary Clinton in Texas. The ad portrays children asleep in their beds, and the narrator says, "It’s 3 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep. Who do you want answering the phone?”
Obama's camp came right back, stating that Hillary Clinton's "red phone moment" came when she voted to authorize the war in Iraq. They also stated in response to the ad that the person who answers the phone should have had the "judgment and courage to oppose the Iraq war from the start."
"As I've pointed out, we've actually had a pretty significant moment in the last several years, that called people's judgment into question," said Obama. "And that was the war in Iraq."
Hillary Clinton, who worked to regain black votes by attending the State of the Black Union Conference last week, defended her ad.
"I think it's a contrast that needed to be sharpened, because this is a big decision for people," she said. "And I want people to have as much information as possible as they make these decisions. So I think we are helping to get out the differences and raise some issues that are important."
I'm going to comment about how desparate Hilary is getting. You know she is actually pissing me off now. This smear and fear campaign she is running has went to far. Look she is claiming to stay in the race no matter what happens March 4 and this will give McCain(Bush) the edge. I can't remember a democratic primary this negative. I never thought I would do this but I and few others are saying that if she stays in she will not get our vote. Hilary ignored the black vote, exploited the hispanic vote and claimed to be the candidate for the people but basically the h*ll with poor and working class white folks in middle America. Now She is exploiting Ohio, She did not campaign in Iowa, Nebraska the Dakotas etc.she concentrated on Big states with big cities. I live in Los Angeles and everyweek she was hanging out with politcal figures in this state. Listen there has never been a first time Presidential candidate that anybody has known their experiences. In 92 all I knew about Bill Clinton was he was a Governor, all I wanted was change from George H Bush. Guess what I'm doing it again this time not with a Clinton. Hilary was my candidate until December and my decision was made by her mandate (against the law not to have healthcare) can cause people to go into finacial ruin . Avoiding foreclosure,feeding my children or mandatory healthcare which one you think I would choose last. I'm not trying to sway anyone, I used to respect the Clintons highly and now I feel betrayed just mad ass hell and if could get my vote back from 1992 and 1996. Look at the muslim trick, the 3 o clock phone call that was plagerize from Mondale. Iam going to stop rambling but I wan't to show what real voters who care about real issues are saying. Not because Obama is black which I have been accused of voting for him for oooooh! some of these people. Here is a interesting sight to look at check out Derrick Ashong athttp://jenbrea.typepad.com/africabeat/
Thank you for taking a moment to stop rambling. I'm an independent voter, so I'm not beholden to either party or any particular candidate. However, I am amused at how you act as if Obama is the perfect candidate. Is Clinton the only one with flaws or skeletons in her closet?
Obama is so busy not being the "black candidate", I have yet to hear what he's going to do to erase the poverty in the inner cities in this country.
I respect everyone's passion for their candidate, but let's keep our eyes and minds open when it comes to all candidates and their positions. Each candidate should be challenged and held accountable.
- www.unfilteredopinion.com
What on earth is this foolishness Hillary's got stirred up now!?? This mess about one of Obama's Aides contacting an official in Canadia to tell them not to worry Obama is not planning any real change dealing with NAFT, it's only a political move!! Last week all were denying this now all of a sudden there's a memo?? Obama's crew said it was innocent I can't remeber what their reason was for contact, but it sure wasn't what was claimed. Obama has got to be too smart for this!! Lord I pray its not true!!
Well I have some thoughts about this besides the oviious, some dog gone body is telling a LIE and everthing in me points to Miss thang. Sounds like a set up! Tell me why would these Canadians blow it for Obama if in fact he promised to help them. Why blow it for themselves? I wouldn't be suprise if Lil Miss Hillary ain't the one that has promised them something, but now they have to help get rid of Obama.
The way it is now it only benefits Hillary and MAYBE those Canadians.
I smell a BIG FAT RAT.
And God forbid it's true THAT AIDE'S BEHIND NEEDS TO STRUNG UP. He or she might have blown it for all of us!! You know what those Canadians could be playing a game of theie own, BUT STILL WHY WOULD THEY PERFER HILLARY UNLESS THEY KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT HER PLANS. I don't have all the answers, but I know game have had it played on me too many times not to know it when I see it.Somebody needs to fess up! Whew! I'm looking at her now on tv this chick is on my last nerve. Sorry people but this mess needs to hurry up and be over. TODAY!! March 4, 2008!
I'm defiantly signing out as Anonymous I know I sound crazy, BUT I'M MAAAD!
I have to say that if Hillary gets the nomination that I am going to seriously rethink my position in the election. I feel like her tactics have been very raw and unfair. If she was winning she wouldn't be bringing all this negative. And if any of you recall when she was winning he was not tearing her down. He simply stayed the course and his staying the course has put him ahead. I believe he will be the democratic candidate and he will be our next president. I'm not saying Barack is perfect but I do believe he is the best candidate. And you know what I will be the first to admit that I am voting for him because he's black. You damn straight on that! Because he is black and QUALIFIED!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell you something we as a black race have a problem of sticking together. Whites, latinos, and other races can stick together but when it comes to us we kill each other and exploit one another. We finally have an opportunity to vote for someone who is well educated and well rounded who is bringing EVERYONE together who happens to be black. Why not vote for him? Is Hillary inspiring anyone? Have you been to a rally or a town hall meeting and left inspired? I, like many others have never been involved much in politics until this year. Barack makes me believe that this world can come together.
YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!
Patience is a virtue. Stay humble, if you get it, you get it but you must work to unite the Democratic party. They are split between you and Clinton.
If you really want to win in Nov-08, you truly better start considering her as your VP. Regardless of how you feel about change, her and her husband can help you implement things that can HELP US fairly quickly.
I don't give a dang about your personal feelings here Obama. We need help with lowering gas prices, creating economic jobs, putting universal health care in, and creating peace in the middle east and around the world.
You only have 3 years on the U.S. national stage. You don't know sh** and when you had the opportunity you disappeared on votes.
You are charismatic and a great speaker. But we need you to be a DOER of the word. Clinton does that for you and you need that.
United we stand, Divided we fall.
McCain is the Republican Nominee because they will likely win in nov-08. So don't get too big headed right now, work and stay humble.
You still have not been tested with Rezko, Larry Sinclair's claims of gay sex and drug use, your representatives conversation with Canada about not changing NAFTA, also threats on your life being that you are black. (Do you really think the emergency of 70+ nooses is not related to you and your wife becoming President & First Lady of the USA or AmeriKKKa?)
Your a lawyer, you should revel in competition. We advocate for a position, but we still act with professional courtesy to our opponents. You can't take things personally. That is life and politics.
Hillary is playing politics as usual. What I don't like is the fact that she wants the Black vote but only the Black vote. She will do nothing but continue NAFTA and several other programs that continue to put Americans out of work. I am not interested in another 4 or 8 years of Billary. She has lost and should take the high road and work to keep the party together and not give ammunition to the other party in their efforts to derail Barack. I don't know about you but I certainly don't want that "dirty old man", shaking his bottle of viagra pills at another femal page in the White House. Send the poor loser home.
As a Libertarian, I technically don't have a dog in this fight, but it does appear as though Hillary has gotten pretty desperate in the last couple of weeks.
And while I don't agree with his politics, I think Barack Obama would be a good representative of the Democratic Party for the presidency.
Beige World
The Bitch is back - Hillary Clinton.
Wow! Winning OH, RI and TX primaries. I guess Obama is not the Democratic nominee just yet.
let us not forget that during the Clinton years more young black men went to prison than ever before.
During the clinton years more black men went to prison, a lot of jobs were lost, the democrats lost control of congress, Bill lied to the country when he said " I did not have sexual relations with that woman".
Compare the Clinton incarceration rate to Bush, Jr.
Oops he just had folks executed like he did in Texas and more U.S. citizens killed like with 9/11 attacks, Iraq War and Katrina lack of rescue.
Comparing Clinton to this son of a b**** is not a comparison.
Death of blacks is greater than imprisonment, my brother.
Okay guys, I want to talk about this issue that has come up again regarding Obama's minister, Rev. Wright. Well this is the Clinton Camp trying to take the spotlight off of her and Geraldine Ferraro. Question, if they are going to persecute Obama for what his minister said, shouldn't Hillary be called a Pedophile because she is a member of the Catholic Church? Just a thought
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