Thursday, June 19, 2008

Conservative Talk-Show Host Assaults Michelle Obama

On the June 18, 2008 broadcast of MSNBCS's "Verdict with Dan Abrams," Conservative Talk-Show Host, Lars Larson, spoke of Michelle Obama as an ungrateful, lazy and un-fulfilled woman. Unfortunately, the host of the show, Dan Abrams, was unable to take control of the incident or reprimand his guest. Coincidentally, this would not be the first time Dan Abrams has refused to defend a Black Woman being verbally-assaulted on his show: . When would this madness stop?!!! Would Cindy McCain, Hillary Clinton or Laura Bush be treated the same way???!!!!! Black Women are being incessantly assailed by the rhetoric of Chauvinists, without any ramifications. It is incumbent upon us to do what is necessary to protect the integrity of our women:


Anonymous said...

All I can say is WOW....this can get very ugly!

May the Lord have mercy on their hateful souls.

Anonymous said...

This is some ol bullshit. I hate those racist motherfuckers.

Anonymous said...

Newsflash people these honkeys been racists, this isn't recent phenomenom that just sprang up. These crackers will always hate us as long as we draw air into our lungs. The question is are we ready as a people to do what needs to be done to stop this injustice.

Anonymous said...

Sir Ted, I don't think we can stop the injustice of someone having hate in their hearts. That's a personal matter; but I do agree that we must fight them by standing up for ourselves and coming up with our own news (like this website for starters and hopefully some on TV instead of BET, a complete waste)and other initiatives to uplift our people. Some of those whites living in their little bubble will never give us a fair shot at representation as long as they're the ones doing it. So, we definitely need an avenue to set the record straight "our perspective" bc i'm tired of this b.s.

Hawksta said...

I cannot believe the way the media has been portraying Michelle Obama. Michelle is a hardworking, intelligent, educated black woman. She is great role model for young women regardless of their race or background, and she should be celebrated as a poster child for the American Dream.

The media keeps attempting to demonize her for criticizing America. The truth is that America is not a great country for everyone. It is difficult to love someone or something that does not love you back. Cindy McCain probably does love America. However, I am sure she has never experienced racial profiling, lived in a community infested with drugs and violence, attended a disadvantaged school, or been denied opportunities because of her skin color. She will never be able to understand or relate to Michelle Obama's journey to where she is today. However, I don't think her privileged life makes her more qualified to be first lady.

Anonymous said...

Reverse HATE isn't the answer, though it's enough to make anyone's skin boil when you don't have the right channels to fight back. However, I don't want us to become every bit of as miserable and obsessed as they obviously must be bc in my eyes (though they are in some serious denial), those white racists who use their power in this way are the scum of God's earth, and they're purchasing their tickets to hell right now first class.

There's obviously a reason why they hate us so much. If you don't have any haters, then you have something to worry about. So, rise we mighty people.

Anonymous said...

They need to stop demonizing people with a viewpt different from their own. How can they relate to MO? How can they relate to any black person in our unique position in America (and not all black folks share the exact same perspective, though it may come as a surprise to many of them)? I say let MO speak for MO bc no one can tell her story better, and let black folk speak for black folk and shut up. If they would listen instead of using their shallow, arrogant, hate-filled, one-sided perspective to be so quick to judge and demonize folks, then they might just learn something and maybe race relations b/t whites and blacks could improve in this country if people would just start listening. God help us bc this crazy cycle has got to stop.

Anonymous said...

Fox News needs to leave Michelle Obama alone. They also need to be muted during this election. If Jeremiah Wright can't talk, then Fox News should not be allowed to air.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC has allowed sexist comments towards Senator Clinton. Trust me as I predicted. They knocked Clinton out with majority of sexist. Now, the Obamas will be knocked out with racism. At least they are fair in that regard. LOL!