Just within the past few days, I've been shocked and awed to no end; furthermore, to add insult to injury, major media isn't discussing these high levels of racism against Black women like they did with Rev. Wright. Oh, my bad, Blacks were to look like the racist in that instance and now when non-Blacks do it, it's just barely mentioned. As usual, NOW (National Association of Women) is MIA (missing in action). How about endorsing Barack Obama, NOW that Hillary is out?
Despite crucifying Michelle Obama for her obvious delight of being REALLY proud of America, 9-year-old Malia and 6-year-old Sasha have been labeled "Nappy Headed Hos" by a racist group of people who approved, created, built and leased office space to demagogue-like, so-called, artist Yazmany Arboleda, who developed a HATE exhibit called, "The Assasination of Barack Obama". 
The well-raised daughters of two highly educated, respected, and accomplished Black people have come VICTIM to being lumped into a group of women who have been misogynized to no end in hip hop music. It's time we face the facts. Rap crap music has devastated the Black family leading to the downfall of the Black community. Not even the most successful and powerful Black man's family in political history is immune to being labeled worthless by whoever deems it. Do you recall, the most hated President Bush ever being called "trailer park trash"? Not hardly because the claim would be off base-President George W. Bush is a warmonger as well as a failure as a President to be accurate. In lieu, to label little girls a derogatory term aimed at sex-aged promiscuous Black females, the phrase must NOW be used to describe ALL Black females, despite their age, background, integrity, personality, actions, or prestige.
Then I hear and see that Michelle Obama is being branded "Obama's Baby Mama" instead of Barack's wife. This wreckless slur solidifies the hatred, disrespect, and dismissal of Black women as human beings worthy of a successful Black man's love, matrimony, and commitment. Fox News' Michelle Malkin, a Philippino racist against anything non-White, labeled Mrs. Obama inaccurately, because a "Baby's Mama" isn't married to the father, and since the text on the screen reiterated Ms. Malkin's words, it proves malice, forethought, and apparent collaboration with a female producer by the name of Jessica Herzberg, the show's producer.

It's now fun to hurt Black women. Why not, it seems Black men do it all the time, so let's all jump in and rip out the hearts of Black women; after all, too many Black men are too psychologically twisted to realize that the disrespect, abandonment and dishonor they show to Black women will affect their own daughters, mothers and sisters--creating a hostile world for their own off springs, even if their children are bi-racial.
Actor/comedian Eddie Griffin has recently been slapped with a lawsuit because he didn't realize that by his own actions of putting down Black women, abandoning Black women, and going on the big screen praising non-Black women that his own MAMA would be so very disrespected he would get enraged to the point of physically assaulting a producer on his newly developed reality show. You see, they put Griffin's mother in a cheap cheesy hotel and then treated her as if she had no attributes to be respected. After all, she did raise him and must take some responsibility for his actions--the good AND the bad!
I wonder what will it take for us to learn and for Black men to take a stand and NEVER allow that stand to fall down, as with the Don Imus insult to a girl's basketball team calling them "Nappy Headed Hos" and Duane "Dog" Chapman racist rant against his White son's Black girlfriend calling her the "N" word. After a short-lived controversy, both of them got their shows back, and Imus even got a raise and a better time slot.
You see, the word prejudice (pre-judgment) needs to be re-introduced into everyday language as the most pervasive form of racism today--if one is disrespected, then all are subject to be put in the same category of some form of worthlessness.
The hatred of Black women is so vivid that Michelle Obama is being strung up once again. This time for something she didn't even say. Mrs. Obama is being accused of using the term "Whitey", which is supposed to be on some church tape somewhere, but, of course, the tape will soon come to a conservative talk radio or cable news show near you soon. Meanwhile, everyone hate her for the pretense that it MIGHT be true!
The most recent example of straight ignorance and weakness on behalf of Black men that relates to the pre-judgment of Black males, rap crap artist Lil Wayne has a photo of himself as a baby on his recent album cover with gang teardrops, tattoos, and other thug paraphernalia to promote his filthy degrading noise. The most disheartening part is the record company has went all out to saturate the marketplace with a thug baby meaning ALL Black males are criminals and menaces to society despite the age, once again!
Yes, yes, it is top-level record executives, not Black-owned companies, who green light these society destroying images for public consumption. Remember Motown's music of love and healing, featuring songs and lyrics like "Baby Baby Don't Cry", "My Guy", "Ain't No Woman Like the One I Got, "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch", "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" "Precious Love" and the sweetest of all, "My Girl". This music gave strength through togetherness. The above small list of songs, written, owned, distributed, and produced by Blacks, of the 1960's, bonded the Black race with love so strong, Blacks tore down the walls of segregation and created a whole new world with vast possibilities.
Today, too many of us are begging to be a part of our own downfall, raising our arms and hands up high, urging pick me pick me, I'll say the most despicable, degrading words if I could just have a few years of fame and fortune, paid to them by those who HATE Black progress.
Even Ashanti has sold her soul to the devil with her newest song urging for Black women to kill, stab, shoot Black men who cheat. I mean, damn, how low can we go?
Inspite of all of this, there is hope lying directly in front of Blacks. The glass ceiling may be shattered to pieces with the Obama's having the best odds of living in the White House as President and First Lady of the USA. Just know, the Obama's are only two people; Blacks must do the work to NEVER, EVER, EVER support ANYTHING that disrespects or dishonors anything Black, and that includes going in your child's room and destroying all that anger music that resonates like a prayer of pain and failure in your child's heart each and every time they hear it.
Too bad, Lil Wayne's album is slated to have the #1 best selling week of 2008. This time, maybe 70 percent of rap crap sales are White hip hoppers because judging by the above atrocities, it's fun and cool to judge Blacks in a bad light. By analyzing rap crap's dismal sales of 2007 and 2008, hip hop is truly a dying genre that should have been never been transformed and owned by non-Blacks. The most disheartening revelation is Blacks financed their own demise, and if Blacks can do that, then Blacks can contribute to their own growth and prosperity.
Pearl Jr. is an author, activist, journalist and producer. She is is a member of the National Academy of Media Arts & Sciences. She has authored three books, one documentary and has successfully ran four websites (award-winning) and serves as the founder and owner of Elbow Grease Productions (EGP) and Pearl Jr. Publications. She is best known for her work in the African-American community. She is a long-time activist. As an activist, Pearl Jr. has successfully challenged major corporations to respect the Black community, she has protested and forced major corporations such as Nissan Motors, Ebay, and the NAACP to change their ways to better represent a positive image for African-Americans. Pearl Jr. has also leads the charge consistently against negative rap music. She writes widely published articles such as, "The Rap Crap Treason Act" and "The Golddigger lie leads to Black Male Failure," which has awaken the sleepy giant in the hearts and minds of the Black public. She runs the websites: TRUtalk.us, MichaelJacksonInsider.com, and BlackWomenNeedLoveToo.com
This is a very interesting article. It is beyond time for us to take control of our own image, our own lives, and write our own stories. The old labels and packaging bull-- needs to be undone.
For some reason I just felt hope; I believe we will rise to the challenge.
No, of course rap music is not to blame for ALL of black folks problems (with the white establishment). Someone else's narrow, shallow, arrogant, and racist mindset is not our problem. Nonetheless, blacks do have an image problem in the mainstream media (criminal, sex lunatics, ghetto, etc), and unfortunately since the "negative" aspects of our communities gets overrepresented in the media, I do believe that it is a problem for us. But, I believe it is our responsibility, not theirs to fix that problem. I'm ready for us to stop worrying about whites and what they think of us (who gives a damn); I know it probably hurts us when it goes to getting a job or getting elected or something (like Barack), that type of negative imagery can hurt us. I think the solution though (for us to get our respect and for our multitude of voices to finally break through), we need to start funding our own news programs (like the 24-hour BNT (black news television) network set to air on cable tv next year, run by a black man (hopefully STRONG and INDEPENDENT, if you know what I mean), to get our own successful shows and music production companies and support one another so we can stop obsessing about how white folk who know nothing about us are representing us. If it wasn't this clear before, it is hella clear now that we MUST do this to take control of our own destinies. I hope u feel me. Peace, brotha.
The new-age music is definitely having a negative effect on our culture. I work in education and it hurts me to see how our young people are shaping their values according to what they see and hear on television. What happened to our black parents? One of the most disturbing things is the way young black men and women interact with each other. They talk to and treat each other with no respect. When I was younger, it was shameful to call a girl out of her name or to hit a young lady. Unfortunately, it is now cool to disrespect young women.
The conservative media feels like they do not have to respect black women either. I cannot believe the way they have been attacking Michelle Obama on Fox News. Where are all the feminist who were complaining about the way Hillary was treated by the media?
Michelle Obama is a hardworking, intelligent, educated black woman. She is great role model for young women regardless of their race or background, and she should be a poster child for the American Dream. They keep attempting to demonize her for criticizing America. The truth is that America is not a great country for everyone. It is difficult to love someone or something that does not love you back. Cindy McCain probably does love America. However, I am sure she has never experienced racial profiling, attended a poor disadvantaged school, or been denied opportunities because of her skin color. She will never be able to understand or relate to Michelle's journey to where she is today. However, I don't think her privileged life makes her any more qualified to be first lady.
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