Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hillary Needs to Go Away

It must be that people don't remember how crooked the Clintons were - are - that's leading people to vote for Hillary. They can't possibly remember the perennial scandals, malevolent legislation, or bad appointees. If they did, Hillary regaling over her supposed record (as First Lady / co-president in the 2-for-1 sale) wouldn't stand up.

Does anyone remember how badly she failed at Health Care Reform? That was her baby and people from her own party didn't support it. The whole affair was a disaster, a waste of money and actually succeeded at turning "Health Care Reform" into a bad word.

But "they" were very successful in passing NAFTA, the bill that has led to American jobs being deported and an entirely new, bigger wave of illegal immigration. They were also responsible for repealing the Glass-Steagall Act - a law that had been in place since The Great Depression, to regulate bank consolidations and behaviors. Academics, economists and anyone with a passing knowledge of financial history knows that this led to the current financial crisis. Likewise, Billary loosened the media conglomeration laws, which has led to shoddy news coverage and knee-jerk fear mongering; then the federal auditing laws that led to Enron and WorldCom. Gee, thanks.

Another of their successes was the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), passed in 1994 whose purpose is "To amend title 18, United States Code, to make clear a telecommunications carrier's duty to cooperate in the interception of communications for Law Enforcement purposes, and for other purposes." Is this what made it easy for Bush & Co. to commit unauthorized wiretapping on the nation? The prevailing thought is that the current administration is wantonly bending and breaking rules, but maybe they're just using rules that Bill & Hillary's group put in place.

Also, she's just as adept at cronyism as the Republicans. That's what Travelgate was all about. They fired people in the White House travel office in order to hire old pals. Each time Billary submitted recommendations for key admin positions, they were friends. Their Associate Attorney General was once Hillary's law partner, Web Hubbell. Down the road, he was convicted of mail fraud and tax evasion. Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood for Attorney General, Lani Guinier for the Civil Rights Commision. All three had to subsequently withdraw because of legal infractions, or in the case of Guinier, controversial rhetoric. Bill ultimately claimed ignorance of her philosophies, though they'd been friends for years.

OH, and then there was Craig Livingstone, another nail in the coffin of Bill's - ahem, Bill & Hillary's - administration. He was investigated for breaching security on something like 900 FBI files belonging to Clinton enemies. Does Filegate sound familiar? Hmmmm...'s Attorney General debacle! It was more work for the Whitewater Independent Council (fancy talk for Kenneth Starr), who found nothing definite on the two in crooked real estate deals through their Whitewater Development Corporation in the 70s and 80s. Everyone else involved was convicted, but the Clintons were somehow squeaky clean? Not likely. Hill narrowly escaped prosecution herself in the Whitewater scandal where she repeated, 'I do not recall," "I have no recollection," and "I don't know" 56 times under oath.

So it was David Hale, from the Whitewater mess, that almost single-handedly brought them down, because it was during that investigation that evidence of Monica Lewinsky started to pop up; which points to another trend: they certainly like to hang around criminals. It's very apparent that their acquaintances and former partners like to get convicted. Her brothers are shady. They have a strange habit of getting paid by people who were pardoned by Bill back in the 90s. (Later reports confirmed that they actually talked to Bill about gaining those pardons.) To boot, her youngest brother Anthony Rodham stiffed his former wife, Nicole Boxer, out of $75,000 in child support, as well as $55,000 in alimony back in 2007. Even her daughter seems to be following in those footsteps. Her possible future father-in-law Edward Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 charges of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud. Their six degrees chart is all screwed up.

Now, Peter F. Paul (another ex-con!) is trying to show people how dirty Billary is, in a YouTube video detailing the cliff notes of a California law suit against them for campaign fundraising fraud.

It's time that everyone remembers who the Clintons were, who they are; and more importantly, it's time to tell Hillary to sit down and shut up. We don't need anymore Clinton-Bush-style politics effin up the country.

Madeline Hatter is a freelance writer and author of the 2004 novel, Lookin' in the Mirror, which is set for re-release in second edition later this year.


Anonymous said...

From Blacks4Barack...Regarding NEW STRATEGY !
CALL TODAY !!! Stress THE FACTS to DNC & SuperDelegates !(FACT IS: Clinton Has Lost ENTIRE BLACK VOTE !)

It is absolutely amazing how the media is spinning the Clinton victory in Pennsylvania.....regardless of the facts. First of all, although she was leading in the polls by over 22%, she won by 9.4%....not 'double digits' which sounds so much more like a blowout. Secondly, unless Hillary wins every remaining primary by 76% or more, it is absolutley mathematically impossible for her to catch Obama in the pledged delegate count. That's just a fact. Obama is leading in delegate count, number of states won and popular vote, even though now she has convinced some in the media to count the votes in Michigan and Florida to claim a lead in popular vote, although the fact is.....those states don't count.

While the media is dissecting the demographics, for some reason they keep leaving one verrrrry important statistic out of their breakdown. The Major Fact Is.....BILLARY HAS ALIENATED AND LOST THE ENTIRE BLACK VOTE ! Where's THAT fact ? And they have the gall to think that they can claim her to be more electable to superdelegates.......with close to zero black support......ARE THEY NUTS ???????? Hillary Clinton is the first democratic presidential nominee in modern day history to lose the entire black vote ! That, too, is a fact !


It is time for EVERYONE to contact the DNC and every superdelegate that we can trace and remind them that due to her own actions HILLARY HAS LOST THE ENTIRE BLACK VOTE ! How in the world could she and Bill have the nerve to claim more electabilty when they have lost an entire race of people....the very group that the Democratic Party has always been able to count on.



Call The DNC TODAY at 202-863-8000 or contact them at

This is in no way meant to be racial. We are all in this together....blacks, whites, young, old, rich and poor......working together for a better America. But the fact that Hillary Clinton (wife of 'The First Black President', who started this campaign with 82% of the black support)has lost the support of an entire race of not only pitiful.....but should be made....a very well known FACT !

(A Multi-Racial Organization...Dedicated To Truth !)


Anonymous said...

Don't forget that
Rush Limbaugh has had people (Republicans) in Ohio and Pennslyvania vote for Shrillary because she will be easier to beat in the election. Also that the 10 million dollars that Bill and Shrill donated to charity on their election returns went to their favorite charity--The Bill Clinton Library. They are crooks and liars.

Unknown said...

Great article. Hopefully, this will reach the eyes and have them opened.