Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Talking Heads Missed The Point

A note from a friend:

Rosemary Farmer

I think the Talking Heads and pundits missed the whole point of Hillary's speech. They all say that she endorsed Obama, yes she did, but not without some diggs, if you listen closely.

Clinton is still trying to parse and divide the electorate up into women are the victims here, since she lost her bid to be the nominee. Since when did the situation this country finds itself in today by the Bush Administration and a Republican dominated Congress, just become about only women? That is the whole point Clinton refuses to admit. This Election is about the SOUL of the Country; the last time I looked, that included everyone, NOT just women.

Women have made great strides in this country, and will continue to make then with Democrats in the White House and Congress in the majority. So for Clinton to still insist that it is all about her and womenʼs feelings is totally disingenuous. Yes, I said it and I am an older woman. This election is about the country and our standing in the world and taking back the leadership role we had in the world to actually make it a better place for the world. From, Clinton's view it is still about how the press treated me because I am a woman.


Since she was playing in a Man's arena, conceding and offering congratulations to your opponent is being a good sport. She proved that she cannot be even responsible in that capacity. So to think she should be President is over stretching the truth. In fact the press all but anointed her from the very beginning and in certain words told everyone else to get out, especially young Freshman Senator Barack Obama, that he was wasting his time.


The truth is, I feel there is a woman out there waiting in the wings, if not already in the pipeline who will be President--and she will not go whining about Sexism, the press is beating up on me, and more than likely, she will not have an ex-President for a husband who will act like a bull in a china shop and insult all of the other candidates. Clinton, herself showed little respect for Sen. Obama, where he was always complimentary of her at every turn.


Was that favor returned? no. So this idea that she needs to be treated special because she is a woman that she and her supporters believe is true, does not show she is ready to be prime time. As a matter of fact, because she was the spouse of a President has gotten her farther than she really should have come if it she was just plain old Hillary Clinton. In others words, she got starting gate privileges that the next serious woman candidate will not get.


Come on Folks, a whole week to concede and endorse . . .!!

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